英语人>词典>汉英 : 头中部 的英文翻译,例句
头中部 的英文翻译、例句


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Inflorescences pedunculate capitula; middle part of calyx tube persistent and beaklike at apex of fruit.

花序有花序梗头状;萼筒中部果的宿存和喙状在先端。 3 Anogeissus 榆绿木属

Methods Forty eight cases of senile dementia patients with deglutition disorder were randomly divided into control group (common diet, 24 cases) and fresubin energy fiber group (fresubin energy fiber nutrition, 24 cases). All patients were treated by comprehensive intervention therapy. The deglutition function(water-drinking test), body mass index, triceps skin fold, mid-arm circumference, mid-arm muscle circumference, hemoglobin, total protein, albumin, and the days of infection within 6 months were measured.

体例 选择合并吞咽功效障碍的老年性痴呆患者48例,随机分成瑞先组和斗劲组,接纳综合干与治疗后,不雅观察患者的营养状况,指标搜罗:体重指数、丈量肱三头肌皮褶厚度、上臂中围和臂中部肌围,以及6个月内发生相关感染的天数及其吞咽功效的改良情形(参考洼田氏饮水试验评价分级)等相关指标转变。

Among the four conditions, the sequence of average density from big to small are grassplot, farm terra, meadow and hungriness in turns.


Body mass index, percent normal body weight, triceps skin-fold thickness, subscapular skin-fold thickness, mid-upper arm circumference, serum albumin and total lymphocytes count were determined in 31 patients with COPD and in 11 healthy controls.


Slipper type universal coupling"s fork joint and palm end are the weak parts of the main transmission system. In this article, the two parts" intensity values are obtained through finite element analysis . After making three-dimensional computer simulation analysis by ANSYS, the results show that the middle arc of the fork joint in loaded side and the intersection of fork bore and the arc are the danger location, where the stress is largest and stress concentration is serious.


It passes inferiorly, posterior to the respective brachiocephalic vein and medial to the scalenus anterior muscle.


It suggested neuroleptics such as Haloperidol and Tiapide might increase theta waves of the anterior and medius areas of the head of children with TS.


After analysizing the results of SSRFEM and centrifugal model test, someconclusions are drawn that, the depth of slip surface implies that the Bishopssimplied method cannot indicate the true failure mechanism for the slopes reinforcedwith piles. The rate of safety factors decreases with the pile spacing decreasing, andthe salty factor of the slopes is the largest when the reinforced piles are installed in themiddle of the slopes, regardless of pile head confining conditions, and the deflection,maximum bending moment and shear force in the reinforced piles in the criticalcollapse are the biggest meantime. The fixed and hinged head condition of the pilesresults in smaller bending moment in the piles than that in unrotated and free headcondition, therefore the restrained pile head condition is recommended in the design.


In addition, because the temperature in the head end and tail end is usually lower, the higher roll force leads to higher deformation for the roll and stand and consequently, a smaller roll gap is needed for the head end and tail end, in order to achieve equal deformation among the head end, tail end and body.


Results:The anterior bundle of the UCL starts from anterior inferior part of the medial condyle,and ends on the sublimis tubercle in front of the coronoid process of ulna,locating in the deep layer of the flexor carpal ulnar muscle.The distance between ulnar nerve and UCL is (0.9±0.1)cm in the center of cubital tunnel,and (0.6±0.3)cm in the distal foramen of cubital tunnel.The distance from the point of ulnar nerve entering the flexor carpi ulnar muscle to the medial epicondyle is (3.7±0.8)cm.The distance between the closest branch innervated flexor muscle of the median nerve and the approach is (1.6±0.5)cm at the level of medial epicondyle,and (0.9±0.4)cm at the level of ulnar tubercle.


更多网络解释与头中部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brush cut:平头发型; 寸头

Brunswick 德国中部的一行政区 (名) | brush cut 平头发型; 寸头 | brush fire 灌木丛之火灾


Derby /德比/英国中部的都市/德贝赛马/大赛马/ | Derbyshire /德贝郡/德比/ | Dermacentor /矩头蝉属/

mid section:中部

Triceps Ext.三头肌伸展训练器 | Mid-Section中部 | Abdominal Crunc腹肌训练器


浅层有腓肠肌(gastrocnemius)和比目鱼肌(soleus)两肌合称为小腿三头肌. 腓肠肌以内、外侧头分别起自股骨内、外上髁;深面的比目鱼肌起自胫、腓骨上端的后面,二肌约在小腿中部移行为粗大的跟腱,止于跟骨结节. 小腿三头肌可跖屈踝关节,

Alcippe brunnea:头乌线

游隼(Falco peregrinus)之食性及食物资源利用(黄光瀛、 刘小如、邱铭源)O08.植被结构及竹林密度对台湾保育鸟种八色鸟(Pitta nympha)巢位选择的影响(林瑞兴、李培芬)O09.台湾中部低海拔森林地区头乌线(Alcippe brunnea)之繁殖生态(张心怡


[文 摘]日本方头鱼(Branchiostegus japonicus)隶属于方头鱼科(Branchiostegidae)方头鱼属(Branchiostegus). 为温热带中下层经济鱼类,在底拖网渔获中常有出现,但数量不多,主要分布于中国的南海、东海,韩国的济州岛和日本中部以南.


响尾蛇有2属∶侏响尾蛇属(Sistrurus)体小,头顶上有9块大鳞片;响尾蛇属(Crotalus)的体型大小不一,因种而异,但头顶上的鳞片都很小. 北美洲最常见的是美国东部和中部地区的木纹响尾蛇(C. horridus, 即带状斑纹响尾蛇)、美国西部几个州的草原响尾蛇(C.


六鳃鲨科(Hexanchidae)眼小,椭圆形,鼻孔近吻端. 口在头的腹面,上、下颌齿异形: 上颌牙尖而细长,主齿头向后弯曲,中部的齿有大的突起,两旁有一--二小突起,下颌牙宽扁,长方形,具几个小齿头,呈梳状. 尾鳍延长,尾椎轴稍上翘,卵胎生.

lentiform nucleus:豆状核

可见在侧脑室前角切面的后外侧,有一大致卵圆形的灰质团块切面,为尾状核(caudate nucleus)头的切面.在尾状核头切面的后外侧有一三角形的灰质切面为豆状核(lentiform nucleus)切面,此核中部由二纵走的白质分隔为三部,

semispinalis capitis:头半棘肌

最终pH值适用于测定DFD肉,测定部位以头半棘肌(semispinalis capitis)为宜. 与反刍动物比较,猪较少发生DFD肉. 3.2.4 测定方法:按照pH计使用说明进行操作. 电极直接插入胴体指定部位背最长肌的中部刺孔中. 若插入剥离的肉样中,深度应不小于1cm,