英语人>词典>汉英 : 容易被吸收的 的英文翻译,例句
容易被吸收的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与容易被吸收的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Efficiency:It uses Zhu Ji pearl fresh water and hydrolyzes into power,which maintains effective ingredient to the further extend.It can provide abundant water to skin,and its butterfat,vitamin and minerals can be easily absorbed by your skin.


For the complexes studied, the lower the conditional stability constant showed the faster absorption o...


Neuropathic or degenerative joints with hyperemic or inflamed synovium are particularly prone to the development of loose bodies but they also tend to rapidly reabsorb them.


Neuropathic or degeneratie joints with hyperemic or inflamed synoium are particularly prone to the deelopment of loose bodies, but they also tend to rapidly reabsorb them.


By Mark Roberti June 21, 2004—Companies that manufacture products that are made of—or packaged in—materials that are not "RF friendly" are concerned about how they are going to meet mandates from retailers.


Rice soup bubble can not milk, because the starch in rice soup that contains the high-phosphorus, phosphorus and easy to be absorbed, immature kidneys can not emit excessive phosphorus, making plasma phosphorus content is too high, making calcium can not be calm in the bone, the cause because of hypocalcemia tetany and early emergence of rickets.


Animal's Liver and kidney, poultry, eggs and cereals and other foods are rich in iron, and the animals ferriferous iron is easier to absord than plants', and vitamin C also is helpful to promote the absorption of iron.


Nutritions in the soup can be absorbed by human body more easily and weight-carefree.


The iron in blue-green algae has been found to be easily absorbed by the digestive system , unlike the iron found in spinach and various other plant sources .


The iron in blue-green algae has been found to be easily absorbed by the digestive system, unlike the iron found in spinach and various other plant sources.


更多网络解释与容易被吸收的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorbable:可吸收的, 容易被吸收的

absorbability | 吸收, 可吸收性 | absorbable | 可吸收的, 容易被吸收的 | absorbance index | 吸收系数


(3)肝脏分泌的消化液储存在胆囊(gall bladder),胆汁(bile)是黄绿色而味道很苦的液体. 它具有调节胃部送下来的食物碎酱的酸碱度回复成中性的功用. 它也是一种界面活性剂(surfactant)能促使脂肪更容易被肠壁吸收.

agravate the traffic jams and worsen the crowdedness:恶化交通

38 be easily taken in by很容易....被吸收/吸引/接收/欺... | 39 agravate the traffic jams and worsen the crowdedness恶化交通 | 40 will pay a high price for this negative development of将对..的负面发展付出...

diffusive equilibrium:扩散平衡

这种情形称为扩散平衡(Diffusive Equilibrium ). 另一方面, 在越高层的地方,因为空气越稀薄,太阳辐射被气体分子吸收的越少,而 强度越强,分子容易被光化(Photodissociation )成原子形式. 尤其是 O2被超紫外线光化为 O. 这种现象在较低层也会发生,

Ferrous Sulfate:硫酸铁

许多营养专家仍鼓励怀孕妇女适度的补充铁剂以防不足,但是铁剂的人体吸收度皆远不如天然食物中的铁,为确保补充足够的铁质,孕妇每天不妨补充15毫克的铁剂并配合饮食中的自然摄取,较容易被吸收的铁剂是硫酸铁(Ferrous Sulfate)及鳌合铁(与胺基酸鳌合),


当骤雨来临时,红土层如无森林的保护及吸收,则大部分的雨水将成为表面迳流(runoff),顺著山坡向下游流走. 而砾石层如无森林的保护而裸露在外时,则对於雨水的侵蚀就毫无抵抗之力了,未固结的砂粒很容易被雨滴直接冲击而跳失,


更容易被人体吸收,散发着独特诱惑的香味,口感...摘要: 块菌(truffle)在欧洲被称作"黑色的金刚石"富含17种氨基酸、8种维生素、适量的蛋白质、以及雄性酮、甾醇、鞘脂、脂肪酸、氨基酸及微量元素等50余种生理活性成分.




由于细支管管壁薄,炎症容易扩展累及周围的肺间质和肺泡,形成细支气管周围炎(peribronchiolitis). 如病变并不广泛,且其损伤程度不重,炎症消退后,渗出物被吸收或咳出而愈复. 少数患者可因管壁的瘢痕修复,管腔内渗出物发生机化,使细支气管阻塞,

Almond Kernel Oil ):杏核仁油

杏核仁油 ( Almond Kernel Oil ) 呈淡黄色及清爽的质地,富含维他命和矿物质,因为很容易被吸收,是一种很清爽的按摩油. 适合所有的肌肤,尤其敏感性或干性肌肤,可以保湿和改善肤质. 对脸部保养是很好的一种油,也适合用来调配身体油或乳液.