英语人>词典>汉英 : 容许估计 的英文翻译,例句
容许估计 的英文翻译、例句


tolerance estimation
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In this paper, we study characterizations of admissible in the general linear model Y, Xβ,ε|ε~(0,σ~2∑. We demonstrate that an admissible linear estimator is as the conditional generalized ridge-type estimation in the no constraint, equality constraint, inequality constraint general linear model. We study the superiority of this conditional generalized ridge-type estimation, and prove that it is superior to the restricted best linear unbiased estimator in terms of mean squares. We also give the choice of the matrix K.


We first state general linear model, ridge-type estimator and general ridge-type estimator, and the constraint biased estimator. And then, we introduce some basic theory about matrix and some conclusion about the admissibility of estimator in Gauss-Markov model. In the third chapter, we discussion several equivalent characterization of the best linear unbiased estimation, we proved that admissible characterization of admissible of linear estimation is as conditional general ridge-type estimation in general linear model. A necessary and sufficient condition that homogeneous linear estimator is admissible estimator is obtained.


And then some ellipses that AUGR estimator is better than the OLS estimator and AUGL estimator is better than the OLS estimator are given, respectively.Second, the definition of the almost unbiased unified biased estimator is proposed. This definition includes the familiar almost unbiased estimators in literatures, and it is the unified expression of the familiar almost unbiased estimators. Followed the biased and variance are compared of AUUB estimator and the unified biased estimator, respectively. AUUB estimator has smaller bias than UB estimator and the variance of AUUB estimator is between the variance of UB estimator and 4 times of the variance of UB estimator. Finally the properties of AUUB estimator are discussed. The conclusion is gained that there are parameters made AUUB estimator is better than OLS estimator in terms of their mean square error. The sufficient and necessary condition that AUUB estimator is admissible is given. The ellipse is given that AUUB estimator is


The Minimax admissibility of linear estimates with respect to restricted multivariate regression coefficient under matrix loss function is considered.

在矩阵损失下给出了带约束的多元回归系数线性估计在线性估计类中是 Minimax可容许估计的充要条件。

In the fourth chapter, we discussion the characterization of admissible in the general linear model under equality constraint and inequality constraint, we give the necessary and sufficient condition that homogeneous linear estimator is admissible estimator, and by using the relationship between homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear estimator, we obtain the characterization of admissible inhomogeneous linear estimator.


Combining NA samples the EB estimation with convergence rates is also obtained; Thirdly, for one-parameter exponential distribution family, we give the parameters' EB estimator that is admissible and asymptotically optimal with convergence rates. Finally, Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian approaches are applied to analyze the reliability performances for series system with cold standby units and the numerical simulation results show that multiple Bayes estimator is superior to Bayes estimator.


On the base, using the knowledge about matrix operations, we study the admissibility of parameter estimators in multilinear model and growth curve model.


And the corresponding sufficient condition can be got with respect to classΓ prior distribution in restricted space.


Second,a new estimator called generalized rootpower estimator of regression coefficients in growth curve model is obtained.For the newestimator,its superiority over the LS estimator and the root power estimator,and its admissibilityare proved.Two methods,two kinds of arithmetic of choosing the generalized root powerparameters are introduced.A demonstrative practical example is provided.


Using the result for non-restricted model, we transform the restricted model to common model, and multi collectivity model to single collectivity model, thus, the necessary and sufficient conditions that nonhomogeneous linear estimators for Sβ are admissible in the class of nonhomogeneous linear estimators are obtained which filled the blank for admissibility for restricted linear model.


更多网络解释与容许估计相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

admissible test:容許性測驗

Admissible estimator 可容估计式 | Admissible test 容许性测验 | Admissible transformations 可容转换

allow for:考虑到,估计到;体谅

all too 太 | allow for 考虑到,估计到;体谅 | allow of 容许(有...),容得

allow of:容许(有...),容得

allow for 考虑到,估计到;体谅 | allow of 容许(有...),容得 | along with 同...一道(一起)


对截距项系数和各斜率项系数,给出了自由度(DF),估计值(Estimate),估计的标准误差(Std Error),检验系数为零的t统计量,t统计量的p值,检验共线性的容许度(Tolerance)和方差膨胀因子(Var Inflation).

tolerance estimation:容许估计

容许 tolerance | 容许分布 tolerance distribution | 容许估计 tolerance estimation

tolerance factor:容许因子

tolerance estimation 容许估计 | tolerance factor 容许因子 | tolerance level 耐受水平