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天文学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
astronomy  ·  uranology  ·  astr  ·  uranological

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Records such as the Almagest show he had a sophisticated scheme for predicting both lunar and solar eclipses.


The exact date of the sculptor is not known. However, scholars assume that it was made sometimes after 150 A.D. because of the representation of the vernal equinox on the globe, which is similar to that in Ptolemy's Almagest.

我们并不知道这座雕像确切完工的时间,但是学者们推估它应该是西元150年之后的作品,因为Atlas肩上的地球仪呈现出已知春分的天文学知识;而托勒密(生卒年约为85-165 AD)的天文学的书Almagest就曾提到此点。

In the Chapter 1 of this thesis, we gave brief introduction to the development of X-ray astronomy observations, which is one of the most important and active parts of modern astronomy. Due to the research experiences, we introduced ASCA X-ray satellite and Chandra X-ray Observatory in more details.

X射线天文学已经逐渐成为现代天文学最为活跃的部分之一,本文首先简单介绍了X射线天文观测诞生以来的发展经历,因研究经历的原因,我们对ASCA X射线卫星及Chandra X射线天文台进行了较详细的介绍。

VOICE: Professor, someone told me the other day, Astronomically speaking, man is


Unless you have a good knowledge of astronomy, which I do not, this is difficult.


Besides, the following two features of the book seem to be very incomprehensible: on the one hand, the book includes a full-scale version of Western astrology, not only medical and meteorological one permitted by the Catholic Church, but even natal astrology forbiden by the chruch as well; on the other hand, at the high time when the Tychonic system of calendrical astronomy constructed by Johann Terrenz Schreck (1576-1630), Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591–1666) and Giacomo Rho (1593-1638) had been contributed by Schall himself to the newly founded Qing dynasty which had officially adopted it immediately, Smogulecki was preaching in the book a system based on Philippe van Lansberge's (1516 – 1632) heliocentric astronomy, and openly claimed that Schall's Tychonic system still committed a number of deficiencies and was outdated, and therefore should be replaced with the Lanbergian system.

另外,该书的两大特点也令人不解:首先,其中包含有完整版本的西方星占学知识,不仅包括天主教会允许的医学和气象星占,而且还包含受教会禁止的生辰星占;其次,在汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell,字道未,1591–1666)等人介绍到中国来的弟谷天文学系统已经被清朝政府正式采纳,传教士的信誉已经微妙地与这种天文学系统紧密地联系在一起的情况下,穆尼阁居然在书中介绍了以哥白尼"日心地动"说为基础的斯伯格(Philippe van Lansberge, 1516 – 1632)天文学,而且还公然宣称,汤若望引进的系统存在许多不足之处,已经过时,应该用兰斯伯格的天文学加以取代。

The main branches of a spherical astronomy, practical astronomy, astronomy and astronomical azimuth geodynamics.


Complete Principle of Measurement , as the basic literature of large calendar mathematics series Chongzhenlishu, was the beginning of the Western trigonometry, spherical astronomy and measurement into China, involving area, volume measurement, flat triangle, spherical trigonometry and spherical astronomy's theory as well as measuring instruments'applying. Complete Principle of Measurement embodies Chongzhenlishu's axiomatic mathematics and astronomy and makes a contribution to the further spread of the Western learning.


Besides, the following two features of the book seem to be very incomprehensible: on the one hand, the book includes a full-scale version of Western astrology, not only medical and meteorological one permitted by the Catholic Church, but even natal astrology forbiden by the chruch as well; on the other hand, at the high time when the Tychonic system of calendrical astronomy constructed by Johann Terrenz Schreck (1576-1630), Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591–1666) and Giacomo Rho (1593-1638) had been contributed by Schall himself to the newly founded Qing dynasty which had officially adopted it immediately, Smogulecki was preaching in the book a system based on Philippe van Lansberge's (1516 – 1632) heliocentric astronomy, and openly claimed that Schall's Tychonic system still committed a number of deficiencies and was outdated, and therefore should be replaced with the Lanbergian system.

另外,该书的两大特点也令人不解:首先,其中包含有完整版本的西方星占学知识,不仅包括天主教会允许的医学和气象星占,而且还包含受教会禁止的生辰星占;其次,在汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell,字道未,1591–1666)等人介绍到中国来的弟谷天文学系统已经被清朝政府正式采纳,传教士的信誉已经微妙地与这种天文学系统紧密地联系在一起的情况下,穆尼阁居然在书中介绍了以哥白尼&日心地动&说为基础的斯伯格(Philippe van Lansberge, 1516 – 1632)天文学,而且还公然宣称,汤若望引进的系统存在许多不足之处,已经过时,应该用兰斯伯格的天文学加以取代。

Modern and practical astronomy was developed in the 18th century, and successively from the theoretical and practical solution to the Sino-satellite instrument measuring time, too Seoul Scott multi-satellite measurements such as latitude, as well as simultaneous determination of longitude and latitude Supreme Court means the emergence of theodolite, contour instrument, the satellite instrument, zenith instrument, photographic zenith tube, sextant and other useful astronomical instruments, the most commonly used is the optical theodolite .20 century, all-round practical field of astronomy 60 years after the emergence of new technologies, such as satellite Dhoop Le observation and satellite laser ranging, not only the accuracy of more than optical observations, but also greatly improved operating speed, and can provide direct point of geocentric coordinates of the ground.


更多网络解释与天文学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

photographic astrometry:摄影天文学

摄影仪器 photographic apparatus | 摄影天文学 photographic astrometry | 照片星图 photographic chart

radio astronomer:射电天文学

lantol 兰妥(即兰索品) | radio astronomer 射电天文学 | C O L I Cost of Living Index 生活费指数


astronomer 天文学家 | astronomic 天文学的 | astronomical chronology 天体年表

astronomic:天文学的, 星学的

astronomic tide | 天文潮 | astronomic | 天文学的, 星学的 | astronomical aberration | 天文光行差


7) orbit 运行轨道 | 8) astronomical 天文学的 | 9) generate 产生


astronomical 天文数字的 | astronomically 天文学上 | astronomicastronomical 天文学



radio astronomy:无线电天文学

radio astronomy 射电天文学 | radio astronomy 无线电天文学 | radio autocontrol 无线电自动控制

supernova explosion:(超新星爆炸) 天文学

Aurora (极光) 天文学# | Supernova Explosion (超新星爆炸) 天文学# | Evolution of Stars (恒星的演化) 天文学#


astronomical 天文学的 | astronomics 航海天文学 | astronomy of position 位置天文学