英语人>词典>汉英 : 妙语 的英文翻译,例句
妙语 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quip  ·  repartee  ·  wit  ·  witticism  ·  quipped  ·  quipping  ·  quips  ·  witticisms

punch line · witty remark
更多网络例句与妙语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was like little Ascanius, who followed with unequal steps the heroic strides of Aeneas on his march toward mighty destinies.


You can not imagine that this kind of punch line, even the deep attainments are not necessarily scholars .


A talk full of attic salt is worth listening to.


And Edy Boardman laughed too at the quaint language of little brother.


He often set the table a-roaring with a well-placed bon mot.


Less recognized as a master of the bon mot than as the greatest philosopher of the 19th century, Friedrich Nietzsche famously summed up the creative process with these words.


Her convoluted Castilian was the wonder of poets, ever since the memorable day when she found the matches that Uncle Juan de Dios had lost and returned them to him with her triumphant argot

有一次,她找到了Juan de Dios叔叔丢失的火柴,还回去时她得意洋洋地说了一句妙语:"我来了,你的火。"那天真让人难忘。

The Goajiro,for their part, always spoke a kind of boneless Castilian with brilliant flashes, like Chon's own dialect, and a perverse precision that my grandmother forbade her to use because it always led to an inescapable ambiguity:"The lips of the mouth".


A crack of joke may inspire students' interest and enthusiasm and then what they learn leaves on them an impression not easily forgotten.


Both of them were even a little intoxicated, but they behaved very creditably.


更多网络解释与妙语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attic wit:文雅的机智, 典雅而意义深刻的妙语

attic window | 屋顶阁楼的斜窗 | Attic wit | 文雅的机智, 典雅而意义深刻的妙语 | attic | 阁楼, 顶楼, (耳的)鼓室上的隐窝


epidemic 流行,传染性的 | epigram 隽语,短而机智之妙语 | epilogue 结尾,收场白

punch line:妙语

另外,戴教授还强调了应该关注的如下素质,这些素质说明考生有成为职业译员的潜力:迅速理解所听段落中妙语(punch line)的能力;迅速把握主次信息以及理清信息间逻辑关系的能力;快速组织信息的能力;清晰表达的能力以及较强的短时记忆力.

punch line:广告妙语

冰球 hockey | 广告妙语 punch line | 吉尼斯世界记录 Guinness Book of Records

punch line:妙语 关键词

I rest my case 和人争论中可以用到 可以翻译为"当我没说","我闭嘴"......之类 | punch line 妙语 关键词 | Manipulate 操纵

the punch line:(故事、笑话中的)妙语

the source of ... ......的来源 | the punch line(故事、笑话中的)妙语 | burst into a fit of laughter 突然笑出来


- 1988 - Big - 飞向未来 | - 1988 - Punchline - 妙语如珠 | - 1987 - Dragnet - 法网恢恢


project 项目;工程;规划 (1) | punchline 故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语 (3) | rank 等级;军衔 (4)


unflappable:镇定自若的 | shtick:妙语 | habitue:常客


witness 证人 | witticism 妙语 | wittily 机智地