英语人>词典>汉英 : 宣布中止 的英文翻译,例句
宣布中止 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与宣布中止相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On cue, ABN Amro announced last week that it would cut back its investment banking in America.


In mid-February the government issued a moratorium on the development of GM aubergine (Bt Brinjal, as it is known locally), despite a ruling last year by an official scientific advisory body in favour of the technology.

印度最近也开展了一场转基因食品大战。2月中旬,印度政府宣布暂时中止转基因茄子(当地叫做Bt Brinja)的开发,不顾去年官方科学顾问团支持该技术的裁定。

On Wednesday the Justice Department announced it had to close an investigation into the NSAs domestic spy program because the NSA had refused to grant investigators security clearances.


Iv It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't formulate, sigh, issue, or enforce any orders, laws, provisions, legislations, executory orders, prohibitions, break-offs, ordinances, or orders of detain to limit or ban the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement; It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't institute or threaten to institute legal proceedings , sues, investigations or legal procedures to restrict or prohibit the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement.

iv 任何具有管辖权的法院或任何国家机构未制定、签发、颁布或强制执行任何命令、法律、规定、法规、执行令、禁令、中止、法令或扣留令,以限制或禁止完成本协议拟定之交易、或宣布本协议拟定之交易的完成为非法的;任何对有关事宜具有管辖权的国家机构未提起或威胁将提起任何诉讼、起诉、调查或法律程序,以限制或禁止进行本协议拟定之交易、或宣布进行本协议拟定之交易为非法

Any court or agency of the jurisdiction fails to formulate or issue or publishe or enforce orders, laws, regulations, codes, writ of execution, prohibition, suspensions, decrees or detention orders to restrict or prohibit the the agreements'transaction from implementing , or announce the completion of the transactions is illegal; any organ of state of the country having jurisdiction to related issues have not present or threat any procedures being bring an lawsuits, accusation, investigations to restrict or prohibit the implementation of the agreements' transaction, or announce the completion of the transactions illegal.


In 1204 the Pope suspended the authority of the bishops in the south of France, appointing papal legates.


The approbation which it announces of my conduct in the preceding term affords me a consolation which I shall profoundly feel through life. The general accord with which it has been expressed adds to the great and never-ceasing obligations which it imposes.


This project was looking very certain until the government announced the end of the south of England weighting subsidy, so requiring West Sussex county council to trim its spending.


更多网络解释与宣布中止相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[13]:触击球(Bunt) 不挥动球棒但有意等球碰棒或使棒轻触来球,使球缓慢地滚入内场的击球叫"触击球". [14]:中止比赛(Called Game) 不论任何理由而由主裁判员宣布中止的比赛叫"中止比赛".


陈水扁宣布"终统"前的最后一周,美国和台湾当局"努力在文字上推敲",重点是如何避免使用"废除"(abolish)字眼,以回避违背"四不一没有"承诺的问题. 双方提到的有"冻结"(freeze)、"中止"(suspend)、"终止"(cease)、"停止"(discontinue)等.


陈水扁宣布"终统"前的最后一周,美国和台湾当局"努力在文字上推敲",重点是如何避免使用"废除"(abolish)字眼,以回避违背"四不一没有"承诺的问题. 双方提到的有"冻结"(freeze)、"中止"(suspend)、"终止"(cease)、"停止"(discontinue)等.

Civil liberties:公民自由

我们需要进一步考虑的并不是那些通过中止人身保护状(habeas corpus)或宣布戒严状态(a state of siege)以暂时取消某些公民自由(civil liberties)的必要性问题,而是 个人或群体的特定权利偶尔因公共利益而须加以干预的某些条件.毋庸置疑的是,