英语人>词典>汉英 : 太阳天文学家 的英文翻译,例句
太阳天文学家 的英文翻译、例句


solar astronomer
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Astronomers call this point aphelion, and, at aphelion we're about three million miles farther from the sun than we will be six months from now.


Astrologer for the protection of the moon and the sun was the period of the eclipse.


But had Galileo followed the results of his observations to their logical conclusion, he should have backed another system - the Tychonic view that Earth didn't move, and that everything else circled around it and the Sun, as developed by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe in the sixteenth century.


The Brahe theory stated that all of the planets except the earth revolved around the sun, which in turn revolved around the earth. Brahe's assistant, German astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), used induction to analyze the data collected by Brahe over a twenty-year span. Kepler supported the heliocentric theory by proposing three laws of plant revolution.

在哥白尼思想的影响下,泰革(Tycho Brahe, 1546-1601)在观察的基础上,提出了哥白尼式的地心说︰地球以外的行星都绕太阳转;但太阳及其行星都绕地球转﹗泰革的助手、德国天文学家凯普勒(Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630)用归纳法分析泰革二十年积累的数据,提出了"行星运行三大定律",支持了日心说。

The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei watched space through the telescope _09_ he saw convinced him that the Earth revolves around the Sun.


The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei watched space through the telescope _09_ he sawconvinced him that the Earth revolves around the Sun.


An ancient Greek astronomer who was one of the first to propose a heliocentric theory of the universe (ca. 270 BC).


Still, astronomers have confirmed that, even though it's 4.5-billion-kilometers away, the sun can generate seasonal changes in the Neptunian system.


Precesses绕太阳得很慢.19th century astronomers made very careful observations of Mercury's orbital parameters but could not adequately explain them using Newtonian mechanics.


To astronomers, such events signal an approaching solar maximum, a period of great turbulence that roils the sun every 11 years or so


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Arabic numbers:阿拉伯数字

甚至世界各国的数字都叫阿拉伯数字(Arabic Numbers ),足见阿拉伯对数学的贡献之大. (见>有关词条,穆尼尔.白阿来白奇编,1996年贝鲁特出版)天文学:在天文学领域,穆斯林天文学家最先提出了地球绕太阳运转的学说,

solar astronomer:太阳天文学家

social worker 社会工作者 | solar astronomer 太阳天文学家 | solar system 太阳系


在英语里,零(cipher)、计算法(algorithm)、代数学(algebra)、对数(logarithm)、不尽根(surd)、正弦(sine)等词汇都是从阿拉伯语音译过去的. 天文学:在天文学领域,穆斯林天文学家最先提出了地球绕太阳运转的学说,


他指出,1919年的日食提供给英国天文学家一个检验爱因斯坦理论正确与否的理想机会,在这次日食时,太阳将接近毕星团(Hyades)中的比较亮的恒星. 毫无疑问,这是爱丁顿的促进的结果. 戴森也是一位著名的天文学家,1889年毕业于剑桥学院,

sidereal day:恒星日

天文学家计算这种与太阳不同的恒星出没的时间是用的一种"恒星日"(sidereal day),这一日之长正好等于一颗星(或春分点)两次经过子午圈之间的时间. 天文学家又将一恒星日分为24恒星时,再照常分为分秒. 他们又用一种比普通时钟每天快3分56秒的恒星时钟来计算恒星时.

red supergiant:红超巨星

大犬座VY(VY Canis Major,VY CMa)是一颗红超巨星(red supergiant),由於它具有非常高的光度,故也被分类为特超巨星(hypergiant). 天文学家研究大犬座VY已超过一个世纪. 这颗恒星距离我们5,000光年,亮度有太阳的50万倍,其质量约是太阳的30-40倍.

thermonuclear fusion:热核聚变

众所周知,天上的星星由于它们内部(interior)的热核聚变(thermonuclear fusion)而燃烧发光,已经闪耀了几十亿年,例如太阳. 天文学家认为,太阳50亿年来一直光芒四射,预期它还会持续普照大地50多亿年,北斗七星也是这样. 事实上,相对于人类的寿命来说,



mean sun:平太阳

为了定出平时,天文学家想象出一个平太阳(mean sun)的概念. 平太阳是永远顺着天球赤道运行,因此每次经过同一子午圈间隔的时间完全一致,也因此有时在真太阳之前,有时又落后了. 这个想象出的平太阳就可以确定每天的时间. 如果不管真实情形,

equation of time:时差

两者之间的差别便叫做时差(equation of time). 它们相差最多的时候约发生在每年11月初和2月中. 11月初,太阳在12点前16分钟经过子午圈;在2月中,却又在12点以后14分钟经过子午圈. 为了定出平时,天文学家想象出一个平太阳(mean sun)的概念.