英语人>词典>汉英 : 安慰剂 的英文翻译,例句
安慰剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
placebo  ·  placebos

更多网络例句与安慰剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a 2-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 186 people with intermittent allergic rhinitis, use of butterbur at a dose of three standardized tablets daily, or one tablet daily, reduced allergy symptoms as compared to placebo.34 Significantly greater benefits were seen in the higher dose group.


Methods: Consult VP diagnosis standard of American psychiatry institute what WHO promulgated, we chose 80 VD sufferer. We adopt study method of random and comfort drug comparison, both blind method to dose and front and bank of oneself chiasma test. We chose MMSE and ADL to evaluate curative effect through comparing Statistic mark before cure and after cure. Results: We had treated 72 VD sufferer on Jiannaoyizhi capsule. In these patients, there are 15 obvious efficiency, 38 efficiency and 19 inefficiency. The total efficiency is 73.61%. It has obvious reform action on cognizing obstacle and behavior.


There are problems such as ethnics and compliableness associated with the use of a placebo control group, but the placebo control group can overcome the problems above. Therefore, it is necessary to use placebo reasonably in RCTs within the permission of ethnics.


Study Design This was a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 53 women who were assigned randomly to either laxatie (magnesium oxide + disodium phosphate) or placebo that was initiated 6 hours after the operation.


Study Design This was a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 53 women who were assigned randomly to either laxative (magnesium oxide + disodium phosphate) or placebo that was initiated 6 hours after the operation.


In the clinical trials, people with depression or treated with easer and antideprescent all are *, a pill that contains no medicine.


One patient taking infliximab developed tuberculosis and one developed histoplasmosis. Five patients (four taking infliximab and one taking placebo) developed cancer. New autoimmune disorders developed in two patients taking infliximab and one patient taking placebo. Two patients developed optic neuritis and one developed a multifocal motor neuropathy; all three were taking the study drug.


In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study, 656 patients with type 2 diabetes requiring insulin treatment were randomized to receive additional preprandial subcutaneous injections of either placebo or pramlintide, 60 g three times daily, 90 g twice daily, or 120 g twice daily.

每天额外接受2次120 μg pramlintide注射的患者,其糖化血色素(HbA1c)从第26周的-0.68%持续降到第52周的-0.62%,效果明显大於安慰剂(P 。05),糖化血色素(HbA1c)降到以下8%者,120 μg治疗组占46%,安慰剂则仅占28%(P 。05);第52周时,120 μg治疗组的患者也比安慰剂患者获得较好的体重控制(体重改变幅度:-1.4 kg vs。

Patients were randomly assigned in permuted blocks of eight to receive placebo plus placebo; 60 mg prednisolone per day for 5 days then reduced by 10 mg per day (for a total treatment time of 10 days) plus placebo; 1000 mg valaciclovir three times per day for 7 days plus placebo; or prednisolone (10 days) plus valaciclovir (7 days).

上述病人被随机分为8个治疗群体,分别给予下述治疗方案:1。安慰剂+安慰剂组;2。泼尼松龙60mg qd×5天后每天减量10mg(总疗程10天时间)并与安慰剂组对照;3。伐昔洛韦1000mg tid×7天并与安慰剂组对照;4。泼尼松龙10天疗法+伐昔洛韦7天疗法。

Harms: Versus placebo: The review found that polyuria and paraesthesia were significantly more common with acetazolamide than with placebo AR for polyuria: 33% with acetazolamide v 6% with placebo; RR 4.24, 95% CI 1.92 to 9.37; AR for paraesthesia:43% with acetazolamide v 10% with placebo; RR 4.02, 95


更多网络解释与安慰剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


astringent 收敛剂 | balm香膏,安慰剂 | coagulant 凝结剂




另外传言明年将把演唱会开在北京、上海的"安慰剂"乐队(Placebo),新专辑>(Sleeping With Ghosts)的爆发力没有减弱,并且更加突出,简单的歌词以及抓人的旋律,还有主唱布莱恩?

Placebo Control:安慰剂对照

Placebo 安慰剂 | Placebo Control 安慰剂对照 | Preclinical Study 临床前研究

Placebo Control:安慰剂控制法

placebo 安慰剂 | placebo control 安慰剂控制法 | placebo effect 安慰剂效应

placebo effect:安慰剂效应

期望效应( 期望效应 ) 当没有任何一种实验操作时,参加实验的被试也改变了他们的行为,这时,安慰剂效应 安慰剂效应 (placebo effect)就产生了.当行为反应受到个人对做什么和如何感受的预期的影响,而不 ) 受特定的介入或产生某种反应程序的影响时,

placebo effect:安慰剂效果

她那象征波霸身材的九十公分以上大胸脯,和身上的女仆装显然并不协调,比吕有一种置身于风月场所(ImageClub)之感. 没错,纯属虚构. 不过,或许是安慰剂效果(placebo effect)奏效吧,当比吕挪开胸罩直接刺激乳头时,孔头果真逐渐突起.

placebo group:安慰剂组

placebo effect 安慰剂效应 | placebo group 安慰剂组 | placement 安置

placebo effects:安慰剂效应

当没有任何一种实验操作时,参加实验的被试也改变了他们的行为,这时安慰剂效应(placebo effects)发生了. (即有时给病人吃了无用的药,但由于病人本身以为那个药有用,心态的改变导致病情好转)代表性样本(representative sample)如果一个样本在诸如男女性别.

Anil Agarwal GhanshvamYadav D:闪光对于减轻静脉置管痛的作用:一项前瞻性随机安慰剂对照研究

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