英语人>词典>汉英 : 大草原 的英文翻译,例句
大草原 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
llano  ·  prairie  ·  savanna  ·  savannah  ·  llanos  ·  prairies

更多网络例句与大草原相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An almost entirely different set of species kept it a distinct biome from the prairie.


It could be a savanna blazing star, but there aren't any savannas here, so it couldn't be that.


Except for the Carpathian Mountains to the west and Crimean Mountains in the south, Ukraine is home to flat grasslands called steppe, providing fertile soil and huge coal and iron deposits.


It now varies from open grass plains in the south, savannah with scattered acacia trees in the centre, hilly, wooded grassland in the north, to extensive woodland and black clay plains to the west.


In the most northern of the motherland, China's largest piece of grassland prairie Hulun — beautiful.


Most people would know the holodeck as being an invention out of the Star Trek series, but they probably took the idea from a Ray Bradbury short story called The Veldt where a family has a holodeck that simulates an African veldt, and then are eaten by virtual lions.

曾经出现在:大多数人对全息甲板的了解,可能以为它是来自《星际迷航系列》的一个发明。但是,他们很可能是从 Ray Bradbury 写的一个叫《大草原》的短篇小说里得到这个想法的。在这部小说里,一家人有一个全息甲板,能模拟非洲的大草原,然后他们被虚拟的狮子给吃掉了。

Some people say that because of global warming, forests around savannas may start taking over the savannas, and some say the opposite.


It could be a savanna blazing star, but there aren't any savannas here, so it couldn't be that.


Prior to the arrival of Europeans, North American prairies were habitat for millions of greater prairie chickens.


The orange bailey bridge of No.86 expressway becomes a wonderful nature scene on the south grassland of Ten Drum Culture Village. The soaring old chimney and the spanning orange bridge afar interact to symbolize the spirit of Ten Drum-「十」. In the embrace of the large grassland with the old chimney and orange bridge in the night, it will be a natural stage for artists to perform heartily. Visitors from everywhere also leave unforgettable exclamation points for this attractive art performance with the culture-rich land.


更多网络解释与大草原相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


llama 骆驼 | llanero 大草原居民 | llano 大草原


llanero 大草原居民 | llano 大草原 | Lloyd's 劳埃德

In the distant reaches of outer Mongolia:在遥远的外蒙古大草原

scanning the ground beneath for signs of prey.|搜寻地上... | In the distant reaches of outer Mongolia,|在遥远的外蒙古大草原 | one of the planet's great migrations is underway.|地球上规模最大的迁徙大军正...

In South America:大草原(比较潮湿的湿地)

the survival of the fittest 适者生存 | savannah n.: 大草原(比较潮湿的湿地) in South America | grassland n.:草原

prairie: a wide treeless grassy plain:(名)大草原

He pinched the fruit to see if it was soft.他捏着水果看是否它是软的. | 8.prairie: a wide treeless grassy plain(名)大草原 | The prairie was ideal for growing wheat.大草原是理想的小麦田.

Llanos orientalis:东方热带无树大草原, 兰诺群落

Llano 兰诺群落, 南美无树草原 | Llanos orientalis 东方热带无树大草原, 兰诺群落 | Loma 劳马群落, 沿海向风苔藓草地, 秘鲁草原

They were the fastest wildebeests on the savannah:他们是热带大草原上 最快的牛羚

...the wild.|大草原 | They were the fastest wildebeests on the savannah.|他们是热带大草原上 最快的牛羚 | We're talking fast.|快得不得了


大鼻龙亚目 Capitorhinomorpha | 大草原 pampa | 大长身贝 Gigantoproductus

Pampa Lirima:利里马大草原

利里马大草原Pampa Lirima | 1: 利里马大草原Pampa Lirima 4:53 | 铁锹Laya

The Prairie Provinces:草原诸省,prairie大草原

among=....之中; | the prairie provinces=草原诸省,prairie大草原; | west=西方;