英语人>词典>汉英 : 女权 的英文翻译,例句
女权 的英文翻译、例句


woman's rights · women's rights
更多网络例句与女权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The white feminists enlist the support of a 84-year-old black feminist guru who wears a cowgirl hat, smokes a cheroot and is said to have had affairs with Fidel Castro, Emma Goldman, Dinah Washington and Tupac Shakur.


Rising abruptly that the black feminism criticizes, is that doubleness that the woman suffers with black to the race and nature oppresses cannot to part,"coming into being that the black feminism criticizes since the black daughter critic and the writer realize the white race male sex and the female , black male sex is that heresy , this have helped to bring about all in the experience looking on self experience as a standard but looking at the black woman".


It is based on female's experiences and their responses to life, affirming self value, rebuilding self consciousness of females, getting back their social status and praising their contributions to society and culture. This thesis is going to analyze 3 major novels of Margaret Drabble which are created at different times during the second feminist movement: A Summer Bird-Cage, The Radiant Way and The Middle Ground.


Feminist psychology is one of the important branches of feminist movement in western countries.


In the 1960s, with the development of female liberation movement, the literary criticism of Feminism flourished. From then on, Faulkner's novels attracted the critics and became the objects of their research because of his reappearance of the myth of the South and the myth of Southern ladyhood in his novels.


This paper probes the source of the feminist movement in Britain, and analyses its special features in the 19th century.

摘 要:本文探寻了英国女权运动的源头,分析了19世纪英国女权运动的特征。

Customarily charged with maintaining discipline,he is instead a preening popinjay decked out in garb more appropriate for a transvestite masquerade party,a caricature of his former stern self whose claims to authority may now be ignored with impunity.


Feminism and the feminist movement comes from these opportunities it's Rosie the Riveter who inspired the opportunities that came to postwar women.


Spivak questions and criticizes the west feminist in the fourth section, which include critiques at "international feminism","sisterhood" Julia Kristeva and the Anglo-America feminism.


The essay rereads Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre from the perspective of ecofeminism,explores the relationship between women and nature,and reveals the tragedy where women and nature are oppressed and exploited by men.


更多网络解释与女权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antifederalist | 反联邦主义者, 反联邦党员 | antifeminist | & 反对女权主义的(人),反男女平等主义的(人) | antiferment serum | 抗酶血清

Feminist Bioethics:女权主义生物伦理学

Traditional and Non-Biomedical Healings传统与非生物医学治疗(愈合)??? | Feminist Bioethics女权主义生物伦理学 | Christian Bioethics基督教生物伦理学

Emmeline Pankhurst:女权主义者

Mother Teresa 诺贝尔和平奖得主 | Emmeline Pankhurst 女权主义者 | Rosa Parks 维权人士


种种男性歧视的现象,在刚刚进入21世纪的人类社会,仍尚未被搬上台面仔细审问思考过. 在女权(feminism)受到过度重视之下的时代,是否有将女权与两性平等画上等号的观念间接植入了你(妳)的心中?

new feminism:新女权主义

而到了70年代中期,"激进的女权主义"的主张有了重大的变化,这就是在政治浪潮中诞生的"新女权主义"(New Feminism),它从具体的政治运动走向整体的文化批判,并开始研究女性作家及其作品.



Feminist Theology:女权神学

Feminism 女权运动,女权主义 649 | Feminist Theology 女权神学648 | Feminization 女性化649

feminist movement:女权运动

一九四八年七月十九日,美国纽约州召开了第一届女权运动(feminist movement)大会. 会议的目的是积极争取妇女在法律和政治上的平等,她们当时正面对着美国社会以男性为统冶主体的嘲讽和攻击. 类似于这样的活动,西方的所谓的女权主义者要比中国女人觉悟的年代要早远的多,

feminine militancy:女权激进主义

female-maintained households;女性维持的家庭;; | feminine militancy;女权激进主义;; | feminist movement;女权运动;;

woman's rights:女权

骄傲成为一位母亲 take pride in being a mother | 女权 woman's rights | 女权主义 feminism