英语人>词典>汉英 : 学校教育的 的英文翻译,例句
学校教育的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scholastic  ·  scholastical

更多网络例句与学校教育的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Resolving the students" studying problem is important to modern education, because it will not only affect the target of our compulsory education, cumber to improve our nation"s diathesis, but waste education resources and distort the education developing if it is not resolved.


School education is an emphasis of quality education.The class education is a centre of school education.


It will be benefit for making clear and practical development targets and policies, will be benefit for improving flexibility and focalization of schools' education.


As the school edition important constituent, the school sports teaching can display the positive function teaching in the realization education for all-around development is the school sports center link, also is the school sports reform key point and the difficulty.


Admitting that the basic labor force consists of workers with only primary education plus a minimum of vocational(职业的 and practical training, and qualified workers with more schooling, it becomes possible to calculate the role of qualified manpower in creating national revenue.


Nagadum has an inseperable relationship and interactive basis with school education, family education and social education. Chapter six mainly analyzes the current inheritage of Nagadum and its existing problems from the position that the realization of its educational funtion relies on its effective inheritage, it also provides the concept to rebuild the transmission of Nagadum. Chapter seven tries to analyze and reflect the current courses in national school education and its disadvantages of isolating from its native culture and living practice from the position that the realization of its educational function relies on the widely identification of national school education. It proposes that the essence of national education is "the education of national culture", the aquisition of native knowledge is obtained on the basis of practical mode of acquisition, hence the author tries to provide some constructive suggestions that school education in minority areas should return to native knowledge and culture, and the construction of the interactive relationship between schools and communities should be established.


In line with the state educational law,regulations,policies and quality standards,seelbases itself upon education,faces the society and gives its priority to safeguard and enhance the status and reputation of seel by adhering to the principles of equity.we offer educational evaluation services at schools of all types and levels,conduct relevant the oretical resrarch and academic exchanges,and provide the government eduvational authorities with evaluation result reports and schools with every best possible service of quality to support and promote continuous improvements of educational quality and standards.


The main problems are like these: amount of trouble-making students is increasing and the rate of juvenile delinquency is going up; the students morality is distorted and the known and the deeds are disjoined; the moral subject is dislocated and the content is devoid, etc.


But from an overall view of a country, the three sources of education shall be juxtaposed in significance.


The basic task of teachers'pre-vocational school education consists of vocational ethics, professional knowledge and teaching ability, while the development task is divided into three parts including psychological quality, educational scientific-research ability and learning ability.


更多网络解释与学校教育的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当今的美国 教育 尽管以男女同校教育(coeducation)为主流, 但是男女分校教育(single-sex educati> 中国论文范文 一、美国男女分校教育的 现代 发展 关于美国学校的发展,公立学校方面,19世纪初期的大多数文法学校事实上就是男女同校的,

secondary education:中学教育

而不论其是关乎学校管理、教学或康乐,或关乎学校的其他活动或与学校有关连的活动;"中学"(secondary school) 指提供中学教育的学校; (由1979年第34号第2条增补)"中学教育"(secondary education) 指小学教育之后的教育课程,

informal education:非正式教育

正规教育(formal education)是依年龄分级的学校教育体系;非正规教育(nonformal education)是学校教育外,各种有组织的教育活动;非正式教育(informal education)是经由日常生活及大众媒体协助个人获得知能的活动.

parental education:亲职教育

台湾学者张春兴认为,以"家庭结构的改变、现代社会的需要和协助学校的教育"等三点理由提出了"亲职教育"(parental education)的概念,其基本理念之一是,"旨在使学生们的父母了解学校教育的要求与子女在校求学情形,进而与学校教育配合管教子女,

private school:私立学校

在美国,中小学校一般分为公立学校(Public School)和私立学校(Private School)两大类. 美国重视教育的传统治于殖民地时期,建国后从华盛顿开始的历届总统都十分重视教育. 立国者们认为,只有普及公共教育才能培养共和国急需的有知识的公民.


......尽管'教学'对于'教育'和'学习'的所有一切形态来说,可能并不都是必要的,但对于'学校教育,(schooling)来说,则是必需的. "谈到了教师的地位莉作用:"学校教育的全部要点恰恰在于有教师,而教师的职责在于尽可能以最好的方式引起学习.


unscathedwoundless 没有受伤的 | unschooled 未受学校教育的 | unscientific 非学术的


unscholarly /无知的/ | unschooled /未受学校教育的/天生的/ | unscientific /不科学的/不合科学的/非学术的/


unschooled 未受学校教育的 | unscientific 非学术的 | unscientific 不合科学的

n Oriental Centry:(从事学校教育)

n Union MET(稀有金属的冶炼生产) | n Oriental Centry(从事学校教育) | n Synear Food Holding Ltd (思念食品控股有限公司)