英语人>词典>汉英 : 孱弱 的英文翻译,例句
孱弱 的英文翻译、例句


weak and incompetent
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Cheever. Cracked ribs, broken teeth, electrical skin burns -- all on a frail old lady at the end of her life.


Loren was 5ft 8in of Italian voluptuousness, while Ladd was 5ft 5in tall and, in his own words, a man with "the face of an ageing choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight".


Doubt and loss of innocence affect each of them: tentative, fragile Jacob is sent to fight in Vietnam (news of his death is one of the most disarmingly underplayed moments of the book); hardbitten Michael finds consolation in drink and drugs; Annie runs to London with her lover; and Clare's aura of sweet goodness crashes to the ground when she becomes pregnant.


This little man will arise, and his gaze will be terrible, and his breath will become a tempest, and there will issue forth from that slender chest enough wind to disarrange the folds of the Alps.


This little man will arise, and his gaze will be terrible, and his breath will become a tempest, and there will issue forth from that slender chest enough wind to disarrange the folds of the Alps


When the hour strikes, this man of the faubourgs will grow in stature; this little man will arise, and his gaze will be terrible, and his breath will become a tempest, and there will issue forth from that slender chest enough wind to disarrange the folds of the Alps.


That surely wasn't Audi's intent (manufacturer's generally like to beat other manufacturers), but it did play a role in the success of the car in its dotage.


Or on that winter-wild night when, reclined by the chimney-nook quoin, Slowly a drowse overgat me, the smallest and feeblest of folk there, Weak from my baptism of pain; when at times and anon I awoke there— Heard of a world wheeling on, with no listing or longing to join.


And Nikko Cordial, acquired by Citigroup last year for $16 billion, went on the auction block on February 12th as its stricken foster parent hunts for cash.


The subtile contrast, the feeling of predestination, and the technique of handcraft emerged in his works are inherited from both his frailness and resistance, but he never overdoes the meaning of significance.


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哈丽特.比彻.斯陀夫人(Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896)原是一位娇小孱弱的女子,但她在'废奴运动'(abolitionism)中所表现出来的勇气是许多男士望尘莫及的.

So if you go swimming with bowlegged women:如果你和弯脚的女子游泳

# The breaker of hearts by the bay. #|# 海湾里的伤心人 # | # So if you go swimming with bowlegged women. #|# 如果你和弯脚的女子游泳 # | # I might steal your weak heart away. #|# 我会偷走你的孱弱之心...

happiness and sorrow, for better or worse:不管快乐或忧伤,更好或者更糟

Through weakness and strength, 无论孱弱或坚强 | happiness and sorrow, for better or worse, 不管快乐或忧伤,更好或者更糟 | I will love you with every beat of my heart.) 我都永远爱你,在每一次心跳之间

Are the holy trinity:三位一体

18. A militant veganista, anemic and proud. 激进,孱弱 | 19. Are the holy trinity. 三位一体 | 20. Maybe you can get your hair dreadlocked while you're there. "骇人"长发绺.


那些因转动辘轳(jigger)而被称为jiggers(辘轳工)的男孩,几乎也是同样地孱弱. 但是最有害的工作是把成品浸到一种含有大量的铅而且常常含有许多砷的液体里,并且要把刚刚在这种液体里浸过的制品用手拿出来.


我认为有必要防范某人的财产被他人侵占(misapproriate),所以制定了盗窃(larceny)罪. 不论此侵占是由正权本占有者实施的还是由非法获取者实施的,危害性上没有差别. 但是孱弱的原始法还主要致力于防范暴力(not get much beyond an effort to prevent violence),


他发现在湖中一种叫鲦鱼(minnow)的小鱼常常成为掠夺性强的鱼如鳟鱼,梭鱼的食物. 而这种掠食行为并非没有一定的行为模式,而是会挑上层小鱼群中特别的几只.原来,属於孱弱的鱼只,它们的游姿常和其他者不同,也因此成为被攻击的对象鱼.

PJ Brown:布朗

波士顿凯尔特人在去年夏天以惊人的动作组成了加内特(Kevin Garnett)、皮尔斯(Paul Pierce)和雷-阿伦(Ray Allen)的三巨头组合,并且在本赛季以脱胎换骨的面貌拿下了惊人的66胜,现在球队不仅主核心强大,连原本孱弱的角色球员在卡塞尔(Sam Cassell)、PJ-布朗(PJ Brown)相继加盟,朗多(R

run short of:缺少

丛林里有只鹿生病了,躺在草地上等啄木鸟医生治病. 大家知道鹿生病的消息都前去看望他,众多的野兽吃光了那附近的草. 鹿的病被治好后,因为大病初愈,体力孱弱,无法去远处吃草觅食,最终因为缺少(run short of)食物而体弱至死.

asthenic type:瘦长型

2、瘦长型(Asthenic Type)的人:体型瘦长、腿长、胸窄、孱弱,具有不善交际、孤僻、沉默、羞怯、固执等特点. 3、运动型(Atletic Type)的人:肌肉结实、身体强壮,具有乐观、富有进取心等特点.