英语人>词典>汉英 : 如师的 的英文翻译,例句
如师的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与如师的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From a Bloody Mary in the morning to guaranteed hangover cures, 1000 Best Bartender's Recipes covers a wide range of drinks such as: Sorority and Fraternity Fantasia Shots for the Chronic Twenty-one-year-old Park Avenue Potions Champagne Concoctions and Fancy Liqueurs Around the World in 100 Drinks Passport Lover's Paradise Bahama Mama Hula 'Til It Hurts Tropical Drinks


The surveyor charges may vary, but for the most part, it is an inspection by a licensed party that hunts the property, searching for structural damage, such as subsidence, dry rot or vermin.


Thisnew version will always be compatible with official 5.03 firmwarefunctions and will always allow 5.02GEN-A features BUT with now theability to play with all games, even protected ones such as Evangelion,Fullmetal Alchemist...

这个新版本将始终符合官方5.03固件的职能,并总是能够5.02GEN -阿的功能,但现在有能力玩所有的游戏,甚至保护,如新世纪福音战士,钢之炼金术师的。。。

It's the red grape of the heart of Burgundy, and its wine is so seductive, so silky, so perfumed, and so wretchedly difficult to make, that winemakers all over the world see it as some kind of holy grail that they must achieve.


Such as the Phi skin, plate, can be Zama tail shape, popular hair stylist of all ages.


In literature and art , the Yuan dramas attained great achievement , with representative dramatists such as Guan Hanqing , Wang Shifu , Baipu , Ma Zhiyuan etc., and representative dramas such as the "Unjustice Done on Dou E" and the "West Chamber".

在文学和艺术,人民币电视剧达到伟大的成就,有代表性的剧作家如关汉卿,汪师俘,白蒲,马致远等,和有代表性的电视剧,如& Unjustice完成对窦阿&和&西厢记&。

Therefore, he went deep into the snow mountains again, taking the lama artists in the lamaseries, artisans and craftsmen as his teachers, making friends with Tibetan scholars and, like a pilgrim, wandering for many years among the grottoes at Dunhuang and all the lamaseries. He copied and created a large number of works and wrote many good theses, such as The History of Tibetan Tangkas and Their Artistic Characteristics and Tibetan Murals in the Dunhuang Treasure House.


You can use an object of natural beauty that invokes a special feeling of inspiration for you,such as a flower or a crystal.


Because of his Italian origin, he was not officially recognised as the chief engraver at the Royal Mint, and there were rivalries with other engravers including the Wyon family.


His gaze, once it had begun to hover about her body, would not return to its anchor-which would normally be the tip of one's nose, as enjoined by his guru and the yoga shastras.


更多网络解释与如师的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


b.师带徒(apprenticeship)是一种既有现场培训又有课堂培训的工作-学习培训方法. 大部分师带徒培训项目被用于技能行业,如,管道维修业、木工行业、电工行业及瓦工行业. c.仿真模拟(simulation)是一种体现真实生活场景的培训方法,




这名法国的制图师已经将当时的一些新地理发现的名字都加进去了,如包括由 科尔特斯(Cortez)发现的南美州. 这张地图刻有华丽的华纹,人工上色,下方有两个美人鱼,两个天使. 而上方则用法国皇家的盾徽装饰,而一条波浪形的带子则写上了地图的名称.



drop out:脱落

病人开始来我处治疗时表现得非常守时、恭歉(结合病人年幼的表现,不由让治疗师想到病人的内心所经历的正好是相反的感觉,如反感治疗师就如反感他父亲一样),病人后来出现脱落(drop out),在间隔一段时间后续的治疗中病人开始攻击:由于治疗师在治疗中接了外来的电话,


去年9月23岁的她生下第二个弗雷迪(Freddy)后,身形更是如气球般地迅速膨胀,满心苦恼的她急于减去多余的赘肉. 为此她求助于一位名叫马克-伍德考克(Mark Woodcock)个人塑身师. 在他的悉心指导下古迪苗条了不少,

John Galliano:约翰.加利亚诺

就 如 期 待 巴 黎 最 有 权 威 的 时 装 设 计 师推 出 他 们 的 全 新 系 列 一 样, 而 这 些 设 计 师 也 争 相 邀 请 维 达.沙 宣 为 他 们 的 时 装 系 列 设 计 发 型,包 括 约 翰.加 利 亚 诺 (John Galliano)、 凯 瑟 琳.哈


大众普遍上认为眼机能专家(Optometrist)与配镜师(Optician)是同等的. 其实,这是错误的观念. 眼机能专家与配镜师有着很大的不同之处. 前者与后者都会为病患提供基本的度数检验如近视、散光等等,并为病患配置眼镜. 但,

War Department:陆军部

5个月后,陆军部(War Department)命令第82师如伞兵般地训练,有一半的人员是由第101空降师的核心分出的. 美国的新空降部队在后来于西西里岛、意大利、诺曼第和荷兰等地参与伞兵攻击第82空降师在二次大战期间的角色仍然维持不变:以出人意料的空降袭击重要据点,


很多大人物都曾说过类似的话,如孔子的"己所不欲,勿施于人"、煞买(Shammai,犹太教师)、伊苏格拉底(Isocrates,希腊哲学家),斐罗(Philo)等. 不过,他们都是用消极的方式来表达. 耶稣采用的是积极的方式,这可说是他给整本旧约圣经的一个总结.