英语人>词典>汉英 : 奎德 的英文翻译,例句
奎德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与奎德相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But one day, in his territory breaks to rush to burst suddenly how good mousie have several unexpected visitors affected his tranquil life -- look not, does a heart not how good greatly bad wolf and three homeless family circumstances not how good young pigs, they come from the fairy tale kingdom, there calls Farr Quaid (John · Litt to match high) the tyrant is ruled now by one, he causes in the kingdom tyrannically the common people people have no means to make a living, their several are runs away from there.


One consequence of this, she adds, has been a rise in demand for in-depth quantitative skills, supplied by highly numerate students with MScs.


Don't be moved by the fact Vazquez won the series. Sandy Saddler beat Willie Pep three times out of four but no one rates Saddler over Pep.


Schindler wrote the names of 1,200 Jews at the Plaszow concentration camp and gave it to the Nazi SS, saying the people on the list were needed for employment at his factory in Crakow, Poland, said Mordechai Paldiel, who heads the department at Yad Vashem that researches and honors Gentiles.


Others, too, drooled as Mr Rodenstock displayed an extraordinary talent for digging up rare Yquems, Margaux, Lafites and Moutons (he was known as "Monsieur Yquem" on account of his passion for sweet white Bordeaux).


The members of the following houses in Germany having renounced their solemn vows and become canonesses in the sixteenth century, abandoned also the Catholic Faith and accepted the Protestant religion: Gandersheim, Herford, Quedlinburg, Gernrode.

成员以下的房屋,德国放弃了庄严的誓言,并成为canonesses在十六世纪,被遗弃的也信仰天主教和新教接受宗教:甘德斯海姆,尔福德,奎德林堡, Gernrode 。

The three experts who have selected Hatton are Steve Bunch by late-round stoppage; Mark Collings mid- to late-round stoppage and Stuart Brennan, possibly late-round stoppage.


After arriving at Farquaad's castle, Shrek agrees to try and rescue the beautiful Princess Fiona from the castle where she is living, trapped by a fire-eating dragon (a giant snake-like monster with wings). Farquaad wants to marry Fiona so he can legally become King of DuLoc, and thus he tells Shrek that if he brings him the Princess, he will force the fairy tale characters out of his swamp. Soon after, Shrek and Donkey head off to rescue Fiona.


Director Richard Marquand directed the scene, but George Lucas was present for the entire length of filming.


To pull off the crucial role of the Emperor (who first appeared briefly as a hologram voiced by Clive Revill in The Empire Strikes Back), George Lucas and Jedi director Richard Marquand turned to Ian McDiarmid, a charismatic British stage actor then in his mid-30s.


更多网络解释与奎德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Collegiate Church, Castle and OldTown of Quedlinburg:奎德林堡神学院,城堡和古城

■莫尔布龙修道院Maulbronn Monastery Complex 1993 | ■奎德林堡神学院,城堡和古城Collegiate Church, Castle and OldTown of Quedlinburg 1994 | ■弗尔克林根铁工厂Voklingen Ironworks 1994

Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg:奎德林堡神学院,城堡和古城

■莫尔布龙修道院Maulbronn Monastery Complex 1993 | ■奎德林堡神学院,城堡和古城Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg 1994 | ■弗尔克林根铁工厂Voklingen Ironworks 1994

Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg:奎德林堡的牧师会教堂、城堡和古城

毛尔布隆修道院群 Maulbronn Monastery Complex | 奎德林堡的牧师会教堂、城堡和古城 Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg | 弗尔克林根钢铁厂 Volklingen Ironworks

Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg:(奎德林堡的学院教堂、城堡和古镇)

1993 Maulbronn Monastery Complex (莫尔布龙修道院) | 1994 Collegiate Church, Castle, and old Town of Quedlinburg(奎德林堡的学院教堂、城堡和古镇) | 1994 V?lklingen Ironworks (弗尔克林根钢铁厂)

Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg:奎德林堡古镇、学院教堂和宫殿

14. 佛尔克林根炼鐡厂 V lklingen Ironworks (1994) | 15. 奎德林堡古镇、学院教堂和宫殿 Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg (1994) | 16. 麦塞尔化石遗址 Messel Pit Fossil Site (1995)

Collegiate Church St.Servatius, Castle and old Town Quedlinburg:奎德林堡慈善教堂,宫殿和老城

1993 Maulbronn Monastery Complex 毛尔布劳恩修道院 | 1994 Collegiate Church St.Servatius, Castle and old Town Quedlinburg 奎德林堡慈善教堂,宫殿和老城 | 1994 Volklingen Ironworks 弗尔克林炼铁厂


Quickeye 快眼 | Quid 奎德 | Rabid Wolf 狂狼

Randy Quaid:兰迪?奎德

就像丹尼斯-奎德(Dennis Quaid)和兰迪-奎德(Randy Quaid)争夺一个男主角名额一样,基因几乎相同,但结果......(Dennis和 Randy Quaid是两兄弟,译注). 然而,也有足够的球员因为一些非篮球的原因加入快船,使得它能够继续扬帆.

Randy Quaid:主要演员: 兰迪.奎德

拉里.麦克默特里 Larry McMurtry | 主要演员: 兰迪.奎德 Randy Quaid | 安妮.海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway

Randy Quaid:演员:兰迪.奎德

导演:李安 Ang Lee | 演员:兰迪.奎德 Randy Quaid | 安妮.海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway