英语人>词典>汉英 : 宇宙年 的英文翻译,例句
宇宙年 的英文翻译、例句


cosmic year
更多网络例句与宇宙年相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are alternatives to the anthropic principle, the most optimistic being that a


According to the Big Bang model, the universe today came into existence after an explosion from a singular point 14 billion years ago.


These pioneers have included the scientists or teams that discovered many of the fundamental particles of matter, analyzed the cosmic microwaves left over from the earliest epoch of the universe, developed carbon-14 dating of ancient artifacts, decoded the genetics of viruses, and created an entirely new state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate.


The annual variation of each meteorological parameter likes cosmic ray flux. There is obvious correlation existing between cosmic ray and each meteorological parameter. After the meteorological effect of cosmic ray being corrected by using multianalysis, there is no annual variation of cosmic ray.


Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand Cosmic Year.


SkyKnight宇宙骑士适用机型:Nokia 3230/6670/6260/7610/6620/6600/6630/6680/6681/6682/7650/N70/N72/N90/NG/QD/简介:46 calendar universe, the earth Supreme Command internal rebellion, the rebels under control within two days of the Earth's western region.


Some cosmologists think this expansion will leave the Milky Way galaxy as an "island universe" in a few trillion years with no other galaxies visible.


More detailed information about the hierarchy of the Universe you will find in the book Secrets of cosmos, Adelma Vay, 1996, Santal and in the second part of Talks with instructions from my Cosmic friends, Ivo A.

有关更加详尽的宇宙信息层级,你将在宇宙的秘密书里发现,1996年,Adelma Vay, Santal在报告第二部分里来自我的宇宙朋友的指导,1999年,艾文A。

Nuclear Physics 1930, the Star of energy will be satisfied with the solution to the rapid development of the internal structure of stars; Hours map and based on the experimental results, the establishment of a stellar evolution of scientific theory. Einstein's general theory of relativity, in 1917 by the structure of the universe, the establishment of a relativistic cosmology. In 1929 the Hubble Space Telescope found redshifts and distances of the future, relations between the people of the gravitational theory of general relativity River from the data objects, size and structure of the material movement and the formation of modern cosmology.


And he also deduces the complete systemic universal theory that the comic's circling movement from the ancient and it graduated layer upon layer and to evolve from the beginning to the end, and grow out of nothing empty to solid; and the universe formula:E = mn1+n2+…nn + mc2 ;and the truth of the gravitation origin; and the extragalactic nebula red shift phenomenon is the result of its galaxy quality structure and the magnitude characteristic attraction, mutually by no means was far away but explodes, and he obtained the universe theory different from the large explosion completely. At the same time it will explain the abstract cultural natural sciences knowledge truth secret something like: Pan-Gu heaven and earth, the River-Chart and the Luo-River-Book, primal chaos and Yi Gua, the profound and abstruse principles of Daoism, the symbolism number of Yi-ology and so on, and it is so broad and profound mystical that it is to be lost many years in Chinese eternity civilization. Then, he establishment the law of myriad things with one method; and deciphered the method that CongzhiZu instantaneously obtained the girth quotient density earlier near millennium than the European at the Han Dynasty, and broke the misunderstanding that all to think he has use shearing the round technique method in the world; and expounded the Pan Gu truth that the world occurs and forms with, broke the thought Pan Gu was the god superstition which the folk spread; and has cleared the-River-Chart and Luo-river-book is the nature objective reflection appearance of the universe transportation principle; and has opened the universe code numeral secret; and explained the scientific truth Fu Xi drawing the ancient divination symbol, furthermore, the writer has drawn all the ancient divination symbol order orientation diagram that had lost the thousands years of the pre-heaven Lian-shan, the midst Gui-cang, the after earth Qian-kun,and the after heaven Zou-Yiology. Through the universe laws and regulations law of from the beginning to the ultimate and myriad things all out of Pangu River-chart Luo river book primal chaos, explained thoroughly the digital code of the universe myriad things' transports and constitution. The digital code only a digital odd and even, but the binary system code deduced the world myriad things' number.

推论出宇宙万物从无到有、由虚化实、由始到终、从一到万、盘旋古衡地层层量级运动演化完备系统的万有理论;推算出了宇宙万有品质及能量公式 E = mn1+n2+…nn +mc2;论述了万有引力、磁力、电流、微观中的强力弱力诸能量的由来,以及宇宙万有物质和三大力等统一为一体的道理;推论出一切物质构成存在皆是能量结晶体,得出&一切物质皆是能量实在&,&物质本身即是能量&的理论;讲明了银河外星系的红移现象是其盘旋圆合成的星系巨大品质结构和量级特性的引力所致,并非相互远离而爆炸,得出了与大爆炸完全不同的理论;同时破解了中国博大精深神秘玄奥的华表准天、八节太极、弇兹九宫、盘古天地、河图洛书、太极易卦、天机道秘、象数彖爻等自然科学知识道理奥秘;释解并创立了万物同准法理论;解密了古代祖冲之早於欧洲近千年,瞬间得出圆周率密率的方法,打破了世界上都认为密率是用割圆术等推算出的误解;阐明了盘古天地发生形成的宇宙自然之道,以及日晷观天历纪二十四节气等等,许多天地万物万事的科学同准方法,揭秘了认为盘古是民间流传的神话迷信;理清了河图洛书是天地垂象万物负图之客观自然规律出现的宇宙物有运化成物的基本道理的数理定律;解开了现代专家教授都迷惑不解的太极易卦天地编码万物数理秘密;释解了伏羲画卦的科学道理,把失传数千年的先天连山易、中天归藏易、后地乾坤形易以及后天周易的遗失卦象次序方位数学矩阵图全都补画出来;通解了宇宙天地万有运化构成的基因数码,只用一这个最简单元始数字,奇偶一二进位地组成编码天地数字推演万物。

更多网络解释与宇宙年相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cosmic ray:宇宙光

cosmic dust 宇宙尘埃 | cosmic ray 宇宙光 | cosmic year 宇宙年

cosmic year:宇宙年

cosmic ray 宇宙光 | cosmic year 宇宙年 | cosmic 宇宙的

cosmic year:宇宙年(太阳在银河系公转一周时间)

cosmic rays 宇宙[射]线 | cosmic year 宇宙年(太阳在银河系公转一周时间) | cosmical aerodynamics 宇宙气体动力学

cosmic year:宇宙年(指银河系自转一周的时间,约等于两亿年)

cosmic speed | 宇宙速度 | cosmic year | 宇宙年(指银河系自转一周的时间,约等于两亿年) | COSMIC | Computer Software Management and Information Center 计算机软 件管理与情报中心

cosmic rays:宇宙线

登上了5300米的高空. 他探测到电离率增长到大约地面率的四倍. 他得出的结论是"我的观察结果最好的解释是设想一种高穿透力的射线从上部进入大气层. "赫斯因为这次后人命名为"宇宙线"(cosmic rays)的发现于1936年获得诺贝尔物理学奖.

cosmological constant:宇宙常数

其中,最具戏剧性的理论,则是复活爱因斯坦当年提出的"宇宙常数"(cosmological constant). 1917年,被认为是整个20世纪最伟大的科学家阿尔伯特爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),为了建立一个稳态宇宙模型,最早提出了这个概念. 不过,后来就连他本人也承认,

penny wise n pound-foolish:让我任性地自闭一年吧

Big talk,i'd say / 我怒了 燃烧吧小宇宙. 脸红了 喵~. | penny wise n pound-foolish / 让我任性地自闭一年吧 | Smooth underground/无事半夜独自tango.

cosmical constant:宇宙常数

cosmic year 宇宙年 | cosmical constant 宇宙常数 | cosmical plasma 宇宙等离子体

cosmical aerodynamics:宇宙气体动力学

cosmic year 宇宙年(太阳在银河系公转一周时间) | cosmical aerodynamics 宇宙气体动力学 | cosmical electrodynamics 宇宙电动力学

Big Bang theory:宇宙大爆炸論

这便是目前科学家所共识的宇宙大爆炸论( Big Bang Theory ). 近三十多年来,我们虽然顺理成章地接受宇宙大爆炸论,但不要忘记,在数千年后对宇宙观念的改变,是科学对圣经验证划时代的一页. 近数十年来,由於望远镜与微粒加速器的探究,