英语人>词典>汉英 : 宣布非法 的英文翻译,例句
宣布非法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与宣布非法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Onderdonk, was suspended from his office on a charge of drunkenness, the real reason being his sympathy with High Churchmen; and his dispossession was so unjust that it was declared by the famous legal authority, Horace Binney, to be absolutely illegal.

主教76人,博士德东克被停职从他的办公室一负责人醉酒,真正的原因是他的同情与高牧师和他的占有权是如此不公正的,它被宣布由著名法律权威,贺拉斯binney ,绝对非法的。

R McDowell declared that the terminals are illegal, and warned that they would be seized from any bookie who installs them.


Four months later, in a ceremony conducted by the outlawed Roman Catholic church, Danton married the 16-year-old nanny of his children.


Saudi jurisprudence has erred, they say, by confusing conservative tribal custom with the rules of sharia , thus lumping the innocent mingling of the sexes with the true sin of khulwa , meaning an unmarried, unrelated couple's "seclusion" in a setting that could tempt devilishness.

几个月前,包括司法大臣和麦加地区的宗教警察首脑在内的宗教官员们宣布,伊斯兰法律并没有禁止 ikhtilat 这个现代术语。他们表示,沙特的法律体系犯了错误,把伊斯兰教教律规定与保守的部落习俗相混淆,从而把无罪的异性接触与有罪的"异性非法同处"混为一谈。

Iv It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't formulate, sigh, issue, or enforce any orders, laws, provisions, legislations, executory orders, prohibitions, break-offs, ordinances, or orders of detain to limit or ban the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement; It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't institute or threaten to institute legal proceedings , sues, investigations or legal procedures to restrict or prohibit the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement.

iv 任何具有管辖权的法院或任何国家机构未制定、签发、颁布或强制执行任何命令、法律、规定、法规、执行令、禁令、中止、法令或扣留令,以限制或禁止完成本协议拟定之交易、或宣布本协议拟定之交易的完成为非法的;任何对有关事宜具有管辖权的国家机构未提起或威胁将提起任何诉讼、起诉、调查或法律程序,以限制或禁止进行本协议拟定之交易、或宣布进行本协议拟定之交易为非法

However, I don't agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals.


A member of the now illegal Magyar Garda, Jobbik's uniformed wing, was found to have starred in a lesbian pornographic film.


Any court or agency of the jurisdiction fails to formulate or issue or publishe or enforce orders, laws, regulations, codes, writ of execution, prohibition, suspensions, decrees or detention orders to restrict or prohibit the the agreements'transaction from implementing , or announce the completion of the transactions is illegal; any organ of state of the country having jurisdiction to related issues have not present or threat any procedures being bring an lawsuits, accusation, investigations to restrict or prohibit the implementation of the agreements' transaction, or announce the completion of the transactions illegal.


Abbas issued decrees Sunday annulling a law requiring the new government to be approved by parliament, which is dominated by Hamas, and outlawing the Islamic group's militias.


Italy declared a national state of emergency Friday. The decision was prompted by a continuing arrival of illegal immigrants in ramshackle boats run by human smugglers on the Italian island of Lampedusa.


更多网络解释与宣布非法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1965年,马可仕(Marcos)上台,由於当时菲律宾犯罪率高、社会风气腐败,非法枪枝充斥,马可仕於是在1972年宣布戒严,以强硬手腕治国. 他的魄力使菲律宾的社会环境在短期间就有显著的改善,外交以及外贸上也有了新的发展. 1981年,废除戒严,

outlawry:宣布非法, 非法化, 放逐

stonite 人造花岗石 | outlawry 宣布非法, 非法化, 放逐 | posteriorly 其次地, 后来地

posteriorly:其次地, 后来地

outlawry 宣布非法, 非法化, 放逐 | posteriorly 其次地, 后来地 | aeroelastic distribution 气动力弹性分布

be outlawed:被宣布为非法

be or go away on official business 出差 | be outlawed 被宣布为非法 | be outside the law 不合法

be outlawed; be declared illegal:被宣布为非法

被视为be deemed as | 被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal | 比较法comparative law

Black Panthers:活跃于六十年代的黑人激进组织,后被美国当局宣布非法

SDS: Student Democratic Society,活跃于六十年代的美国学生民主协会 | Black Panthers: 活跃于六十年代的黑人激进组织,后被美国当局宣布非法. | hassle: 争执