英语人>词典>汉英 : 孢子细胞 的英文翻译,例句
孢子细胞 的英文翻译、例句


spore cell
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Botany of or relating to the cells in a sporangium that give rise to spores.


Spores await dispersal and germinate in favourable conditions for amoeboid growth. However, the formation of stalk cells is a process of cell death.


The results show that the normal process begins with archesporial cell and undergoes stages of primary and secondary sporogenous cell,microspore mother cell,dyad,tetrad,central nucleus microspore,vacuolated microspore,mature microspore,twocell pollen and threecell mature pollen.


The reproductive development process of birch was described as follows: Male inflorescences extended from apical bud in early June. In later June, stamen primodium was differentiated in the bract of male inflorescence and the differentiation of bract was generated in female inflorescence. During July, anther layers and archesporial cell were differentiated in anther, then archesporial cell developed into mother microspore cell. Pistil primodium came into being at the same time. In early part of August the meiosis of mother microspore cell started. In later August, mono-nucleus microspore was formed. After September, both male inflorescence and female inflorescence were dormant.


On the base of review the research development in tissue culture and genetic transformation, Comparative analyses were made on the callus induction and embryogenetic abilities of anther and non-pollinated ovules of rubber tree. Fluorescence detection was implemented with the different in vitro material of Hevea brasiliensis.


The result is consistent with previous studies. Whereas, tapetal cells of sterile anthers were disintegrated since tetrad cells were disjoined, indicating that disintegration of tapetal cells is earlier occurred in sterile anther than that in fertile anther. DNA ladder revealed that the cleavage of nuclear DNA into oligonucleosome-sized fragments to


Under favorable condition, it multiplies as a unicellular organism. Upon starvation, a pathway involving aggregation, mound, slug, culmination stages induces the formation of a fruiting body consisting of a head of spores supported on a stalk of vacuolated cells.


The situation of abnormal development of male cells is as follows:microspore mother cell can't enter into meiosis because of intense vacuolation,shrink and disintegration of its cytoplasm;although vacuolated microspore mother cell can enter into meiosis,it can't form normal dyad and degenerate in the middle process;dyad and tetrad become vacuolated and can't develop normally;cytoplasm of microspore shrinks around the nucleus at the stage of central nucleus microspore,the shape of microspore is twisted into crescent or irregular shape,at last its cytoplasm and nucleus are disintegrated and crescent vacant microspore presents;nutritive substances can't be accumulated at the stage of vacuolated microspore,cytoplasm is disintegrated,and microspore turns into a big vacant pollen.


The disorganizing sequence of microspore is as follow: firstly, cell membrane dissolved, cytoplasm degenerated and became thiner; then, nuclear membrane dissolved, nuclear degenerated, and the last was nucleolus.


After division in conidial cell, the nuclei entered into germ tube and divided repeatedly, and therefore the number of nuclei in germ tube variably multiplied. The mitosis of F. graminearum has four phases.


更多网络解释与孢子细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


archery 箭术 | archespore 孢子的细胞 | archesporial 孢子细胞


archesporial | 孢子细胞的 | archesporium | 孢原(组织),原孢子 | archethallus | 古原植体

spore mother cell:孢子母细胞

基足伸入配子体的组织中吸收养料,以供孢子体的生长,故孢子体寄生于配子体上,孢蒴中含有大量孢子,产生孢子的组织称造孢组织(sporogenous tissue),造孢组织产生孢子母细胞(spore mother cell),每个孢子母细胞经过减数分裂形成4个孢子,


archespore 孢子的细胞 | archesporial 孢子细胞的 | archetypal 原型的


按其形态和结构又可分大分生孢子和小分生孢子2种:大分生孢子(macroconidium)体积较大,由多个细胞组成,常呈梭状、棍棒状或梨状. 其大小、细胞数和颜色是鉴定的重要依据;小分生孢子(microconidium)较小,1个孢子只有1个细胞. 真菌都能产生小分生孢子,


sporiferous layer 子实层 | sporification 孢子形成 | sporoblast 成孢子细胞


出芽生殖可分为"内出芽"(endogenous budding )和"外出芽"(exogenous budding )两种方式,如疟原虫在蚊体内的成孢子细胞(sporoblast)是以外出芽法进行增殖,即先从成孢子细胞表面长出子孢子芽(sporozoite buds),逐渐发育为子孢子(sporozoite),


核反复分裂,随后胞质也分裂,部分胞质与部分分裂的核形成了成孢子细胞(sporoblast),子孢子芽从成孢子细胞表面长出(图12-2). 约经8~10天,脱离成孢子细胞体,形成子孢子(sporozoite),并游离于卵囊内. 此时为成熟卵囊,其直径约50~60µ


zygote 合子 | zygotomere 成孢子细胞 | zymogenesis 酶生成

spore cell:孢子床,孢子细胞

spore case ==> 孢子囊 | spore cell ==> 孢子床,孢子细胞 | spore floating ==> 孢子表面排列