英语人>词典>汉英 : 大都市的居民 的英文翻译,例句
大都市的居民 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与大都市的居民相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's not easy to be a metropolitan .


In recent years, shopping mall has already appeared its nonpareil advantage.wuhans economic circumstance choiceness\policy circumstance opening\human circumstance sufficient \geographical circumstance superiority and so on.


In recent years, shopping mall has already appeared its nonpareil advantage.wuhan's economic circumstance choiceness\policy circumstance opening\human circumstance sufficient \geographical circumstance superiority and so on.


In recent years , shopping mall has already appeared its nonpareil advantage.wuhan's economic circumstance choiceness policy circumstance opening human circumstance sufficient geographical circumstance s


In recent years, shopping mall has already appeared its nonpareil advantage.wuhan''s economic circumstance choiceness\policy circumstance opening\human circumstance sufficient \geographical circumstance superiority and so on.


Nevertheless, 3 T 9901, which Banneker was already too cognoscent to employ in his formal newsgathering (the notebook is anathema to the metropolitan reporter), was filling up with odd bits, which were being transferred, in the weary hours when the new man sat at his desk with nothing to do, to paper in the form of sketches for Miss Westlake 's 韦斯特莱克 trustful and waiting typewriter.

不过,3 T 9901,班纳克已经很聪明地做正式的新闻收集——这笔记本是对大都市的居民记者的诅咒,满是怪怪的零碎小事。这是新人在无所事事而厌烦时所为,值得信赖的候补打字员韦斯特莱克小姐为他打出草稿。

When Matthew Kahn and Iestimated household carbon emissions across American metropolitan areas we found that the three areas with the lowest emissions were San Diego San Francisco and San Jose. Carbon emissions in these places are still more than four times the emissions in the brownest Chinese city and10 times as high as the household emissions in the average Chinese city. Thatgulf reminds us why America has so little moral authority on global warming and why the world's carbon emissions will probablysoar as China and India acquire the living patterns of prosperous nations.

Matthew Kahn和我估算着美国大都市的居民碳排放,我们发现圣地亚哥、旧金山和圣何塞是碳排放最低的3个地区,但是这些地方的碳排放仍然高出中国污染最严重的城市4倍多,而且比中国一般城市的居民排放率高出10倍,这种差距提醒我们为什么美国在全球变暖事务上没有足够的权威性,以及为什么全球的碳排放将继续增长,随着中国和印度正在向富裕国家的生活模式靠近

Belo Horizonte was founded in 1897 and is Brazil's third largest city with a population of some 2.5 million inhabitants and over 5.1 million inhabitants in metropolitan area.


更多网络解释与大都市的居民相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


outlying : a. 在外的,边远的,偏僻的 | plotted : 绘成曲线图的,绘成图的 | metropolitan : n. 大都市的居民,大主教,母国的居民;a. 大都市的,大主教区的,母国的

urban area:城市地区

其中路店、小村和村庄属于小规模的分散定居形式,居民主要从事农业生产活动,这种聚落形式统称农村地区(rural area),镇、城市、大都市和城市群属于大规模的集中聚居形式,居民主要从事非农产业活动,这类地区通常被称为城市地区(urban area).