英语人>词典>汉英 : 审判 的英文翻译,例句
审判 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adjudgment  ·  judgement  ·  justice  ·  trial  ·  try  ·  tries  ·  judgements  ·  judgments  ·  trials  ·  adjudgement

更多网络例句与审判相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It substantially concerns arraignment between investigation power and pubic prosecution power in state.


Krino {kree'-no} perhaps a primitive word; TDNT - 3:921,469; v AV - judge 88, determine 7, condemn 5, go to law 2, call in question 2, esteem 2, misc 8; 114 1 to separate, put asunder, to pick out, select, choose 2 to approve, esteem, to prefer 3 to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion 4 to determine, resolve, decree 5 to judge 5a to pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong 5a1 to be judged, i.e. summoned to trial that one's case may be examined and judgment passed upon it 5b to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure 5b1 of those who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment on the deeds and words of others 6 to rule, govern 6a to preside over with the power of giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative of kings and rulers to pass judgment 7 to contend together, of warriors and combatants 7a to dispute 7b in a forensic sense 7b1 to go to law, have suit at law

相关经文回前一页 2919 krino {kree'-no}可能是一个基本字; TDNT - 3:921,469;动词 AV - judge 88, determine 7, condemn 5, go to law 2, call in question 2, esteem 2, misc 8; 114 1 分别,分开,取出,选取,选择 2 赞许,尊崇,宁愿 3 有意见,认为,认作是 4 决断,决定,判决,颁布命令 5 审判 5a 对是非发表意见 5a1 被审判,亦即被传唤受审,其个案可能要被审理并接受判决 5b 判决,指责 5b1 指参与审判之人,或有关日常生活事件的仲裁者,或对他人的言行作审判者 6 管理,统治 6a 主持法律上的决定,审事断理是国王或统治者的特权 7 指武士和战士等的争斗竞争 7a 争执,争斗 7b 在法律上而言 7b1 诉诸法律,兴讼

The second part analyzed operation of collegiate bench and judicial committee, and their impact on judicial independence.


What is the meaning of Domesday Book , Domesday Book Translation, Doomsday Book , explained that what is Doomsday Book , Hand dictionary explanation: mo4 ri4 shen3 pan4 shu1 Domesd.

末日审判书是什么意思,末日审判书翻译,末日审判书解释,什么是末日审判书,汉德辞典解释:mo4 ri4 shen3 pan4 shu1 Domesd。

After many years of judicial practice and systematic training, a contingent has been formed of highly competent IPR judges who speak foreign languages, and have an intimate knowledge of the law, rich judicial experience and expertise in science and technology.


Usually, with my 3.4 speed 2hander, I can get a 2 or 3 stack before second Judgement (I usually put op a JotC or JoW when heading into a fight), then have the full 5 stack by third.


The legislation on the procedure of trial can help every party exerting his function and make sure the adjudgement department using their judicial power properly,carrying out the policy of "wheen and scrupulous killing" earnestly.


The Management Information System of Judgement will play an important role injudicial practice, e.g.


In this way, the credibility of evidence is very important, so the second research question is how the credibility of evidence is achieved by using these main appraisal resources, that is, how the authenticity, relevance and legality of evidence are better proved through the employment of these main appraisal resources.with regard to the third research question, jef verschueren's adaptation theory, especially the three worlds, that is, physical world, mental world and social world, is used to explain why these main appraisal resources are used to better achieve the goals of courtroom participants.it is hoped that this thesis, according to the analysis of ten civil courtroom trial discourses, is going to shed some light on the study of courtroom trials from the perspective of linguistics, enrich the scope of application of appraisal theory and enlighten some scholars in the legal field.

由此可见,证据的可信度在民事法庭审判中是十分重要的,因此,本文的第二个研究问题就是法庭审判的各方是如何通过主要评价资源的应用来更好的说明己方证据的可信度以及对方证据的不可信的,即庭审中的各方是怎样通过使用主要的评价资源来达到证明己方证据的可信度的。对于第三个研究问题,该论文使用jef verschueren's的顺应理论,特别是三个世界(物理世界、心理世界以及社交世界)的理论来解释为什么要使用这些主要的评价资源。该论文的意义在于通过对十个民事法庭审判语篇的研究来给从语言学的角度研究法庭审判提供一定的思考,扩大评价理论应用的范围以及给法律界的学者们一些启发。

In class we will conduct a simulated "agitation trial." These trials were propaganda devices the Bolsheviks used in the 1920's to defend their policies and leaders. Download descriptions of such trials from Party newspaper Pravda. We will stage a mock trial of War Communism. Students whose last names begin with A through I will be the prosecution, and J-Z the defense. In place of reading questions, please prepare for this exercise.


更多网络解释与审判相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adjudgment:宣告, 审判

adjudgement | 宣告, 审判 | adjudgment | 宣告, 审判 | adjudicate upon | 判决


adjudgement /判决/宣告/审判/ | adjudgment /判决/宣告/审判/ | adjudicate /评判/


[306] See Figure 3. 这些数据集中在伦敦的刑事审判. 有关巡回审判(assize)中的律师的信息则显然要粗略得多. 在一些地方有一些蛛丝马迹表明在巡回审判律师更为突显一些,...

At next bird assizes:在下一次鸟类审判中

麻雀将受审判, The Sparrow's for trial, | 在下一次鸟类审判中. At next bird assizes. | 唱一首六便士的歌, Sing a song of sixpence,

mistrial:无效审判(可重审) 无效审判(可重审)

missing 失踪 失踪 | mistrial 无效审判(可重审) 无效审判(可重审) | mitigating circumstances 减罪细节 减罪细节

Nuremberg:纽伦堡审判 / 纽伦堡大审判

To Kill a Mockingbird / 怪屋疑云 | 东京审判 / 远东国际大审判 / The Tokyo Trial | Nuremberg / 纽伦堡审判 / 纽伦堡大审判

Pretrial conference:审判前的会议 审判前的会议

protection racket 勒索保护费的组织 勒索保护费的组织 | pretrial conference 审判前的会议 审判前的会议 | pretrial services agency 审判前的服务机构 审判前的服务机构

pretrial motions:审判前的动议 审判前的动议

pretrial services agency 审判前的服务机构 审判前的服务机构 | pretrial motions 审判前的动议 审判前的动议 | price control 物价控制 物价控制

to try a case;trial of cases:审判案件

缺席审判 judgment by default; trial by default | 审判案件 to try a case;trial of cases | 开庭审判 to open the court session for trial of the case

change of venue:变更审判地点,转移管辖 变更审判地点,转移管辖

b. challenge for cause 有原因要求陪审员退席 有原因要求陪审员退席 | change of venue 变更审判地点,转移管辖 变更审判地点,转移管辖 | character evidence 人格证据,品德证据 人格证据,品德证据