英语人>词典>汉英 : 头天 的英文翻译,例句
头天 的英文翻译、例句


last day · the day before · the previous day
更多网络例句与头天相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I received another paper and a table of signs by return mail, and I set to work to learn the notation. But on the night before the algebra examination, while I was struggling over some very complicated examples, I could not tell the combinations of bracket, brace and radical.


He had driven from his village the evening before, and had left his car in the car-park as usual.


At midnight, on the evening before, bands of boys and girls link arms and rush through the streets blowing horns, whistling, rattling tin kettles and tooting tin trumpets with all the orchestration of Charivari to make a terrific bray of discordant sound, and thus usher in the fair.


What had happened underlined his strictures of the night before; We should keep hands off the Middle East.


On the night before Christmas, he lay thinking about the next day.


3At first discharge port, lay time shall be commenced at 13:00 if Notice of Readiness is tendered before noon and at 8:00 next day if NOR is given in the afternoon. Time lost in waiting for berth hall be counted as lay time. Time used for shifting the vessel from place of stoppage, lay-by berthto discharge berth, and lighterage/lightening shall be counted as lay time. At second discharge port/lay time shall be commenced to count immediately upon vessel arrival.


This way, taking advantage of the liberalisation of the press and legalisation of political parties other than KMT as initiated by the late President Chiang Ching-kuo in his final years, Lee Teng-hui started a wave of localisation featuring populist appeals and attempts to make the island "non-Chinese".


Of political parties other than KMT as initiated by the late President Chiang Ching-kuo in his final years, Lee Teng-hui started a wave of localization featuring populist appeals and attempts to make the island "non-Chinese".


If the first self-service tour celestial bodies will not be able to actually consume too much, but the key is the night before the night of the car ride, it is best to buy plane tickets if the rest is not good, the second day of the state is estimated t


Marry head day, I know I follow him is not one passerby.


更多网络解释与头天相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beginner's Luck:年 《运财童子》(台译:狂赌一族出头天)

1994年 > Eat Drink Man Woman | 1994年 >(台译:狂赌一族出头天) Beginner's Luck | 1994年 > Oh, My Three Guys

Kaiming Cineplex:(开明电影城) - Tiandi Garden (天地花园)

Taiwan Street (台湾街): | Kaiming Cineplex (开明电影城) - Tiandi Garden (天地花园) | Jiangtou Tiandi Meishi (江头天地美食) - Jiangtou Market (江头市场)

wooden crate:板条箱

因为合同规定装板条箱(Wooden crate)而L/C规定为木板箱(Wooden case),该货物的出口包装有两种:板条箱和木板箱. 外贸业务人员以为对方有意改为木板箱,动员全体人员更换包装. 没想到头天发运了货物,第二天又收到买方来电称:"由于我方疏忽,

The dream of every sideman is that someday the front man:背景歌手都希望自己有出头天

You're gonna open for Madonna? You want me to call her... | The dream of every sideman is that someday the front man,|背景歌手都希望自己有出头天 | whose ass he's been starin' at for years, is gonna ope...

snatch at:抓取

the day before (某日的)前一天, 头天 | snatch at 抓取 | make a train 赶上火车

snorkeling:潜 浮

头天定了潜浮(snorkeling)的票,凌晨就起床往码头开. 7点半上船,船名叫Pride of Maui . 边吃早餐边听船员介绍行程. 第一站是月亮岛(Molokini),是Maui附近最著名的潜浮地点. Molokini是火山喷发形成的小岛,2/3在海面,另外1/3被海水侵蚀掉了,

Otis Sues the County:奥吃亏县

Andy and Helen Have Their Day安达和海伦出头天 | Otis Sues the County奥吃亏县 | Three Wishes for Opie三个愿望opie

Beginners Luck:年 《运财童子》(台译:狂赌一族出头天)

1994年 <<新龙虎风云>> The Most Wanted | 1994年 <<运财童子>>(台译:狂赌一族出头天) Beginners Luck | 1994年 <<醉生梦死之湾仔之虎>>(台译:醉生梦死之香港之虎) Tragic Fantasy:Tiger Of Wanchai


高人可否提供这款汤的家庭自制方法意大利蔬菜汤(Minestrone)是意大利的national soup 很简单的,一个人的份的话 基本配料: 一小把 红腰豆(头天泡水发好) 5根 法国四季豆(其它新鲜豆也可以) 1/5卷心菜 1/4洋葱 一根胡萝卜 半根芹菜