英语人>词典>汉英 : 奥妙 的英文翻译,例句
奥妙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

what's behind it
更多网络例句与奥妙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The game of golf has a myriad of subtleties developed through its long history.


Reason why these products will be popular this year, said developers of such products which abstruse.


"The art and science of anesthesiology is choosing the right dose," he said.


I am Anne Sullivan tapping out the secrets of the universe into the outstretched hand of Helen Keller.


Archaism says sea Na Baichuan, have Rong Naida, of Internet include the gender is the secret that he expands quickly and continues to expand.


The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding.


Mr. Adams beamingly explained its workings to Mr. Spencer, who showed a courteous but not too intelligent interest


Mr. Adams beamingly explained its workings to Mr.


Economically, what could be better for a patent holder than to have a million people use the buddy system to teach themselves about the intricacies and virtues of your product (as pirated and distributed by others), and then wait in line to buy your stuff when they want the best?


And now she has become a teaching assistant in Omeca. She would like to share her secrets of studying English with students and help them to take a short cut to study English.


更多网络解释与奥妙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstruse:奥妙的, 深奥的

taphrogeny 地震[地裂]运动 | abstruse 奥妙的, 深奥的 | carthaginian apple 石榴


abstractly 抽象地 | abstruse 奥妙的 | abstrusely 难解地


abstruselyimpalpablyobscurelyunintelligibly 难解地 | abstruseness 奥妙 | absurderroneous 谬


abstrusely /难解地/深奥地/ | abstruseness /深奥/奥妙/ | absurd /不合理的/悖理的/无稽的/荒唐的/可笑的/谬/妄/

Arcanum Wings:奥妙羽翼

47Venser's Diffusion凡瑟式搅散FUT | 48Arcanum Wings奥妙羽翼FUT | 49Blind Phantasm盲目幻象FUT

The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the lnner Eye:水晶球占卜的奥妙在于打开 你内心的眼睛

Broaden your minds. You must look beyond.|拓宽你的... | The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the lnner Eye.|水晶球占卜的奥妙在于打开 你内心的眼睛 | Only then can you see. Try again.|只有这时你...

they totally passed this far-out knowledge down through the ages:他们洞悉了这宇宙能量的奥妙

But a bunch of dudes, right,... | they totally passed this far-out knowledge down through the ages.|他们洞悉了这宇宙能量的奥妙 | GRAND CURATOR: Some with this knowledge were called prophets, some, frui...


40) mysterious 神秘的 | mystical 奥妙的 | 41) notable 著名的(指事)

In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination:在这间房子里,你们将领略圣术的奥妙

Welcome, my children.|欢迎... | In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination.|在这间房子里,你们将领略圣术的奥妙 | In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight.|在这间房子里,...


profligate 恣意,放荡的 | profound 深深感觉,极深,奥妙的 | profuse 浪费的