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奇特 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oddity  ·  oddities

out of the common · out of the ordinary
更多网络例句与奇特相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your neighbor is at the door explaining that he spotted a rare bird in the neighborhood.


Bridget - Abbotsford, British Colombia


See the chain: woven from adamantine and a strange grey thread, it runs from his wrist to the Book.


In Paris, because of both its fa ade and the interior.


The test is carried out on the electricity character of carbon nanotubes adsorbing adenine.


All the deadly sins, indeed, have their own peculiar 奇特的negation of beauty.


The state of being grotesque;grotesqueness.


For rapid product to all parts of the country at the same time, to let more people understand the new exotic products, to allow more access to the new exotic products, but also for friends to want to start Can not find a fortune overnight, but steady and the small businesses the road, we wanted agent partners throughout the country.


The fishes which dwell therein are quaint and strange; their huge heads, prodigious jaws, and long tails and tentacles are, as it were, gross exaggerations of the common and conventional forms. We look in vain for any purposeful cause or physiological explanation of these enormities; and are left under a vague impression that life has been going on in the security of all but perfect equilibrium, and that the resulting forms, liberated from many ordinary constraints, have grown with unusual freedom.


"Dear little Swallow," said the Prince, you tell me of marvellous things, but more marvellous than anything is the suffering of men and of women.


更多网络解释与奇特相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

singular attractor:奇特吸引子

single value nonlinearity 单值非线性 | singular attractor 奇特吸引子 | singular perturbation 奇特摄动

bizarre behavior:奇特行为

bivinyl rubber 丁二烯橡胶 | bizarre behavior 奇特行为 | bizarre nucleus 畸形核


这部续集的剧情设定紧跟第二部,在上一集中布里奇特( Bridget)和马克订婚了,如今她想要在自己生物钟停止前要一个孩子. 官方并没有宣布电影公映日期,因为制作最早要到明年年底才能结束,所以目前还处于前期准备阶段.

Bridget strength:布丽奇特 强壮

Barbara foriegn 芭芭拉 外国的? | Bridget strength 布丽奇特 强壮? | Caroline strong 卡罗琳 强壮的,坚强的

Darling Bridget:亲爱的布里奇特

I've just never really found the right way to put it.|就是一直没有恰当的时机 | Darling Bridget...|亲爱的布里奇特... | ...would you...|...你能不能...

Bridget Darcy:布里奇特.达西

However, must not obsess or fantasise.|无论怎么样都不会是幻想和奢望 | Bridget Darcy.|布里奇特.达西 | Mrs Darcy.|达西夫人

Richter, Charles Francis:芮奇特

757. 芮奇特 Richter, Burton | 758. 芮奇特 Richter, Charles Francis | 759. 特尔 Ritter, Johann Wilhelm

Scientists are trying to crack the odd signs in the great pyramid:科学家们尝试破译大金字塔内的奇特符号

odd a.奇特的;临时的;单的 奇数的,单数的;剩余的 n. ... | Scientists are trying to crack the odd signs in the great pyramid. ;科学家们尝试破译大金字塔内的奇特符号. | penetrate v.透入,渗入,进入; 刺入,刺穿;...


vagabondize 流浪 | vagarious 奇特的 | vagary 奇特


vagarious 奇特的 | vagary 奇特 | vagile 漫游的