英语人>词典>汉英 : 大量存在 的英文翻译,例句
大量存在 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abound  ·  abounded  ·  abounds

更多网络例句与大量存在相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis want to define the practical meaning and necessity on affirmance of the agency of unnamed principal in China Contract Law through the dissertation on the agency of named principal in Civil Law Sys...


The method comprises the following steps: according to the raw water quality, the change of the number of bacteria inside the sedimentation tank and the water quality of the backflush yielding water, the backflush yielding water in the sedimentation tank is collected and deposited in a backflush phase of a working period; supernatant fluid containing mass active bacteria and soluble nutrient elements reflow to the sedimentation tank; total or partial sediment containing soluble nutrient elements in an underlayer reflow to the sedimentation tank and is reutilized by mass microorganisms in the sedimentation tank, thereby replenishing the nutrient substrate needed for microorganism growth, proliferation and metabolism under the condition of the low nutrition substrate, and maintaining the ecological stability in the sedimentation tank.


As one part of Chinoiserie, there are a lot of attentions to china in music field, including literature and translated literature interrelated with china, the introduction of Chinese melody and instruments.


Pillared montmorillonite, as a representative of Sandwich like pillared interlayered clays ,caught many scientist"s attention not only because of its special structure of two-dimensional sheets but also its excellent activity of catalysis and adsorption. It is well documented that the method to prepare PILM, ion-exchanging, needed a long periods and was affected by many factors, and that the product had low thermal stability especially hydro-thermal stability which was the primary obstruction of its using in large-scale production. At the same time, PILM was well documented prepared with Na-montmorillonite, while there were a few documents about PILM prepared with Ca-montmorillonite. The large cost of remodel of Ca-montmorillonite to Na-montmorillonite was another obstacle of the application of PILM, while Ca-montmorillonite was widely distributed in nature, as a result, to prepare PILM with Ca-montmorillonite has practical significance. What"s more, PILM was mainly studied as a catalyst in oil refining process till now, but rarely documented in other catalysis reactions, especially in coal liquification filed which also needed high activity catalyst.


Pillared montmorillonite, as a representative of Sandwich like pillared interlayered clays ,caught many scientist's attention not only because of its special structure of two-dimensional sheets but also its excellent activity of catalysis and adsorption. It is well documented that the method to prepare PILM, ion-exchanging, needed a long periods and was affected by many factors, and that the product had low thermal stability especially hydro-thermal stability which was the primary obstruction of its using in large-scale production. At the same time, PILM was well documented prepared with Na-montmorillonite, while there were a few documents about PILM prepared with Ca-montmorillonite. The large cost of remodel of Ca-montmorillonite to Na-montmorillonite was another obstacle of the application of PILM, while Ca-montmorillonite was widely distributed in nature, as a result, to prepare PILM with Ca-montmorillonite has practical significance. What's more, PILM was mainly studied as a catalyst in oil refinin g process till now, but rarely documented in other catalysis reactions, especially in coal liquification filed which also needed high activity catalyst.


False positive were lowered to an acceptable rate by this protocol, therefore, a big amount of work on fingerprint to get rid of false positive clones can be avoided. When whole BAC clone containing one locus of a multi-loci probe were applied for library screening, no matter homogenic BAC or heterogenic BAC, site-specificity is higher than short DNA fragment probes.


Pillared montmorillonite, as a representative of Sandwich like pillared interlayered clays ,caught many scientist"s attention not only because of its special structure of two-dimensional sheets but also its excellent activity of catalysis and adsorption. It is well documented that the method to prepare PILM, ion-exchanging, needed a long periods and was affected by many factors, and that the product had low thermal stability especially hydro-thermal stability which was the primary obstruction of its using in large-scale production. At the same time, PILM was well documented prepared with Na-montmorillonite, while there were a few documents about PILM prepared with Ca-montmorillonite. The large cost of remodel of Ca-montmorillonite to Na-montmorillonite was another obstacle of the application of PILM, while Ca-montmorillonite was widely distributed in nature, as a result, to prepare PILM with Ca-montmorillonite has practical significance. What"s more, PILM was mainly studied as a catalyst in oil refining process till now, but rarely documented in other catalysis reactions, especially in coal liquification filed which also needed high activity catalyst.


Pillared montmorillonite, as a representative of Sandwich like pillared interlayered clays ,caught many scientist's attention not only because of its special structure of two-dimensional sheets but also its excellent activity of catalysis and adsorption. It is well documented that the method to prepare PILM, ion-exchanging, needed a long periods and was affected by many factors, and that the product had low thermal stability especially hydro-thermal stability which was the primary obstruction of its using in large-scale production. At the same time, PILM was well documented prepared with Na-montmorillonite, while there were a few documents about PILM prepared with Ca-montmorillonite. The large cost of remodel of Ca-montmorillonite to Na-montmorillonite was another obstacle of the application of PILM, while Ca-montmorillonite was widely distributed in nature, as a result, to prepare PILM with Ca-montmorillonite has practical significance. What's more, PILM was mainly studied as a catalyst in oil refinin g process till now, but rarely documented in other catalysis reactions, especially in coal liquification filed which also needed high activity catalyst.


Letter of Credit transaction follows two basic principles: absolute nonobjective and strict compliance principles, this two principles is the main reason for causing Letter of Credit cheating; much profits makes many speculators to do Letter of Credit cheating; and because the bank's negotiation documents have not stable forms, the banes can forge them; it increases the possibilities of Letter of Credit cheating to have many middleman as well as large usage of transferable Letter of Credit; it is one of the reasons for Letter of Credit cheating occurred that the foreign traders have lower quality and the cheated persons have lower sense of precaution.


As one part of Chinoiserie, there are a lot of attentions to china in music field, including literature and translated literature interrelated with china, the introduction of Chinese melody and instruments.


更多网络解释与大量存在相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


altitude: 高度 | abound:大量存在;充满 | accumulation: 累计;聚集物

v. abound:大量存在的,充满

能力,才能n. ability | 大量存在的,充满v. abound | 缩写,缩短v. abridge

Bacillus anthracis:炭疽杆菌

炭疽杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)曾被恐怖份子用作生物恐怖武器. 吸入了炭疽菌孢子的肺炭疽病通常都会导致死亡,除非能在感染初期诊断出来. 在这种疾病的后期,抗生素能够杀死炭疽菌细胞但是却不会影响到细菌分泌的LF--这种物质大量存在于血管中.

Borage Oil:琉璃苣油 含大量亞麻仁油酸,抗炎、減輕皮膚粗糙、滋養及保濕

Bismuth Oxychloride 鉍化物 稱之為人工珍珠之珠光色料存在地球表面上 | Borage Oil 琉璃苣油 含大量亞麻仁油酸,抗炎、減輕皮膚粗糙、滋養及保濕. | Botanical Rose 玫瑰粹取 舒緩、調理

existential sentence:存在句

叶斯柏森在书中创造了大量新的术语,如"存在句"(existential sentence)、"母音大迁徙"(Great Vowel Shift)等. 他最先使用SVO三个字母代表"主动宾",也是最早在著作中系统地使用"§1.1"来代"节",这些在今天语言学著作中几乎已成定规.


本节开头的>引语是在大量死亡面前,对人类和生活表示藐视的有力陈述,是存在主义者(existentialist)对生活谬论的表达. 莎士比亚的戏剧天才在于,他既看出了人本主义者所强调的人的积极的一面,也看出了历史上显而易见的消极的一面.

abound v exist in great numbers:大量存在

cash register现金出纳机 | abound v exist in great numbers 大量存在 | freight forwarders 货物运输商

bismuth oxychloride:鉍化物 稱之為人工珍珠之珠光色料存在地球表面上

Aminomethyl propanol:溫和造型、潤滑,pH平衡 | Bismuth Oxychloride 鉍化物 稱之為人工珍珠之珠光色料存在地球表面上 | Borage Oil 琉璃苣油 含大量亞麻仁油酸,抗炎、減輕皮膚粗糙、滋養及保濕.

abounding:丰富的, 大量的

abound | 多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满 | abounding | 丰富的, 大量的 | about and about | 差不多, 大致相同, 很相似


有的体型巨大. 下面就来瞧瞧这些长相古怪的史前深海动物吧! 杆菊石(Baculites) 这种白垩纪晚期的属只有壳上最最早期的部分保持盘卷,以后长出的部分成为笔直的杆. 杆菊石在一处地方会大量存在,常常没有其它种的存在,它能够长至1米.