英语人>词典>汉英 : 字里行间 的英文翻译,例句
字里行间 的英文翻译、例句


between the lines · among the words and between the lines · in-between the lines · the overtone of a writing
更多网络例句与字里行间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Released into the atmosphere between the lines from the letter of the young age of the air we breathe, we breathe today has been quite general.


Could be sighed almost everywhere from the Appalachian Mountains in the East to the Rocky Mountains in the West.


To make merry a laughing stock in one's dream land an outsider all skin and bones/skinny/bony It never rains but pour to seethrough the trickery to see through at a glance to fish in troubled waters to do something by halve save one's face;(lose face 丢脸) a heart of stone/stone—hearted Strike while the iron is hot to spend money like water to go in at one ear and out at the other to seek truth fromfacts to want to grasp what is beyond one's reach The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed 13 哈尔滨师范大学-07 英语系 3 班 Daisy


Mr. Zhang Xutang, former editor-in-chief of Shanghai Wenhui Daily, invited by the press for checking and reviewing this book, whom I have never met, wrote his comment as follows: The author is faithful to the party's news career. The words between the lines brim with his sincere love and pursuit for news career, and demonstrate his surging enthusiasm and abundant vitality and the charm of his personality of persistence and unceasing effort to reaching the goal of news reforms.


A Victorian safeguard,however,is the bit of censoring done to the tales on the basis of "pure taste and good morals,"in those passages Bulfinch found unduly horrific or sensual.


The most important thing Yaogen seller communication, to see his chat show, to answer questions the sincerity and so on, multi-chat, and even chat on some other non-commodity issues, look at his answers and patience Jin how often Reading between the lines you feel from a seller's attitudes and ideas are!


Rae's voice is almost impossibly gorgeous, effortlessly breathing life into every word. The smooth production recalls the languid, laidback vibe of Zero 7, and indeed the Sia comparisons have already begun, but there's much more to Rae than tasteful 'coffee-table' music.

肯妮贝儿那璀璨华丽的美嗓令人感到不可置信,不费吹灰之力就把栩栩人生唱进歌里的字里行间;她那平滑舒缓的音乐制作风格,令人联想到闲散慵懒之风独具的 Zero 7,相信从此以后会不断的被拿来互作比较;但肯妮贝儿相较於悦耳的咖啡厅音乐,肯定是多了许多音乐内涵的。

Kate Colquhoun's enthusiasm for her subject leaps from every page.


Parker's growth as an NBA player is what we wish we could have achieved, if only we had that speed, that elusiveness, that… sorry, here comes the enviousness again.


That is melancholy and euphonic, that signature that acquaint with, still have the between the lines the high house to set up the flowery language of the operate from a strategically advantageous position


更多网络解释与字里行间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ideas behind the times:不合时代潮流的思想

fault-finding 吹毛求疵的做法 | ideas behind the times 不合时代潮流的思想 | to read between the lines 从字里行间去领会其意

dynamic optimization:动态最优化

博弈论(game theory)、非线性规划(non-linear program)、动态最优化(dynamic optimization)等一类数学工具也都是二战后才有的事. 但是,看了钱教授一系列对数学在经济学中的作用和重要性的论述,我发现隐藏在他字里行间的意思就是:数学能奠定和训练一个人的数学思维,


所以字里行间有具体思维和实事求是的理性论述.科学论文的一般要求是文辞的表述要达到六项目标,即清晰的(clear),正确的 (precise),简要的(concise),流利的(fluid),熟知的(familiar)和直接的(forthright)境地[3].前四项容易被了解,

between lines; hidden meanings; nuances of:字里行间

影射:oblique references | 字里行间:between lines; hidden meanings; nuances of | 终有出头之日:cannot be kept down all the time

to put feelings into words:溢于字里行间很难

Sometimes it is hard 有时将感情 | to put feelings into words 溢于字里行间很难 | but I want you to know 但我想让你知道

Read between the lines:字里行间

这段文字貌似浅显易懂,但是,想读进字里行间(read between the lines)却是不易的,因为,它蕴涵着深刻的社会文化背景. 这篇小说写于20世纪60年代的美国,那是一个动荡不安的历史时期.

To read between the lines:读透字里行间的含义

But I never learned 但我从未学会 | To read between the lines 读透字里行间的含义 | I know that sometimes 我知道有时候

To read between the lines:字里行间

much coin, much care 钱多劳神 | to read between the lines 字里行间 (implied meaning!) | to vanish like smoke 烟消云散

To read between the lines:从字里行间去领会其意

ideas behind the times 不合时代潮流的思想 | to read between the lines 从字里行间去领会其意 | something beyond a joke 不是开我的玩笑

Read between the lines, bitch:字里行间

Look, he's just offering to help Archie with his fuckin' homework!|他刚帮助爱奇做家庭作业 | Read between the lines, bitch.|字里行间 | Fuck this. Let's go. Traffic.|我们走吧