英语人>词典>汉英 : 子午线的 的英文翻译,例句
子午线的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
meridian  ·  meridional  ·  meridianal

更多网络例句与子午线的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A carpel with one seed; one of a pair split apart at maturity meridian

n。 子午线,经线,顶点a。子午线的,日中的,顶点的

The time in any of 24 time zones, usually the mean solar time at the central meridian of each zone. In the continental United States, there are four standard time zones: Eastern, using the 75th meridian; Central, using the 90th meridian; Mountain, using the 105th meridian; and Pacific, using the 120th meridian.


Of or relating to a meridian; meridional .


The empire in its meridian period.Of or relating to a meridian; meridional.


As one ascends, one begins to reweave the energy flow of the grid work and meridians to increasing levels of light within.


The time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day.


Of or relating to meridians or a meridian .

meridian 不是子午线的意思吗?

By 3000 strands, there are small meridians where there were none before between the points of light.


First,the paper summarized and analyzed the definition of the earth prime meridian in different periods,clarified the ambiguous recognition that the earth prime meridian was the meridian passing Greenwich astronomical observatory and gave the rigorous definition about the Earth prime meridian presently.


The meridian circle telescope is used to determine the times at which stars cross the the meridian.


更多网络解释与子午线的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

regular astigmatism:规则散光

散光可根据屈光情况分为不规则散光(irregular astigmatism)和规则散光(regular astigmatism). 不规则散光是指各子午线的弯曲度不一致,用一般柱镜无法矫正;规则散光是指弯曲度最大的子午线与弯曲度最小的子午线正好垂直,用柱镜矫正能获得较好的视力.

daylight saving meridian:计算夏令时间的标准子午线

daylight observation 白天观测 | daylight saving meridian 计算夏令时间的标准子午线 | daylight saving noon 夏令时中午

focal line , posterior:后焦线:垂直于折射面最小曲度子午线的线

focal line , anterior 前焦线:垂直于折射面最大曲度子午线的线 | focal line , posterior 后焦线:垂直于折射面最小曲度子午线的线 | Fraunhofer's l's Fraunhofer线:日光谱暗线


12月24日,"联盟"火箭从普列谢茨克发射场发射"子午线"( Meridian)卫星,旨在改善俄北部及远东地区的远程无线通信状况. 2005年12月,欧空局表示不愿意支持有翼航天器后,俄罗斯联邦航天局取消载人航天器竞标活动,原因是没有胜出者.

Prime Meridian:本初子午线

其次,1884年,位于格林威治的经线,被定义为全球时间系统的基线,称为"本初子午线(Prime Meridian)",格林威治时间(GMT)成为世界标准时间. 在天文台里,有一段金属条镶嵌在地面,它就是0度经线,双脚站在线的两侧,犹如置身在地球的东西两边.

central meridian:中心子午线

ArcView支持大量的预定义了投影参数的标准投影,例如中心子午线(Central meridian)和标准纬线(Standard parallel),当你选择一个投影时,你可以定制这些参数,ArcView按照它们被应用的编图区域,对其进行编组.


meridional syzygy tide 大潮 | meridional 子午线的;南欧的 | meridional 子午线的南欧的


meridional tectonic system 经向构造体系 | meridional 子午线的 | merit 优点

Culminant release and:穿越子午线的爱恋

Tension by degree 感受到能量的张力 | Culminant release and 穿越子午线的爱恋 | You belong to me 你是我的命中注定


一般上,针灸师会用像头发般细的针来刺激身体几个穴位,以达到身体健康及缓解痛苦的目的. 他们认为可以沿著身体的"子午线"(meridians)所带的称为"气"的能量流,纠正不均衡能量.