英语人>词典>汉英 : 客店 的英文翻译,例句
客店 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
serai  ·  serais

更多网络例句与客店相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next day,I went to the Admiral Benbow and said goodbye to my mother.


Walking in the little Bu-Gzan-Si street ,he found a hotel named high-ascen d , unload the baggage,pay car price and wine tips,having some supper randomly then went to sleep.


You're at the Admiral Benbow inn, Black Hill Cove, my good man,'I said.


I recognized him as the man with only three fingers on his left hand—the one who had come to the Admiral Benbow!


We took my mother to a house in the villag, then went back to the Admiral Benbow. Inside, everything was smashed and broken.


Some mountebanks from Paris had obtained permission of the mayor to erect their booths in the principal street of the village, a band of itinerant merchants, under protection of the same tolerance, had constructed their stalls on the Church Square, even extended them into Boulanger Alley, where, as the reader will perhaps remember, the Thenardiers' hostelry was situated.

从巴黎来了几个耍把戏的人,他们得了乡长先生的许可,在村里的大街上搭起了板棚,同时 ssb§bww.com 还有一帮走江湖的商贩,也得到同样的通融,在那礼拜堂前面的空坪上搭了一些8 tt t8.com 临时铺面,并且一直延伸到面包师巷里,我们 sSBbWw 也许 ssbbww.Com 还记得,德纳第的客店正是在那条巷子里。

I believe that naturalists call this bird Caracara Polyborus; it belongs to the order of the Apicides, and to the family of the vultures.


In order to play the part of a faithful historian, we ought even to add that, among the curiosities displayed in the square, there was a menagerie, in which frightful clowns, clad in rags and coming no one knew whence, exhibited to the peasants of Montfermeil in 1823 one of those horrible Brazilian vultures, such as our Royal Museum did not possess until 1845, and which have a tricolored cockade for an eye.


It is not cowardliness and gluttony that have made me what I am.


He dash away to return to hotel, spending a nightwork man, play just now of the song ——《 moonlight song 》 recorded down.


更多网络解释与客店相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sultanhani Caravanserai:苏坦哈尼商队客店

阿勒丁清真寺 Alaeddin Camii/175 | 苏坦哈尼商队客店 Sultanhani Caravanserai/176 | 穆斯坛绥尔经学院 Mustansiriya Madrasa/177



There came at nightfall to that hostelry:在那天傍晚有二十九位旅客

To Canterbury, full devout at heart, 專程去坎特伯里那地方朝聖 | There came at nightfall to that hostelry 在那天傍晚有二十九位旅客 | Some nine and twenty in a company 來到了這客店他們形形色色


imam 阿訇 | imamate 伊斯兰教领土 | imaret 小客店


imamate 伊斯兰教领土 | imaret 小客店 | imbalance 不平衡

posada f:客店

sierra f. 山峦 404 120 | posada f. 客店 404 120 | guardia m. 哨兵 404 120


(注)贵格派(Quaker)即从战栗或震动(Quaker)一字引申出来的. 再往前行,我被感动往柏味力 (Beverley) 的尖头屋子去,那是颇有名气的一所「礼拜堂」. 我抵达那地方时因遇雨身上尽湿,所以先投客店,刚走到客店门口,一个年青的妇女迎将出来,


serac 冰塔 | seraglio 宫殿闺房 | serai 客店


seraglio 宫殿闺房 | serai 客店 | seral 演替系列

Shade in this inn:借這客店

但得借這 Yet to shade in this-- | 借這客店 Shade in this inn, | 暫且安身己 awhile me dwells.