英语人>词典>汉英 : 好口角的 的英文翻译,例句
好口角的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与好口角的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because has the resident who to the supermarket shopping the accident is admitted to the hospital to grow doubled and re-doubled, because struggle of initiation the argument is concerned the situation which both sides attack brutally to be common, but also has, in "rushes to purchase the war" most to be injured contracts hypertension, heart disease's senior citizen on the number, now, the armor class's cloudy brume has not diverged, after strolling the market, everybody must promptly wash the hands, wash the face, prevents the bacterial invasion body, the good mall should guarantee the air circulation, the business and the customer becomes wealthy harmoniously, adopts the measure reduction shopping accident.


更多网络解释与好口角的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brawling:争吵, 喧嚷

brawler | 争吵者, 打架者 | brawling | 争吵, 喧嚷 | brawly | 喧嚷的, 好口角的

brawly:喧嚷的, 好口角的

brawling | 争吵, 喧嚷 | brawly | 喧嚷的, 好口角的 | brawn drain | 劳工外流运动员外流

Brawn drain:劳工外流运动员外流

brawly | 喧嚷的, 好口角的 | brawn drain | 劳工外流运动员外流 | brawn | 强壮的肌肉, 膂力, 腕力, 腌制好的野猪肉


(5)裂隙(fissure) 也称皲裂,为线状的皮肤裂口,可深达真皮,常因皮肤炎症、浸润增厚或角化导致皮肤弹性减弱后牵拉引起,好发于掌跖、指趾、口角等. (6)瘢痕(scar) 真皮或深部组织缺损或破坏后,由新生结缔组织增生修复而成. 皮损光滑无弹性,

Toyota Prado:丰田霸道

且不说因几句口角就指使黑社会打死"外地人"的刘立民是好是坏,他在太原工作却拥有一辆挂着上海牌照的私家车也让人不解. 而被打死的李忠义只是一个普通巡警,却能驾驶昂贵的丰田霸道(Toyota Prado)越野车与亲友出游,恐怕也不好解释.