英语人>词典>汉英 : 如熊的 的英文翻译,例句
如熊的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与如熊的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the east of the green meadow yuecheng bear fruit in the sea, like a mountain, the butte.


Etc., that whole decorative, non-existent Nestorian Lorca who could only have been invented by artistic swine who are far from little fish and bears and from the soft, hard, and liquid silhouettes that surround us.


Radha:…So in the way he designs these institutions…these symbols, the architect-engineer is telling the non-citizen "keep out,""stay out of here,""this does not belong to you"… It's a way of establishing territory… like animals… Bears leave scratch marks on trees, tigers have a spray, a mixture of urine and scent gland which says "This is my territory."

而在电影中 Radha 也在论文中指出建筑师所设计的公共建筑物已成为一种象徵,传达给非市民的讯息即是「禁止进入」、「远离此地」、「此地不属於你」,就如熊或老虎等动物藉由在树皮留下抓痕或散发气味以表示「此处是我的地盘」一样,这些建筑设计也是在划定「地盘」。

Fuse the brand-new photolysis enzyme intelligence whitening bright face science and technology, joins the effective whitening ingredient arbutin, mulberry tree essence, Melanase 2XB and the RHG3 compound and so on, like laser whitening accurate effective, uses 7 kind of unprecedented whitening science and technology, the deductive whitening "the septet" all-weather fading , eliminates is calm, is gloomy, proposes the bright skin color, brings the transparent white to be tender, brilliance according to person's skin.

主要成分融合全新光解酶智能美白焕颜科技,加入熊果苷,桑树精华,Melanase 2XB和RHG3复合物等有效美白成分。融合全新光解酶智能美白焕颜科技,加入熊果苷,桑树精华,Melanase 2XB和RHG3复合物等有效美白成分,如激光美白般精准有效,采用7种突破性美白科技,演绎美白"七重奏"全天候淡化、消除沉着、晦暗,提亮肤色,带来亮白柔嫩,光彩照人的肌肤。

Uva Ursi leaf contains powerful phytochemicals such as volatile oils, arbutin, quercetin, and mallic and gallic acids. Arbutin is highly antibacterial and destroys bacteria and fungus that infect the urinary system such as E.


If Chinese stock market is same, bovine city prices gets lost ursine one side.


For instance : large carnivores, as the bear or lion.


Large carnivores, as the bear or lion.


Words which have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings are full homonyms, as exemplified by bear v.


Something, such as a rug, made from the skin of a bear .


更多网络解释与如熊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coreopsis lanceolata:金雞菊

对奇花异草的追求.促使人们不断地引进外地的或国外的花草品种.这些花草免不了从花园中逃逸.而在自然生长下.其中一些外来观赏植物逃逸后成为危险的外来入侵种.如熊耳草(Ageratum houstonianum).剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata).秋英(Cosmo


>载熊胆(Fel Ursi)的鉴定,"然多伪者,但取一粟许滴水中,一道若线不散者为真",李时珍谓,"熊胆佳者通明. 每以米粒点水中,运转如飞者良. 余胆亦转,但缓尔". >载寒水石(Calcitum,Gypsum Rubrum):"折片投水中,


隆隆巨声的火山口等美景,分布在这块约台湾四分之一大的古老火山高原,她更是全美最大的野生动物保留区,清澈的溪流,鱼儿力争上游,如茵的草原,野牛麋鹿觅食其上,其他如黑熊、灰熊、扁角鹿等等亦以此为家. 其中又以间歇泉(Geyser)著称.

Helenium autumnale:心菊 }

品种.这些花草免不了从花园中逃逸.而在自然生长下.其中一些外来观赏植物逃逸后成为危险的外来入侵种.如熊耳草(Ageratum houstonianum).剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata).秋英(Cosmos bipinnata).堆心菊(Helenium autumnale).万寿菊(Tage

musk ox:麝牛

如基因理论,认为其基因缺陷;气候理论,认为气候越来越冷,而洞熊类仅仅适合于间冰期,而且,洞熊并不是唯一灭绝于最后一次冰期的物种,欧洲猛犸、披毛犀、洞狮、草原野牛(steppe bison)、巨鹿(giant deer)、欧亚麝牛(musk ox)等等全部灭绝.

pooh bear:维尼熊,为迪斯尼动画片里的可爱动物

17. run for office:竞选公职(如议员、州长等). | 18. dick around:胡闹,瞎混. | 19. pooh bear:维尼熊,为迪斯尼动画片里的可爱动物.

bearishly:粗鲁地, 笨拙地

bearish | 如熊的, 粗暴的 | bearishly | 粗鲁地, 笨拙地 | bearishness | 粗鲁, 笨拙

like a bear with a sore head:暴躁[如头痛中的熊. 囧]

7. more bark than bite 刀子嘴豆腐心 | 8. like a bear with a sore head 暴躁[如头痛中的熊. 囧] | 9. have a bee in one's bonnet 有某种(特别的)想法

have a bee in one's bonnet:有某种(特别的)想法

8. like a bear with a sore head 暴躁[如头痛中的熊. 囧] | 9. have a bee in one's bonnet 有某种(特别的)想法 | 10. make sb.'s blood boil 怒不可遏


bearish 如熊的 | Bearnaise 蛋黄酱 | bearskin 熊皮