英语人>词典>汉英 : 官职 的英文翻译,例句
官职 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

government post · official position
更多网络例句与官职相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In theory this was an aristocracy of service, in which position was determined by the emperor.


At the end of; be removed; from office


And fidelity indispensable prerequisites to the bestowal of office


So far as it is possible to be informed, I shall make honesty, capacity, and fidelity indispensable prerequisites to the bestowal of office, and the absence of either these qualities shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal.


And some Democrats in northeast states, where Mr. Gore was ahead, hoped to catch a ride on his coattail into public office.


Sentinel: An official role within the Consilium, representing a mage enforcer.


Under the Republic there was a fixed pattern of office holding called the cursus honorum ("course of offices").

在共和时代,元老们有着一种固定的担任官职的模式,被称为 cursus honorum, course of offices,汉语可以译成"担任官职的顺序,仕途进阶"。

Greater Latinity is that of those who are elected decurions or administer any honorable office or magistracy, and by this means obtain Roman citizenship.


The most expensive office was that of praetor, since in 22 B.C. Augustus assigned the presentation of the annual festivals at Rome to them instead of the aediles, and these magistrates were expected to make large contributions of their own toward the games.

而花费最多的官职则是**官职,因为自 BC22年起,奥古斯都指定每年在罗马举办的年度赛会开支不再由营造官支付,改由**官支付,而一般都是希望由行政官员们自掏腰包为绝大部分的赛会支出付帐的。

They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place.


更多网络解释与官职相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deceleron 减速列翼 | decemvirate 官职 | decenary 征收什一税

disestablish:废除; 解除...的官职 (动)

disequilibrium 不均衡; 不安定 (名) | disestablish 废除; 解除...的官职 (动) | disestablishment 废除国教制度 (名)


diserimity /可识别性/ | disestablish /废除/解除官职/ | disestablishment /废除/解除官职/


disestablish /废除/解除官职/ | disestablishment /废除/解除官职/ | disesteem /侮辱/轻视/冷遇/

official emolument:官职薪酬

Official Administrator 遗产管理官 | official emolument 官职薪酬 | official listing 正式上市

official emolument:官职薪酬DBA中国学习动力网

Official Administrator 遗产管理官DBA中国学习动力网 | official emolument 官职薪酬DBA中国学习动力网 | official listing 正式上市DBA中国学习动力网


ensign 旗 | ensigncy 少尉官职 | ensignship 少尉的官职


ensigncy 少尉官职 | ensignship 少尉的官职 | ensilage 秣草保藏

office seeker:谋求官职者

office of the president 总统府 | office seeker 谋求官职者 | office work 办公室工作

shake the plum tree:[美]政党在选举胜利后把官职分给党员; 授予官职作为对政党效劳的报酬

shake the pagoda tree (在印度)暴发致富 | shake the plum tree [美]政党在选举胜利后把官职分给党员; 授予官职作为对政党效劳的报酬 | the tree of life 生命树(据说长在伊甸园中, 食其果能长生不老)(来自<<圣经...