英语人>词典>汉英 : 奥古斯都时代的 的英文翻译,例句
奥古斯都时代的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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And therefore, they prove accomplished, but not of great spirit; and study rather behaviour than virtue; but this holds not always; for Augustus Caesar, Titus Vespasianus, Philip le Belle of France, Edward the Fourth of England, Alcibiades of Athens, Ismael the Sophy of Persia, were all high and great spirits; and yet the most beautiful men of their times.


Austen's orderly, decorous16 world has an Augustan balance and sanity—just the place to which we'd like to retreat after each day's news.


Augustus and his successors is a trade era of almost complete freedom of time, is a fortune for private entrepreneurs the opportunity to the best of times, whether it is in Republican or Augustan period and its successor, under the leadership of Rome, not Greece have inherited certain of countries, especially Egypt, the implementation of the policy of nationalization of industry and commerce.


These honors existed separately under Augustus, but in a way that is disputed the various sections of the equites Romani were turned into a single group in A.D.


Under the Empire, the equites equo publico were divided into six turmae that replaced the 18 centuries of the centuriate assembly.

帝国时代,公帑畜马骑士被分为6个 turmae 骑兵分队,按罗马十二皇帝传·奥古斯都传的中文注释,是 ala(侧翼,联队的十分之一, turma 在此处英文解为 division,但我查的解释是 troop, squadron 即骑兵队,替代了在森都里亚大会上原有的18个百人队。

Basic legionary pay under Augustus was 75 denarii paid three times a year (225 denarii or 900 sesterces per year).


A city in eastern Georgia north-northwest of Savannah; noted for golf tournaments


Under Augustus a regular centurion received 3750 denarii (more than 16 times the soldier's pay), the primi ordines 7500 denarii (33 times regular pay) and the primipilus 15,000 denarii (66 times regular pay).


Atheism leaves a man to sense; to philosophy; to natural piety; to laws; to reputation; all which maybe guides to an outward moral virtue, though religion were not; but superstition dismounts all these, and erects a absolute monarchy in the minds of men.


Legionaries normally had to be Roman citizens and under Augustus owed 16 years service and were retained at the camp but relieved of regular duties for another four.


更多网络解释与奥古斯都时代的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Augusta 奥古斯塔 | Augustan 奥古斯都的 | Augustan 奥古斯都时代的


Augusta /奥古斯塔/ | Augustan /奥古斯都的/奥古斯都时代的/ | Auki /奥基/


Augustan 奥古斯都的 | Augustan 奥古斯都时代的 | Auki 奥基

augustan age:拉丁文学时代

Augusta 奥古斯塔 | augustan age 拉丁文学时代 | Augustan 奥古斯都的

augustan age:拉丁文学之黄金时代

Augusta | 奥古斯塔(美国缅因州首府) | augustan age | 拉丁文学之黄金时代 | Augustan | 奥古斯都的, 奥古斯都时代的


Augustan | 奥古斯都的, 奥古斯都时代的 | auguste | 笨拙型马戏团小丑 | Augustinian | 奥古斯丁教义(的), 奥古斯丁教团教士(的)


例如,次经>(Ecclesiasticus)中有一段话,"一切都是成双而相对的"(>42:25),就是迦特利派非常喜欢的内容之一. 摩尼教徒,即3世纪波斯二元论者摩尼的跟随者,在奥古斯丁的时代非常兴旺. 摩尼教对奥古斯丁一度极具吸引力,



Galileo Galilei:伽利略

从她改编的<<莱奥纳多.达芬奇笔记>>(The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci)到她与现代作曲家菲利浦.葛拉斯(Philip Glass)合作编导并在古曼剧院(Goodman Theatre上映的歌剧<<伽利略>>(Galileo Galilei),都能发现札莫曼(Zimmerman)习惯避开时代错误或直截了当的政治评论,


如同在其他被征服地区一样,罗马后来在伊利里亚设置了伊利里库姆(Illyricum)行省. 至于伊利里库姆行省的正式设立究竟始于何时,史载则多语焉不详. 但一般肯定,直到奥古斯都(屋大维)时代完成对达尔马提亚人的征服以后,