英语人>词典>汉英 : 太空 的英文翻译,例句
太空 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

deep space · outer space · the firmament
更多网络例句与太空相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sees only the twinkling of an eye time, suffers the corrosion to change the yellow left hand outer space glove, the sudden color changes gradually black, the surface starts the crack to carbonize, this time Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong already obviously felt, the left hand points to the end to start to give off heat; This kind of corrosive steam has finally revealed the ominous ruthless unusual truth about the matter, this sudden gradation lets the human be virtually impossible to guard against, is following the strong corrosion permeability, before long on perish entire outer space glove outer layer and fast thorough in, Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong had a premonition the situation is not wonderful, wants to return to the planetoid control center immediately, in order to takes off the outer space glove under the artificial environment which this only bad luck passes goes against, because in on this high speed movement planetoid, the surface temperature may melt the steel and iron, once casts off the outer space glove, the flesh and blood constitution manpower can instantaneous burn, and can threaten human's entire life immediately!


April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut driving "Vostok 1" spacecraft completed the first ever space flight, the first time in human history, Earth observation from space, the first time in outer space to see the moon looks like.


Possibly bored by the banal baubles of mundane mother earth or inspired by the dashing derring-do of such pioneers as first american in space alan shepard and first millionaire in space dennis tito, the poll says 7 percent of rich americans would pay million for a two-week orbital flight and 19 percent would pay 0,000 for 15-minute sub-orbital flight.


After correcting an initial problem with the lens, when the Hubble Space Telescope was first launched in 1990, the floating astr bservatory began to relay back to Earth, incredible snapshots of the 'final frontier' it was perusing.


In 1965, the Bilderbergers met again. George Adamski takes motion pictures of an object at Silver Spring, Maryland on February 26, 1965. On March 18, the Soviets give a less than adequate performance during the "spacewalk" of Leonov. Its obviously a staged event not taking place in space. In June, astronaut James McDivitt sees an object in space and reports it.


It was formed (2000) from the merger of Aerospatiale Matra of France, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace of Germany, and Construcciones Aeronuticas S.A.


It was formed (2000) from the merger of Aerospatiale Matra of France, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace of Germany, and Construcciones Aeron uticas S.A.


Space debris, in general, has been a growing concern for NASA and other spaceflight operators due to the unprecedented crash of a Russian and American satellite earlier this year. The Feb. 10 smashup in space created two new large clouds of debris that have been continuously tracked by the Department of Defense's Space Surveillance Network.


In a separate pro gram ,the Pentagon is designing a smaller un manned space plane called the Space Maneuver Vehicle,that could be launched by the SOV,a rocket,or even a highflying airplane.


NASA and its partners in the International Space Station have agreed in principle to let a 28-year-old South African become the second paying tourist on the orbiting outpost, the U.S. space agency3 said on Tuesday. Internet magnate Mark Shuttleworth signed a contract on Dec. 4 with the Russian Aviation and Space Agency to fly aboard a Soyuz space taxi to the station in April 2002, almost exactly a year after U.S. millionaire Dennis Tito became the first to experience space as a paying guest.

美国航天局周二说,国家航空航天局和它在国际空间站的合作伙伴已原则上同意,让一位28岁的南非人成为第二名付费的太空旅游者。12月4日,因特网巨头Mark Shuttleworth与俄罗斯航空航天局签定了协议,,他将于2002年春天搭乘Soyuz号太空的士到达空间站,这与首位付费太空旅游者美国巨富Dennis Tito的太空之旅相隔几乎整整一年。

更多网络解释与太空相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deep space:深太空

精灵一号的最主要任务之一就是进一步测试太空界新近研发完成的革命性电离子推进系统(Ion Propulsion),以便以之取代现有的化学能太空推进系统,提升人类未来从事太空探险任务时之深太空(Deep Space)远程经济航行能力.


jpg | 哈勃太空望远镜 哈勃太空望远镜 (HST)的主镜于今日因故障停止工作. 哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的众多美丽的宇宙图景曾是 天文学 的一次革命. 哈勃太空望远镜拥有三个独立的电子照相机以 ... 星期一之前运行的第三 ...

space flight network:太空飛行網娛樂衛星傳播

10508太空計劃交通太空space program | 10509太空飛行網娛樂衛星傳播space flight network | 10510太空飛機娛樂博覽會astro jet

space walk:太空漫步交通太空

10531太空實驗室交通航空skylab; space station | 10532太空漫步交通太空space walk | 10533太空器娛樂衛星傳播spacecraft


再比如,随着美国宇航员成功登上月球和太空技术的发展,同"太空"(space)有关的词汇也开始流行起来,如spaceage(太空时代)、space sickness(太空病)、deep space(深空间),一直到不久前的"太空战争"(space warfare).

Space Buddies:太空犬/星际狗狗/宝贝奇太空历险

太空犬/星际狗狗/ 宝贝奇太空历险(Space Buddies)相关信息太空犬/星际狗狗/ 宝贝奇太空历险(Space Buddies)详细剧情介绍

space telemetering:太空電遙測娛樂衛星傳播

10527太空電臺娛樂衛星傳播space station; space sta. | 10528太空電遙測娛樂衛星傳播space telemetering | 10529太空電遙測太空電臺娛樂衛星傳播space telemetering space station

skylab; space station:太空實驗室交通航空

10531太空實驗室交通航空skylab; space station | 10532太空漫步交通太空space walk | 10533太空器娛樂衛星傳播spacecraft

extravehicular activity:太空船外太空人活動交通太空

10519太空船交通航空,太空航空 space ship; 太空 space capsule | 10520太空船外太空人活動交通太空extravehicular activity | 10521太空業務娛樂衛星傳播space service

quilted car coat:太空裝服飾服裝

10522太空裝交通太空space suit | 10523太空裝服飾服裝quilted car coat | 10524太空電指揮娛樂衛星傳播space telecommand