英语人>词典>汉英 : 天主教的信仰 的英文翻译,例句
天主教的信仰 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this holy, orthodox and catholic faith which we have expounded above.


In that situation, as we strive with all thought, care, effort and zeal for everything to be brought to the desired end, and with confidence in the gift of God, we have decreed that legates with a special mission from us -- who will be cardinals of the holy Roman church and who are soon to be named by us, on the advice of our brothers, in our secret consistory -- shall be appointed and sent with authority and with the necessary and appropriate faculties, as messengers of peace, for the arranging, negotiating and settling of this universal peace among Christians, for the embarking upon an expedition against the infidels, with the approval of this sacred council, and for inducing the said kings, out of generosity of soul befitting their rank and out of devotion towards the catholic faith, to move with ready and eager minds towards the holy tasks of both peace and the expedition, for the total and perfect protection, defence and safety of the entire christian state.

在这种情况下,我们在努力与所有思想,护理,精力和热情都被带到理想的目的,并有信心在上帝的礼物,我们已颁布法令, legates了特殊的使命我们-谁在枢机主教的神圣罗马教会,谁是不久将任命由我们的意见,我们的兄弟,在我们的秘密一致性-应任命和派出的权威和必要的和适当的院系,作为和平使者,的安排,谈判和解决这一普遍和平的基督徒,为著手远征打击异教徒批准,这个神圣的议会,并诱导说君王,出於慷慨的灵魂符合其级别和出奉献对天主教的信仰,将与作好准备,实现心中的神圣任务,和平与考察,为彻底和完善的保护,防务和安全的整个基督教国家。

Freemasonry systematically promotes religious indifferentism and undermines true, ie, orthodox Christian and Catholic Faith and life.


We have earnestly urged this in the Lord, whose cause is principally in question, upon kings and princes, by means of persuasive reasons, through the nuncios whom we keep at the court of the emperor-elect Maximilian and with the aforesaid kings and princes, and through letters; especially if they wish to provide and take measures, as is right, on behalf of the christian religion and the catholic faith, which have been brought into serious danger and risk by the recently extended power of the ruler of the Turks.


During Catholicism was spreaded in Shanxi the roles that the foreign missionaries,Chinese clergies and its believers played were important parts of Shanxi Catholic history.They respectively played important roles during the Catholicism incultured in Shanxi.Up to now,the behef of the Catholics,their rituals and their basic conditions such as their age,sex,status and economic situation were shortages of Chinese Catholic research field.Studying the policies and attitudes that Shanxi local officials towards the Catholicism and the relationship between the believers and non-believers can provide experiences and lessons for Shanxi temporary government and people,now they are building up harmonious society,these experiences and lessons can help them treat the Catholics properly.


As it denied the merit of good works even in the regenerate, all those Catholic beliefs and ordinances which implied a Communion of Saints actively helping each other by prayer and self-sacrifice were flung aside.


As it denied the merit of good works even in the regenerate, all those Catholic beliefs and ordinances which implied a Communion of Saints actively helping each other by prayer and self-sacrifice were flung aside.


Most people in the country are nominally Christian while predominantly practice a combination of Roman Catholicism and pagan practice.


So, this woman, who converted from the Church of England to Catholicism when she married my father -- and there's no one more rabid than a Catholic convert -- decided to teach in the rural areas in Nigeria, particularly among Igbo women, the Billings ovulation method, which was the only approved birth control by the Catholic Church.


At Lourdes, certain diseases can be cured and others cannot.


更多网络解释与天主教的信仰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apostolic nuncio:教廷大使

(注:少数例外的情形是在部分信仰天主教的国家,传统上教廷大使(Apostolic Nuncio)恒为外交团领衔. (R.G. Feltham, Diplomatic Handbook, London: Longman, 1993,p.15)此外,某些过去曾为殖民地或受外国势力影响之国家,


天主教的papisticpapisticalpopish | 天主教的信仰Catholicism | 天主教地papistically

Constitutional Monarchy:君主立宪

这个法案在政治上解决了国王与议会的关系问题,实现了君主立宪(constitutional monarchy);在宗教上则解决了长期困扰英国的新教与罗马天主教的争端,规定凡信仰罗马天主教,或与天主教徒结婚的人,都不得继承王位.


西格尔的母亲派翠西亚 (Patricia)为信仰天主教的爱尔兰人,职业为急诊室技术人员,父亲史蒂芬 (Stephen)则是一名高中数学老师,西格尔是家中唯一的儿子,他有一个姐姐和两个妹妹.




一个"失真"的译文经典,如何具有唯一(sola)特性呢. 天主教信仰的另一个准绳是传承或圣传. 圣传是"以特殊方式表达于默感书上的宗徒宣讲,曾以连续不断的继承得以保存,直到时期届满"的信仰准绳之一.


要了解现在北爱尔兰(Ulster)的形势,关于爱尔兰岛长期和暴力的基本历史知识是必要的. 英格兰在1169年殖民了整个爱尔兰,从那以后不断有暴动. 16世纪爱尔兰人拒绝接受新教改革更使形势恶化了:他们仍然顽固地坚持对天主教的信仰,

World Youth Day:世界青年節

好想看哦~~~对了,还没说这个节日到底有什么意义,,其实世界青年节(World Youth Day)是天主教组织的活动. . 让世界各地的信徒们聚在一起庆祝和互相学习他们的信仰. .



Commune of Paris:巴黎公社

但这时有一种取消基督教的运动发生,巴黎公社(Commune of Paris)命令各教派的教会一律停歇. 规定巴黎及各省均信奉理性教(Wosrship of Reason),仪式仿天主教. 政府是极端地反对天主教的,但并未用武力来干涉这流行的信仰;若施行直接的逼害,