英语人>词典>汉英 : 家庭 的英文翻译,例句
家庭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
families  ·  family  ·  fireside  ·  hearthside  ·  hearthstone  ·  house  ·  household  ·  menage  ·  houses

更多网络例句与家庭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That domestic violence is not only a family with all the elements of the micro-and the overall social environment in particular with the cultural, moral sense, therefore, to prevent domestic violence from various areas, the analysis of causes of domestic violence, make the corresponding preventive measures, for the legislature to develop and improve the law on domestic violence prevention theoretical basis for the rule of Vigilante effective measures to combat and eventually eliminate domestic violence.


Both the spousal transmission and mothertochild transmission resulted in higher intrafamilial transmission rate (47.8%[32/67] for familial transmission,40.9% [27/66] for MTCT,and 16.5% [19/115] for spousal transmission).Intrafamilial transmission rates of HIV by wife and husband carriers were 38.5%(37/96) and 9.5%(2/21),respectively.The intrafamilial transmission rate was higher in familes with younger wife infector and long time existense of spousal transmission risk factor.The MTCT was not influenced by the time of MTCT factor existence.


Regarding to the decomposition of redistributive effect in household financing, it showed that the inequity of household financing was, on the one hand, represented by the regressiveness of the financial system, namely vertical inequity, which accounted for 42%, and on the other hand, horizontal inequity accounted for 58% of the total inequity.


From the view of Criminology and Victimology the author study female family violence offense and firstly definite concepts of female family violence offense and family violence, then analyze the situation, characteristics and harm of female family violence offense, based on


This thesis is composed of four sections. Section 1 gives an overview of theories about elderly security. It involves the demand of the aged, the concept, content, influential factors of family elderly support, the concept, content, type, model and economic effect of public pension, theories searched from the study of Chinese elderly security. Section 2 introduces the history of family elderly support, analyses the reasons of the existence of it, expatiates on the factors that weaken the function of it, such as modernization of agriculture, population aging, family miniaturization, urbanization etc. section 3 introduces the history of the social old-age insurance in Chinese rural areas, analyses its impendency from the aspects of social stabilization, the rights and interests of the peasants, rural employment. Section 4 is the most important part of the thesis. It first refers to foreign practical experiences on rural elderly security, then demonstrates the elderly support at home which combines family elderly support and social elderly support, especially analyses the public pension.


Commencing from the actual inquisition and aiming at the reality of teenager's crime, the writer puts forward the following counterplots to reslove this problem---the improvement of the family environment ;the exaltation of parents' character; raising the teenager's self-character; making the family structure better; raisig the quality of the family marriage ;altering the conception of family,marriage, morals, ethics and so on; improving the economic function of family; making the spirit function of family healthiness; strengthening the function of home education etc.


Commencing from the actual inquisition and aiming at the reality of teenager's crime, the writer puts forward the following counterplots to reslove this problem---the improvement of the family environment ;the exaltation of parents' character; raising the teenager's self-character; making the family structure better; raisig the quality of the family marriage ;altering the conception of family,marriage, morals, ethics and so on; improving the economic function of family; making the spirit function of family healthiness; strengthening the function of home educatio


In order to comprehensively grasps the relation between employment and matrital crisis ,we inspect each family from following six aspects: life situation of family, family structure and marital status before egresses the employment, the reason of egresses the employment and employment situation,the change performance of marital relations , personally adopts measure, the result of marital crisis change, influence to family member.


The fourth part is the core content in this article, in which the writer introduced the counter-domestic violences legislation content as well as the legal problem needed to solve The author has carried on the following exploration to it: First, the author believed that, legislation of the domestic violence must bear the brunt be clear about the limitative definition and the scope of domestic violence. Second, the consummation about legal intervention mechanism of family violence is seriously necessary, so the author introduce some valuable experience about oversea counter-domestic abuse method here, in judicial intervention there are the civil protection command, the appeal system, the judicial correcting and punishment system, the evidence system, and the establishment with special domestic violence court and so on. All are the effective sharp weapon to preventing and controlling domestic violence.


Therefore, the following are the issues that the present paper intends to explore: what would happen to one's enculturation if the"break"occurs, what impacts that the"break"would have on the process, and what would result in for the man in his real life. The present thesis, reports the results of a comparative study on the issues between the enculturation of the Uygur children of the SOS of Urumqi and the enculturation of the rural Uygur families of Zanggui Town, Pichan County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, based on the ethnographic data obtained from the author's field work.


更多网络解释与家庭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

close-knit family:家庭关系紧密,观念强,常联系的家庭

bi-racial family 国际家庭 | close-knit family 家庭关系紧密,观念强,常联系的家庭 | dysfunctional family 家庭功能不健全,问题多多家庭

companionship family:友爱家庭

因此家庭教育要强显然传统社会重视的家庭的稳固与团结及相伴而生之家庭主义对现代人已不再具有太强的约束力,家庭由制度家庭(institutional family)逐渐走向友爱家庭(companionship family)已经成为必然趋势.

dysfunctional family:家庭功能不健全,问题多多家庭

close-knit family 家庭关系紧密,观念强,常联系的家庭 | dysfunctional family 家庭功能不健全,问题多多家庭 | Hands-off 放手

extended family:扩大家庭

扩大家庭n 扩大家庭(extended family),指的是指由血缘关系联系起来的在核心家庭扩大的基础上形成的家庭. 扩大家庭是通过不同形式由核心家庭改建而成的,所以扩大家庭往往又被称为扩大的核心家庭. n 扩大家庭包括四种基本形式:n 包括一对夫妻及其子女和夫的父母(男系继嗣,

extended family:扩展家庭

家庭的家人关系组成较之往昔单纯,男女婚后偏向另组家庭,核心家庭(nuclear family)渐增,本干家庭(stem family)及扩展家庭(extended family)渐减;生育率下降,家庭子女数也越来越少.

family life cycle:家庭生命周期

家庭生命周期(family life cycle)是研究婚姻与家庭的一个重要概念. 家庭本无生命,组织家庭的成员赋予它生命. 在家庭中,家人的关系是互动的动态系统,不是固定不变,它随时都在改变与调整,因此,家庭也像个人一样,具有发展性,个人的一生自出生到死亡,


Excitable 冲动 | Family-Oriented 面向家庭(倾向于家庭家庭为先的意思?) | Flirty 轻浮的

Family Handy Man:(家庭佣人)家庭佣人

Farm Journal (农业期刊)农业期刊 | Family Handy Man(家庭佣人)家庭佣人 | Family Circle(家庭圈)家庭

nuclear family:核心家庭

核心提示:在中国,"核心家庭"( Nuclear family)这个称谓对大多数人来说还是陌生的,我们更愿意用"标准家庭"或"基本家庭"来表达我们对此的认识,这样的家庭由一对夫妇组成, 通常是包括父母及未婚子女为一个单位,目前,中国的核心家庭还可能包括上一辈人,

home visiting:家庭访视

欧美国家称"家庭访视"(home visiting)是指护理人员和家庭家庭成员有目的地进行互动,以促进和维持家庭成员的健康. 日本称访问看护为护士走向社会、家庭从事照顾病人的工作. 中国较普通地称为社区护理,把家庭护理包含在其中即提供护理于个体、家庭或团体,