英语人>词典>汉英 : 学院学生 的英文翻译,例句
学院学生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与学院学生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ad business can choose to suffer numerous, for example, in the 10680 Florida colleger of Facebook, choose those to watch ESPN popular TV program " SportsCenter " student, make a simple ad in the light of this one crowd, set ad budget.


Our application for the "Ocean Park A demy, Hong Kong Student Sponsorship Scheme" has been approv .


Dean's list :优秀学生名单 A list compiled each term by the office of a dean at a college or university, naming the students who have achieved a high grade-point average.


The militarization of schools are unified management, obeying the past few years because of the war, and the magic of the military academy are developing a very growing, strong teacher forces fact cultural aspects of college students fewer.


He invited many local performers, including children's choruses and College-Conservatory students, to share the stage with the Pops.


Results: By the Comparision, there are deferences in parents rearing patterns, parents' educational level, family's earning each month and living area between the independent college students and the general college students. Boys and girls in independent college received deferent parental rearing patterns.


Subsequently, there are also chorus, magical show, male duetto, calabash flute performance and a post-modern drama contributed by club members and college students.


Each house has a Head, a staff member who is responsible for the students in that house.


The Instruments were "the questionnaire of college collegiate participated habits of recreational sports and life stress in MiaoLi County". Which sample were 400 collegiate from CHIN MEN Institute of Technology and Yu Da College of Business. The response rate was 63.5%. Frequency, Percentage, t-test, One-way ANOVA and Scheffe' Post-Hoc Companions statistical methods were utilized to analyze the data.


Students will get two certificates at the end of the course: the HSK certificate.and the Kenyatta University certificate


更多网络解释与学院学生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Berea College:伯利亚学院

伯利亚学院管理运行预算不到艾姆赫斯特学院(Amherst College)的一半,后者拥有17亿美元的社会捐助,学生总数只比伯利亚多出1美国的大学在获得巨额捐助的同时大学学费却一路看涨,作为专门为贫困学生提供免费高等教育的伯利亚学院(Berea College)引起更多的关注乃至

colleger:学院学生, Eton学校中由该校资助的学生

bearing pedestal 轴承座[架] | colleger 学院学生, Eton学校中由该校资助的学生 | zucchini 夏季产南瓜之一种


college 学院 | colleger 学院学生 | collegial 大学

collegial:大学(学生), 大学之组织的

colleger | 学院学生, Eton学校中由该校资助的学生 | collegial | 大学(学生), 大学之组织的 | collegiality | 共同掌权


collegial /大学[的学生] 的/ | collegian /学院的一员/学院的学生/ | collegiate /学院的/


associate 同伴,朋友 | collegiate学院学生,大学生 | inebriate 醉汉,醉鬼

Lethbridge Community College:(莱斯桥社区学院)

莱斯桥社区学院( Lethbridge Community College)成立于1957年,是加拿大第一个公立小区学院,学生人数约7,000名. 本校的教师均大学毕业且受过专业训练,配合先进的教学方式,提供高质量的英语教学. 校园十分现代化并可以远眺落基山脉,

Dickinson College:迪金森学院

规模较大的韦尔斯利学院有2300名学生,在>的排名中列第四,史密斯学院(Smith College)拥有2500名学生,排名第十九,迪金森学院(Dickinson College),拥有2270名学生,排名第四十五.

Douglass College:道格拉斯学院. 只收女性学生,其课程综合性比较强

Cook College,库克学院. 课程侧重于生命科学,农学及海洋科学... | Douglass College,道格拉斯学院. 只收女性学生,其课程综合性比较强. | Livingston College,李文斯顿学院. 其学院主旨为增进多样性. 课程侧重于社会科...

Kevin Whitby:凯文'惠比 赫夫帕夫学院的学生

Helga Hufflepuff 海加'赫夫帕多 赫夫帕多学院的创办人. | Kevin Whitby 凯文'惠比 赫夫帕夫学院的学生. | Owen Cauldwell 欧文'高德威 赫夫帕夫学院的学生.