英语人>词典>汉英 : 套领衫 的英文翻译,例句
套领衫 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与套领衫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And we take these clothes apart and add these bits onto the knitted base. The outcome is still a fresh new piece but recreated with old/remnant pieces such as lace collars found from an old blouse before, or men's shirts reworked and pleated and put onto our "new" knitted bases, which consist of easy to wear cardigans and crew neck pullovers.


I am looking for a Size 39 black V-neck pullover.

我想买一件39号, V 型领的黑色套头衫。

The key piece of the latest Costume collection was the waistcoat (à la Bowie in his Thin White Duke incarnation), worn over turtles and tees. Capasa paired it with baggy, pleated pants for the requisite Weimar vibe, and threw an unmatched jacket over the top for a loose contemporary take on the three-piece suit. The monochrome palette—also very mid-period Bowie—was sparked by the red soles of the chunky shoes and the lining of an evening coat. Otherwise, memories to cherish included the Alice Dellal-type 'do on model Jethro "Son-of-Nick" Cave, and the elevating, New Wave-ish whiff of the polyurethane catwalk.

秋冬的主轴单品很显然是马甲背心、也是David Bowie在Thin White Duke时期的主要造型,Capasa运用龟领套头衫与紧身tees下搭宽垮长裤、沉稳低调的黑/白与深/浅灰色系则反应著Bowie当时的内敛与苍郁,而穿插在宽头皮鞋和西装内里的红色点缀也毫不意外的让人眼睛一亮;或许乍看似单调无奇的设计,其实却有著跨越时代的概念,也或许是要,曾经浸淫在彼时此时的音乐环境中的人们,才能够投入设计师之於摇滚乐手的浪漫钦慕情怀之中。

This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater, khakis, and loafers.


Her innovations were basic to the wardrobes of generations of women: jersey suits and dresses, the draped turban, the chemise, pleated skirts, the jumper, turtleneck sweaters, the cardigan suit, the blazer, the little black dress, the sling pump, strapless dresses, the trench coat.


Among a few 10s pictures, Eddie chose this one in which Ah Mui was in uni sex tuxedo, white shirt and a little jersey vest. She also wore a black gentleman hat, looked very cool. It is said, Ah Mui liked this Tuxedo very well, and it is very well kept till today.


Description: Ladies fine gauge pullover, long sleeves and -sleeves, with round neck and v-neck, fully-fashion workmanship, partly with tubular cuffs, in fashionable solid or yarn dyed stripes, jersey knits (partly with 2x1 ribs or cables), jersey knit, rib, transferstitch pattern and cable structures, similar to attached pictures!


更多网络解释与套领衫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

knitted overtop:针织套头衫

4、 turndown collar 翻领(褶领) | 5、 knitted overtop针织套头衫 | 7、 pinafore dress 宽罩型洋装;无袖无领服

pinafore dress:宽罩型洋装;无袖无领服

5、 knitted overtop针织套头衫 | 7、 pinafore dress 宽罩型洋装;无袖无领服 | 8、 blouse with revers collars 翻领上衣(类似衬衫)


shrubalthea flower 木槿花 | shrug 短套领衫 | shrunk finish fabric 预缩整理织物


slip-on shirt 套头衬衫 | slip-on 套领衫 | slip-over dress 连衫裙

slip-on shirt:套头衬衫

slip-on gloves 宽袖中长手套 | slip-on shirt 套头衬衫 | slip-on 套领衫

shoulder slipover:带肩套领衫

shoulder protector 护肩 | shoulder slipover 带肩套领衫 | shoulder vest 有肩带背心

turtle neck sport shirt:龟颈领运动衬衫

turtle neck pullover sweater 龟颈领套式羊毛衫 | turtle neck sport shirt 龟颈领运动衬衫 | turtle neck sweater 高领衫

teg wool:一岁羊初剪毛

T恤,圆领短袖套头衫 Tee-shirt,T-shirt | 一岁羊初剪毛 teg wool | 特拉帕提棉(印度产) Tellapatti cotton

turndown collar:翻领(褶领)

3、 cowl collar 宽松的围领 | 4、 turndown collar 翻领(褶领) | 5、 knitted overtop针织套头衫

cowl neck jumper:(围巾领套头衫)大围领套头衫

1、 mink jacket貂皮袄 | 2、 cowl neck jumper (围巾领套头衫)大围领套头衫 | 3、 cowl collar 宽松的围领