英语人>词典>汉英 : 天涯海角 的英文翻译,例句
天涯海角 的英文翻译、例句


the ends of the earth · the remotest corners of the globe · ends of the earth · many different parts of the country
更多网络例句与天涯海角相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But we still chose a tour to the sea south finally, because that has the ocean that I like most and look forward to most ;That has faraway places, if go that together with a person who likes, I think will be a very meaningful matter;The most important BE, have you there-I haven't seen for a long time of old schoolmate, I want to gather together with you, that will be an as happy as a lark matter, is not?


I have Been with her from Dan to BeersheBa.


The world's farthest distance ,not the end of the world,but I am around you ,you do not know that I love you.


The flower is fragrant, the tree is high, I am fortunately the ends of the earth.


Accordingly, they were roaming the world in search of this Fair One, and, after rejecting successively the Queen of Golconda, the Princess of Trebizonde, the daughter of the Grand Khan of Tartary, etc, etc., Labour and Commerce, Clergy and Nobility, had come to rest themselves awhile on the marble table of the Palais de Justice, and to deliver themselves before an honoured audience of a multitude of sententious phrases, moral maxims, sophisms, flowers of speech, as were freely dispensed in those days by the Faculty of Arts or at the examinations at which the Masters took their degree.


The hardie r species of tourist will travel further and undergo discomfort and difficulty jus t to lookat unusual and beautiful scenery in the remoke corners of the world.


Olympic Handover Flags will also be raised at Lowestoft, the most easterly point in England and the Isles of Scilly, the most westerly point.

升旗的地方包括:地方政府办公大楼、英国皇家军营*、英国政府各部门,不列颠群岛最北端的乌恩斯特岛(Unst Island,设得兰群岛的一部分)和最南端的康沃尔郡的"天涯海角"( Land's End),英格兰最东端的洛斯托夫特和最西端的锡利群岛。

If you come here ,you will visit a lot of nice scenic spots .such as the fascinating Yalong Bay,the charming Tianya Haijiao ,the beautiful Dadong Sea, The city is surrounded by sea like a bright pearl and blue becomes the mainly colour of the city.


Thank you for reading my file, I am an at will, optimism, bright, self-confidence, honesty, docile, good-hearted, be filled with to look forward to to the life of woman, like an oneself to cook a meal at home,Like two persons romantic life, occasionally will also go out to relax an oneself with friend, to the friend is very hot liver, always imagine to have a romantic love to take place on my body, expects that to love me, can protect my person can early appear at nearby, I like ocean, the top of the sandy beach that likes to be unmanned in morning hears the voice of the wave quietly, seeing sunrise and sunset, liking music, dance, like peaceful of life,Can follow the person of the cheery type to play of very happy, can also get along with with the person of the perfect type seriously, will also with living for the strength type of the leader to assault together, during a lifetime have much long I know, but I hope a person can keep company with me to have been walk in the end, how much nobody predestination have to can understand,, but I want to walk to faraway places with you together.


This is part of the lyrics of the song "Oh Come to ultima Thule Please" which draws a picture of what might be called ultima Thule in the farthest south of China.


更多网络解释与天涯海角相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


文章主题: 天涯海角.海南(Hainan)版面发展总结报告标 题: 天涯海角.海南(Hainan)版面发展总结报告天涯海角.海南(Hainan)版面发展总结报告天涯海角(Hainan)版自08年12月8日开版至今,本着为海南老乡服务,向岛外人士介绍推荐海南美景、人文和特色,

Land's End:天涯海角

请问山丫头:你有没有关于英国西南地区一个叫康沃尔的地方的照片,就是以著名的旅游胜地"天涯海角"(Land's End)闻名的那个地方. 网上的图片很少有城市的!

Tianya Haijiao /Land's End/The End of the Earth and:天涯海角

中国民俗文化村 China Folk Culture Village | 天涯海角 Tianya Haijiao /Land's End/The End of the Earth and | 椰岛风情 A view of the "Coconut Island"

Lost and Found:天涯海角

今天(3月11日,现在才贴出来)终于看到了久违了的一部片,天涯海角(Lost and found) 相比之下中文名更酷阿. 这部片是好久以前看过的,但是时隔这么多年,仍然那么感人.

lost found:年 《天涯海角》(台译:金城武之天涯海角)

* 1996年 > The Log | * 1996年 >(台译:金城武之天涯海角) Lost Found | * 1996年 > First Option

to the ends of the earth. (out-of-the-way places; the uttermost part of the earth):天涯海角

beyond his depth 不自量力 | to the ends of the earth. (out-of-the-way places; the uttermost part of the earth) 天涯海角 | of his own accord 心甘情愿

ultima Thule:天涯海角

ultima ratio 最后的争论 | ultima Thule 天涯海角 | ultima 最终的

ultima Thule:天涯海角/最远点

ultima /最后的/最终的/最后一个音节/ | ultima Thule /天涯海角/最远点/ | ultima ratio /最后的争论/最后的手段/

Tianyahaijiao, the tropical Ultima Thule of China:三亚天涯海角

环境保护 Environmental Protection | 三亚天涯海角Tianyahaijiao, the tropical Ultima Thule of China | 南山文化旅游区Nanshan Tourist District of Buddhism Culture

I've heard it in the chillest land:无论天涯海角,僻壤山丘

That could abash the little bird. 会使小鸟局促不安. | I've heard it in the chillest land, 无论天涯海角,僻壤山丘, | And on the strangest sea; 到处有它歌声啁啾;