英语人>词典>汉英 : 失意 的英文翻译,例句
失意 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chill  ·  chills  ·  frustrations

under a cloud · be disappointed · be dejected · be frustrated · be unlucky
更多网络例句与失意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To market of Chinese TV agency, agee compares Nielsen exiting is a transnational corporation not just absolutely frustrated China is so simple.


The only thing I want to let you konw,there is alawy a people who allo mpany you feel dissappointed and comfont you when you feel sael,though allthese things are silenthg,I hope you can understand,you can respanse.


She also tells Spike that his amnesia seems to be caused by dark magic.


As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for


Clearly felt that the footprints of the past, some askew, walked slowly, I have close to the edge of frustration.


That year he lost his job and appeared to be somewhat down and out .


Be nice to people on the way up because you will meet them on the way down.


A lot of frustrated scholars join it in painting, fond of the black, it is black-and-white two colors to sort out the nature rich in variety maximally, displaying limitlessly abundant multifarious world with " dividing the five colors blackly", it is refined to look at black, it is vulgar to regard color as, indulge in water to be black, is it forget colorful color world, one infringement human vision physiology and special feeling, to the black special phenomenon, can be with the application, assurance , controlling with very flexible need of the subject emotion, there is strong symbol that means with strong eastern artistic characteristics.


There's a broken-up girl for every broken-down boy.


And since it contains its share of articulate losers, it is also about mockery, the put-down , the loser's shrug ("whaddya gonna do?").


更多网络解释与失意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


要了解什么是无意识的冲突,首先要弄清楚以下几个术语: "失意"(frustration)-失意的根源来自"进攻"(aggression)的行为. 人要达到某一目的,便向这个目的进攻,进攻不成,受到挫折后便产生"失意". 失意的反应有时是再进攻,有时却是"冷漠"(apathy).


失意的反应有时是再进攻,有时却是"冷漠"(apathy). 失意是一种"无意识的冲突". "焦虑"(anxiety)焦虑也是一种无意识的冲突. 它是欲望冲动受到自我抑制的结果. 焦虑的解决办法有两种,一种叫"克服"(coping. strategies).

To avail oneself of:利用

embrace a social cause.乐意地从事于一项社会... | (4)To avail oneself of利用: | "I only regret, in my chilled age, certain occasions and possibilities I didnt embrace""我只是遗憾,在我失意的时候没有利用某...

beat down:击败

例如,对于亨克而言,Beat自然是垮掉,是失意,是困顿,是被击败(beat down). 亨克何许人?他全名叫赫伯特亨克. 他原来是威廉巴勒斯的朋友,一个纽约时代广场上的扒手和吸毒者. 金斯堡、凯鲁亚克和巴勒斯通过亨克认识了一批小偷和歹徒,

Disappointing Victory:失意的凯旋

83 After the Festival 祭典之后 | 84 Disappointing Victory 失意的凯旋 | 85 Moving the Capital 迁都

Now you must realize that there are thousands upon thousands of frustrated:现在你必须意识到 成千上万失意

by splinter groups of social radicals, social deviants... | Now you must realize that there are thousands upon thousands of frustrated,|现在你必须意识到 成千上万失意... | angry people, such as yourselv...

treat others well when you have your days,because you need them when you are unfortune:得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们

78、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微... | 79、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们. treat others well when you have your days,because you need them when you are unfortune | 80、学做任何事得按部就班,急不...

Luck at cards,unluck in love:赌场得意,情场失意

It takes two to make a quarrel.吵架需要两个人. | Luck at cards,unluck in love.赌场得意,情场失意. | Marry in haste,and repent at leisure.草率结婚后悔多.

laugh on the other side of one's face:由得意变失意, 转喜为悲

know which side one's bread is buttered (on) 知道 自已利益所在; 善于... | laugh on the other side of one's face 由得意变失意, 转喜为悲 | let the side down [口]使自己的人(如朋友、同事等)失望, 辱没自己的一...


美国一项调查发现,热衷于网络交友的学生往往会牺牲学习时间沉迷于社交网站,因此社交网站得意可能意味着考场失意. 考场失意 "脸谱"(Facebook)等社交网站已经成为一些学生生活..