英语人>词典>汉英 : 大音乐家 的英文翻译,例句
大音乐家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
maestro  ·  maestri  ·  maestros

更多网络例句与大音乐家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indeed the activity of the Sgarabotto makers was very influential in the violin making school of Parma, Cremona and elsewhere. Much could be said about their combined influence on the cultural heritage within the musical world of string instruments, and of the enormous regard and esteem with which all their students and musicians held the masters. The greatest interest by posterity, of course, centers on their combined oeuvre, on the set of master violins from their hand left for us to play and admire.

事实上, Sgarabotto在Parma制琴学校、Cremona制琴学校以及其他地方都有著深远影响,他们这一组合在很大程度上影响了音乐世界中的弦乐发展,并得到学生和广大音乐家的一致尊敬和好评,对后人留下最大的好处自然是留下了很多经典作品,另外他们的制琴工艺广泛流传影响至今。

James Kellaris, a marketing professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Business Administration, has done research on earworms and brain itch, and he's found that as many as 99 percent of us have fallen prey to them at one time or another. Kellaris says women, musicians and people who are neurotic, tired or stressed are most prone to earworm attacks. With musicians, it makes sense because they're listening to music continuously, but Kellaris isn't sure why women are more susceptible to earworms.

辛辛那提大学公商管理学院市场营销教授James Kellaris对耳虫和大脑渴求进行过研究,他发现我们中有99%的人都遇到这种问题,他说,妇女,音乐家和那些神经过敏的、疲惫的或者是压力大的人最有可能患此类疾病,就拿音乐家来说,这是有一定道理的,因为他们经常听音乐,但是Kellaris不清楚为什么妇女也属于这一类。

On the accession of Philip's son, Ferdinand VI, Farinelli's influence became even greater: Philip was a keen musician, and his wife, Barbara of Portugal, little short of a musical fanatic (as long ago as 1728 she had appointed Farinelli's fellow Italian, Domenico Scarlatti , as her harpsichord teacher; the musicologist Ralph Kirkpatrick acknowledges Farinelli's correspondence as providing "most of the direct information about Scarlatti that has transmitted itself to our day").

在菲力普的儿子,斐迪男六世即位后,Farinelli的影响力变得更大。菲力普是个敏锐的音乐家,而他的太太,来自葡萄牙的Barbara只差一点不是音乐狂(早在1728年,她任命Farinelli义大利同胞Domenico Scarlatti作为她的大键琴老师。音乐学者Ralph Kirkpatrick认为流传至今的Farinelli的书信集是提供有关Scarlatti的最直接资料。

The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians like Joe "King" Oliver , Kid Ory and Jelly Roll Morton formed small bands that took the music of these older men and increased the complexity and dynamic of their music, as well as gaining greater commercial success.


From the television, I know that Mozart, Schubert and other major musicians of the story.


He was unquestionably a great musician of the day.


He is a modern great musician, and he is called the Wagner of China.


These books could be briefly divided into six categories as follows; 1 introduction to musicians and their works, 2 story-writing about a musician and his work. 3 illustration-making according to a piece of music, 4 picture-making according to poems and songs, 5 subject matters related to music, and 6 subject matters related to musical elements. The "Appreciation of Masterpieces of Illustrated Books", an instructional material for general art courses, edited by the author will be presented here to introduce the way of application of musical illustrated book.


The beauty of its unique sound quality, but also captured the big musicians such as: Brahms, Liszt, Max Reger, Busoni ...

其独特的音质之美,更掳获了大音乐家如:布拉姆斯、李斯特Max Reger、Busoni。。。

It reminded me of what former Marshal Tukhackevsky of the Soviet Union said to the great composer Shostakovich: When I was little, I had a lot of musical talent.


更多网络解释与大音乐家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


古斯塔夫 霍尔斯特(Gustav Holst)於1874年9月21日出生在格洛斯特郡(Cheltenham).霍尔斯特的父亲阿道弗斯(Adolphus) 继承了家族的音乐传统,也是一位多才多艺的音乐家,并在霍尔斯特双手大到可以正式接受指法训练时,


怪才Tricky原名阿德里安•索斯(Adrian Thawes),早年混迹于布里斯托尔的一群音乐家之间并加入过"大攻击"乐队,在与女孩玛蒂娜(Martina)传奇相遇之后,录制了他们的第一支经典单曲>(Aftermath).




93查泰萊夫人的情人 Lady Chatterley110 | 74馬勒傳(音樂家馬勒傳) Mahler 111 | 大衛.林區\\英國David Lynch AD1946~


"音乐家"(Musician)在这里是一个十分普通的职业,也是在有人问出"你做什么工作"时会常常听到的回答. 它和"建筑工人"、"理发师"等等其实并没有什么太大的区别,但与之不同的是,你可能会是一位无所事事、会弹奏乐器的音乐混子,


20世纪初的西洋乐坛,是"交响乐"(symphony)的雄辩的时代. 现代音乐的表现力,在现代的交响乐中已经尽量发挥,不遗余力了. 这种交响乐的建设者,是百余年前奥地利的大音乐家海顿. 所以现在叙述音乐家的生涯,第一从这位老大家说起.

He was unquestionably a great musician of the day:他无疑是当时的一个大音乐家

As far as I know, he is one of the greatest artists of the day. 就我所知,他是当代... | He was unquestionably a great musician of the day. 他无疑是当时的一个大音乐家. | of the first water最好的;第一流的...


maestoso 庄严的 | maestri 大音乐家 | maestro 艺术大师


maelstrom 大漩涡 | maestoso 庄严的 | maestri 大音乐家

of the first water:最好的;第一流的;上等的

He was unquestionably a great musician of the day. 他无疑是当时的一个大音乐家. | of the first water最好的;第一流的;上等的: | He was no doubt a painter of the first water. 他无疑是位第一流的画家.