英语人>词典>汉英 : 学者的 的英文翻译,例句
学者的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scholastic  ·  doctorial  ·  scholastical

更多网络例句与学者的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper gives a brief introduction to anthropological studies of Japanese scholars in the period (1895-1945)of Taiwan as a colony of Japan, reviews the foundation and change of main academicals institutions, scholars and its fieldwork , and main scholarship achievement and it is pointed out that Japanese scholars' anthropological knowledge acquired in Taiwan belongs to colonialism.


April 3, 2003, from the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Korea and other 21 countries in Asia and Europe more than 30 conservation and study of traditional music experts, scholars and the Ministry of Culture, China Art Research Institute of China Academy of Music on leadership and experts and scholars have gathered in Galla, on-site visits to the ancient music.


The advantages of hybridity are well researched by scholars in various fields and also attract the attention of translation scholars.


There are diffrent opinions about the imaginative joinder of offenses among scholars in the field of criminal law at home and broad .


The world makes history, and scholars write it,——one half truly and the other half as their prejudice**lur and distort it.


The more important is that it influenced the direction and the method of some generations. Many scholars devoted themselves to the study of meteorology, pedology, the geographical distribution of population and nationalities, etc..


Psychologists spent much of the 20th century denigrating the work of 19th-century physiognomic and phrenologists who thought the shapes of faces and skulls carry information about personality.


However, what is 「integrated curriculum」? The administration of the Ministry of Education and the scholars discuss it from theories and some scholars engage in connecting the theories and practices. Those are officers' and scholars' perspectives or factures, not out of the teachers' professional autonomy and reflection.


Many scholars now argue that publication and dissemination can and should represent evidence as well as argument,and that is precisely what they demand of new-model scholarly communication.


This rapidly advancing field is now bearing the fruits of interdisciplinary efforts by microbiologists, immunologists, cell biologists, geneticists and ecologists.


更多网络解释与学者的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


canonicity 合乎教会法 | canonist 圣典学者 | canonistic 宗教法学者的


布坎南并不庞统地谈秩序,而是要在秩序前加上'立宪的'( constitutional),他说,这是为了表明他的观点不同于演进学者的观点,他认为这些演进学者强调经济作为一个秩序,但他们同时又否认这样一种秩序可以被'制定'( constituted ).


同个体差异相关连的,有一点极使人困惑:我所指的即是被称为"变形的"(prot ean)或"多形的"(polymorphic)那些属,在这些属里物种表现了异常大的变异量. 关于许多这些类型究应列为物种还是变种,几乎没有两个博物学者的意见是一致的.

visiting scholar:访问学者

但考虑到这四人年龄较大,不便作学生处理,所以建议他们以"访问学者"(visiting scholar)的身分来校进修,行者对此自无异议. 于是麻省大学国际办公室正式向海龙王发出了"访问学者"的邀请信和申请入境签证的iap66表格,由行者代为填写. 其余手续,


在有些学者的词汇中,"注重形式的"(formal)一词经常被等同于"肤浅的"(superficial)和"虚假的"(unreal),从而将形式正义和实质正义的区别转化为表面正义(apparent justice)和真实正义(real justice) 的对立,依此批判资本主义法治的虚伪性.


canonist 圣典学者 | canonistic 宗教法学者的 | canonization 追封为圣者

canonistic:宗教法学者的, 精通圣经的

canonist | 圣典学者, 宗规专家 | canonistic | 宗教法学者的, 精通圣经的 | canonization | 追封为圣者, 承认为圣典


canonistic /宗教法学者的/ | canonistical /宗教法学者的/ | canonization /追封为圣者/承认为圣典/

stodgily:塞满的(平凡的, 式样难看的)

pedantic adj. 卖弄学问的, 假装学者的, 吹毛求疵的, 钻牛角尖的 | stodgily 塞满的(平凡的, 式样难看的) | ostentatiously adv. 夸耀地

The Scholars:<儒林外史》 学者的故事

The Spring and Autumn Annals <<春秋>>春秋两季编年史 | The Scholars <<儒林外史>> 学者的故事 | Stories to Awaken Men <<醒世恒言>> 唤醒人的故事