英语人>词典>汉英 : 委托人 的英文翻译,例句
委托人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
client  ·  consigner  ·  consignor  ·  obligator  ·  trustor

更多网络例句与委托人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There lies the informational asymmetry between principals and agents, which put forward two kinds of adverse results: one is moral hazards, two is an antidromic selection.


Upon creating a trust, the settlor must designate ascertained or ascertainable persons as beneficiaries to whom the trustee's obligations in respect of the trust fund arc owed or will owed, or must designate purposes in respect of which there is an enforcer.


In Taiwan's local practice, however, the scope of said patent prosecution history to be submitted may be different as the expert institution and the assigner changes in each case. The conclusion of the analysis is therefore different on the prosecution history estoppel section. In other words, different conclusions may be achieved by different expert institutions even if the same patent and product-at-issue are submitted.


I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.

在法律英语中,Power of Attorney和Proxy 均可用作表示授权的委托书,区别在于Power of Attorney所指的被委托人应为律师,即具有律师身份,而Proxy则无此种要求,即被委托人一般不需具备律师身份。

Transfer of goods by someone to someone who then holds them until they have to be returned to the bailor (as when leave a coat in a cloakroom or at the cleaner's).


In a detailed historical narrative, we explain the process bringing China from the multi-principal governing model to the single-principal governing model in the Qin and Han dynasties. The bureaucratization of traders and the extinction of paladins were the main causes for this transformation.


The relationship between the respondent and Jiangmen Company and Hong Kong Company was payment consignation. The subject of debt did not change as claimed by the respondent, and the respondents legal status, debtor in this case, did not change. It was stated in the certificate that After receiving the goods, Jiangmen Company shall pay the Hong Kong Company, which then shall pay the Japanese company. After receiving the payment, the Japanese company shall inform Beijing company, which shall pay Jiangmen Company at once., which showed that the respondent was the debtor, and Jiangmen Company and Hong Kong Company both were the assignee entrusted by the respondent. Should the assignee fail to fulfill the obligation entrusted by the consigner, the consigner, being the debtor, undoubtedly should bear the payment obligation under the contract.


Article 61 Where an auctioneer or client, in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 18, or Article 27 of this Law, fails to make clear defects of the objects of auction and thus causes losses to the vendee, the vendee shall have the right to claim compensation from the auctioneer; where the client is responsible for the loss, the auctioneer shall have the right of recourse against the client.


After the trust is established, if the trustor dies or disbands according to law, or is canceled or declared bankrupt according to law, and if the trustor is the only beneficiary, the trust shall terminate and the trust property shall be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property; if the trustor is not the only beneficiary, the trust shall continue to exist and the trust property shall not be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property; but if the trustor, as a joint beneficiary, dies or disbands according to law, or is canceled or declared bankrupt according to law, the beneficial right of the trust shall be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property.


According to the different aims of the consigner's cross-country trade and transnational investment and combining with the industry traits and the relevant countries' tax rules and international systems, our law office will seek the proper taxpaying scheme for our consigners.


更多网络解释与委托人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bailee clause:受人委托人条款

back Valvation 倒起息 | bailee clause 受人委托人条款 | balance of payment 收支升水


bailment 保释;委托书 | bailor 委托人 | bailsman 保证人


bailment 寄销,委托 | bailor 寄销人,委托人 | bailout 抽资


baleout 将水戽出 | baler 委托人 水瓢 | baler 委托人水瓢


client 委托人;买主 | clientage 委托人 | cliff breeder 岩壁滋生

grantor trust:委托人信托

如果它组织成为一家信托,不从事任何商业活动,仅仅作为一家被动投资信托(a passive investment trust)而行事,则它可以被归类为一家"委托人信托"(grantor trust),从所得税的角度看,其资产及收入被认为是由其委托人所拥有的.


在信息经济学文献中,常常将博弈中拥有私人信息的参与人称为"代理人"(agent),不拥有私人信息的参与人称为"委托人"(principal). 因此信息经济学的所有模型都可以在委托人-代理人的框架下分析.

entrusting party:委托人

Entrusted Tally 委托性理货 | entrusting party 委托人 | entrusting party's account 委托人的帐

entrusting party's account:委托人的帐

entrusting party 委托人 | entrusting party's account 委托人的帐 | Entrustment Inspection 委托检验


委托人信托 grantor trust | 委托人 grantors | 维持费用carrying amount