英语人>词典>汉英 : 孤立元 的英文翻译,例句
孤立元 的英文翻译、例句


isolated element
更多网络例句与孤立元相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using the substitution-elimination method affine algebraic variety can be resolved to pure d-dimensional subvariety and expressed by an algebraic hypersurface on d+1-dimensional space with a sequence of elimination-polynomial systems. All 0-dimensional solution can be found, too.


Zeros of irreducible real quaternionic polynomial are the isolated point solutions of the original polynomial equation.


Within the necessary procedure of image processing, a generic rapid algorithm for extracting the boundary of isolated shape element is developed.


Material implication and other truth forms all pursue isolated absolute true or false abstract at the cost of deserting the relativity among the variables.Its essence is taking out original targets of human logic and replacing it with artificial targets.


3There are many relict, ancient, endemic plant class group in the vegetation of Mt. Yuanbaoshan, these all have important conservation value.


In addition, we improve Nivens method and our new method to solve the equation more quickly.2 Complete Solution Structure: We obtain that the whole solutions of real quaternionic polynomial equation are just composed of some quaternion equivalence classes and some isolated points.

另外,从新方法及四元数带余除法理论出发,进一步改进了新方法和Niven的传统方法。 2解的完整结构:由求解的新方法得到四元数多项式方程全体解的完整结构为四元数等价类与孤立点的集合,以往的结果成为其自然推论。

If a switching NE detects segmentation in a ring, or additional segmentation in a ring, it squelches traffic destined for the unreachable NEs..


更多网络解释与孤立元相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

isolated essential singularity:孤立本性奇点

孤立元(素) isolated element | 孤立本性奇点 isolated essential singularity | 孤立理想 isolated ideal

isolated element:孤立元素

孤立成分 isolated component | 孤立元(素) isolated element | 孤立本性奇点 isolated essential singularity

left invertible mapping:左可逆映射

左可逆元 left invertible element | 左可逆映射 left invertible mapping | 左孤立点 left isolated point

controlled vocabularies:控制词表

这些系统并不是孤立存在的,它们相互关联、影响,并且受到"看不见的"结构部件支撑,包括元数据(Metadata)、控制词表(Controlled Vocabularies)和词库(Thesauri).


等角性 isogonality | 弧点元 isol | 孤立 isolated