英语人>词典>汉英 : 大获全胜 的英文翻译,例句
大获全胜 的英文翻译、例句


sweep the board · gain a complete victory · make a clean sweep
更多网络例句与大获全胜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nixon and Agnew swept to victory with 47 million votes.


Despite this minor setback Arcturus Mengsk's victory was all but complete.

尽管作出了小规模的撤退,Arcturus Mengsk仍然大获全胜

I win total victories, after getting the home, the young growth returned to time the love assiduousness, so long as I have the request, he does not certainly give the least bit discount to accomplish.


Or, as the story is often told, the brilliant Admiral Barbarossa and his largely Ottoman fleet effectively carried their lacklustre French allies along as they fought their victorious campaign.


It was, indeed, a triumphant day to Mr. Bertram and Maria.


You are gonna blow them out of the water!


She was 25 when she appeared in the film version, which was also a box-office triumph.


The failure of Meech Lake Accord made western regionalists among Conservatives break away from the core Tory and participate in the Reform Party that became the second party in 1993 federal election.


But following his wins on Super Tuesday, he says it's time for everyone in the GOP to unite.


Her conjecture that the election will be a landslide prove to be true.


更多网络解释与大获全胜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gain ground:有进展

follow suit 鹦鹉学舌;学样子 | gain ground 有进展 | break a leg 大获全胜

Mary? How'd it go:玛丽? 一切顺利

* Like you and me* *|* 如此的不公 * | Mary? How'd it go?|玛丽? 一切顺利? | Smashing success.|大获全胜

landslide victory:大获全胜

lander n. 着陆器 381 | landslide victory 大获全胜 77 | Latin Grammy music award 格莱美音乐奖 124


勇士哈斯蒙(Hasmon)家族,绰号马卡比(Maccabees)译意"铁锤"揭竿而起,全国民众响应. 战争集中耶路撒冷,照例圣殿中的灯每日必添油一次,但圣殿区的战事激烈,祭司入殿不可得,八天后,犹太人大获全胜,祭司入殿喜见灯火犹明,引为奇迹.

never to reanimate:不会再获重生

the zombie was destroyed,|僵尸就立刻毙命 | never to reanimate.|不会再获重生 | And so, the Zombie Wars were won.|因此 僵尸之战大获全胜

sweep the board:本意指把所有的赌注都赢走,引申为大获全胜,,获得所有的荣誉

@ out of sports 本意指牌不能用了,引申为状态不好,身体不适; | @ sweep the board 本意指把所有的赌注都赢走,引申为大获全胜,,获得所有的荣誉; | @ play one's cards right/well 做事精明

sweep the board:(轻易地)大获全胜

spell out 清楚地说明,详细地解释 | sweep the board (轻易地)大获全胜 | vice versa 反之如此,反过来(也是这样)

sweep the board" = win all the prizes:大获全胜

sweep 扫: | 1."sweep the board" = win all the prizes 大获全胜 | With the help of his partner, the clever boy had swept the board in the gamble. 在同 伴的帮助下,这个聪明的小伙子在赌博中大获全胜.

with flying colors:大获全胜;胜利地

--It saves wear and tear on the carpet. (拖鞋不磨损地毯. ) | 49)with flying colors大获全胜;胜利地 | --How did Ellen do on her Ancient History exam? (Ellen古代史考得怎么样?)

sweep all before one:得到彻底的成功; 大获全胜

set all 平局 | sweep all before one 得到彻底的成功; 大获全胜 | every thing before one 得到彻底的成功; 大获全胜