英语人>词典>汉英 : 天人合一 的英文翻译,例句
天人合一 的英文翻译、例句


theory that man is an integral part of nature
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Farther, this chapter tries to hold a dialogue between the native and the West on a new level of Sino-western mutual understanding, thus, the chapter, with the basic idea of"comparison equals dialogue", launches a discussion focusing on four features: the widely-ranged introduction from anti-alienation spirit, modern humanitarianism and individualism in Western modern art to the anti-Confucianism in Chinese cultural tradition; the seek for the essence of Western modern abstractionist art in Chinese traditional intellectual art atmosphere; the decoding of Western modern non-rationalism based on native cultural tradition; and the discussion on relations between"The Harmony Between Heaven and Man"and Western postmodernism.


My paper firstly turns on the time of Kaogongji, puts it in axes-age and sums up the characters from our ancient art design which it starts from the analyzing of "Qi" and "Wu".So we can draw our research clue and orientation: manufacture whose core is "Li";And then we will make particularly aesthetic analyse about the text.We will make it clear about the realations between " Li" and "Qi", concept and res, taste and res , and my paper will tell of three part:conceptual design—age idea" s effect on Kaogongji" s taste;human design—human spirit in Kaogongji" s art design;imitate design—accouterment" s taste of Kaogongji. In the text ,I will also tell of the following problems:Li and Kaogongji" s design idea, like-six idea and Kaogongji" s taste ideal, nature-human and Kaogongji s zoology idea.


The idea of animatism stresses absolute conformity; the practice under Taoist'sview of nature undergoes the process from nonaction to "entirely swayed bynature"; the idea of the division between man and heaven attaches importance tothe conformity with the rules of nature; while the idea of the integration of manand heaven stresses the conformity with natural as well as social principles.


Chinese archaic thought of "unity of heaven and man" is the support of this kind of idea.


The construction of watchtowers in the Han Dynasty embodied the conception of "Man being in harmony with the Heaven" in architectonic designs and quality of construction material and the view of harmonybetween men and nature in construction of architectonic environment.


As an atheistical thinker, at the angle of socical political life, he also hardly criticized the theological teleology and divination that combined with superstition prevailed over the kingdow such as "natural and man are inter-linked" and "all the creations are an integral whole", So as to analyse the social origin of theological superstition.


The natural roominess has the plain character of integrating the nature and the human beings, while the manmade square of airport bring us a kind of uncertain, cold and awe-stricken feeling of dream.


By virtue of the ontic Tian, the people demonstrate the justice and rationality of political life.


According this, the thesis broadens the content of the Union of Nature and Man, and pointed that it should be built on full understand on nature and man, acknowledge nature"s inherent value, definite man"s responsibility to nature, then stress difference in unit and unit in difference. On the basis of it, the Union of Nature and Man world outlook is set up, which may be useful to transform Mans concept of environment and morality, and to promote perfect rules and international collaboration, and to set up right development view, and finally realize the harmony between nature and man.


Use the five-element 汤池/ odorum / Yin - Yang and gold / fire / soil water which propagates complementary principles, namely, to join the platycodon, cassiae, dioscoreae, miltiorrhiza, a smooth, liandu and demethyltetrandrine soup, a number of different respectively to human lungs, liver, kidney, heart, spleen has a very good curative effect and health effects.

天体浴 它是花都温泉源于自然的一个主题区域——天体浴。采用男女分浴,中间用篱笆相隔,&只闻其声不见其人&,水雾弥漫里更平添朦胧飘渺之感,让人恍如梦中。自高而下的水瀑布平分两区,体现了男女平等。在这里您可以忘却世俗观念,尽情的融入温泉、融入自然,让所有的世间琐事抛之脑后,整体突出返璞归真、天人合一。也充分体现了花都温泉&水之灵,花之魂,物我交融、天人合一&的自然、生态、休闲之&健康养生观&。

更多网络解释与天人合一相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此时天人合一,国王成了太阳神(Amon)的化身,国王的权力空前强大,王宫与神庙的合一,更显示了国王的神圣. 此时经济、技术、贸易的空前发展和青铜工具大量得到使用,均预示着建筑艺术将有新高潮的到来. 古埃及的建筑创作此时进入了最繁荣期.






heave?man integration 天人合一妄想 | heaviness 沉闷 | heavy weather 恶劣气侯

Human:abbr. harmonious coexistence of man and nature; 天人合一


04.NOVELIST 小說家 | 05.MUTUALITY 天人合一的共鳴 | 06.ALL MY LOVE 完整的愛


狄百瑞(De Bary)把儒家的这种个人意识看作是有别于西方个人主义(Individualism)的一种非凡的"人格主义"(personalism),"它肯定的是在社会、文化过程中得到塑造与成型的强烈的道德良知,其极致便是在天人合一之中达至自我实现感".



Soviet Union Disintegrater:的例句

天人合一:the Union of Nature and Man | Soviet Union Disintegrater的例句: | Soviet Union Disintegrater的全文例句:

Nature and Man Unite as One:天人合一

有限元分析:Unite element analysis | 天人合一:Nature and Man Unite as One | 联合富农:unite the Rich Peasant