英语人>词典>汉英 : 大赦 的英文翻译,例句
大赦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amnesty  ·  amnestied  ·  amnesties  ·  amnestying

plenary indulgence · general pardon
更多网络例句与大赦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you are banned for the first time, you can account on amnesty.


According to Amnesty International at least one thousand people were killed in the storming of central Beijing.


He also called for an end to conflict and a general amnesty.


The question in my mind is this man has asked for amnesty..


Amnesty International said it believes the number to be at least 80 and possibly many more.


The human rights group Amnesty International says Iran executed more than 200 people last year.

人权组织大赦国际说,伊朗去年处死了 200 多人。

Amnesty international's headquarters is in london.


"Amnesty's claim is biased and groundless," Qin said, noting that China's economic achievements can be attributed to a sensible path of development, the country's reforms and opening-up drive and Chinese people's hard work and wisdom.


It is premature for Amnesty International to say that the Chinese government will put pressure on the Cambodian government.


To receive the plenary indulgence, the faithful should participate in one of the solemn functions to be held May 15-25 in the diocese, as well as fulfilling the customary conditions.


更多网络解释与大赦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


移民法中的大赦(AMNESTY)通常是指通过新修订的移民法案,允许符合一定条件的非法移民在缴交一定的罚款或满足其他条件后获得合法的身份. 对于许多非法滞留的移民来说,大赦可能是他们最佳的、甚至唯一的希望. 对于年内是否可能有大赦法案通过的问题,

Amnesty International:大赦国际

另一方面是非政府人权国际组织对违犯人权的批评和监督:"大赦国际"(Amnesty International)和"人权观察"(Human Rights Watch)等组织在批评各国政府违犯人权行为方面充当了先锋.

Amnesty International:国际大赦

俄新网RUSNEWS.CN伦敦5月28日电 "国际大赦"(Amnesty International)人权保护组织指出,虽然俄罗斯当局声称,准备治理俄罗斯违反人权的状况,但是为此而采取的实际措施却很少.

Amnesty International:(伦敦)大赦国际

unabashed泰然自若的,不害羞的 | Amnesty International(伦敦)大赦国际 | Arab League阿拉伯联盟

amnesty law:大赦法

*amnesty 大赦 | *amnesty law 大赦法 | *amoebic dysentery 阿米巴性痢疾

Amnesty Act:大赦令

amnesty;大赦;; | Amnesty Act;大赦令;; | Amnesty Bill;大赦法;;

plenary indulgence:大赦

(六) 大赦分为全大赦 (plenary indulgence) 与有限大赦 (partial indulgence). 全大赦免除罪过应得的全部暂罚,有限大赦免除罪过应受的部分暂罚. (>993条)信友可获得有限大赦或全大赦,以帮助自己或亡者,但不可用以帮助其他在世的信友.

The Jubilee:五十年节(天主教的大赦年)

01 竟技场会 Circus Games | 02 五十年节(天主教的大赦年) The Jubilee | 03 十月节 Harvest Festivais in October

The Jubilee:第二乐章:大赦节

01:第一乐章:竞技场 Circus Games | 02:第二乐章:大赦节 The Jubilee | 03:第三乐章:十月收获节 Harvest Festivals in October

general pardon:大赦

general officer 将官 | general pardon 大赦 | general post 午前第一次投递