英语人>词典>汉英 : 大有前途 的英文翻译,例句
大有前途 的英文翻译、例句


go far · bear watching
更多网络例句与大有前途相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While such economic arrangements hold great promise, Barbier warns that focusing on one "ecosystem service"— as opposed to grappling with complex systems and interactions — can distort value.


I bel ie ve I can have a promising career with the development of this company.


The boy is showing great promise as a cricketer.


Some singer in Mainland China who forgot to perform, counted ferformance fees in the backstage with her husband. And then it was prevalent that singing phonily. Musical (which scared a promising overseas Chinese female singer), has become much more commercialized in recent years.At that time the stars are changed-the celebrities delighted the audience at first, but now it is over the left shoulder.08-09 translation


We are on the cutting edge of new technologies that are transforming the global economy, from nano- and bio-technology, to robotics, to promising energy-related research and development projects.


I believe i will have a promising career with the development of this company .


That's what I look for in a youngster coming through.


HiPER would use a promising new "fast ignition" technique.


Superhard knife tool materials is a promising tool one, it has many advantages, such as excellent cutting performance, long serving life and good machining quality, and has become an important knife tool materials which every country makes great efforts to develop.


Garrett's experience echoes the teenage years of Nathaniel Ayers, a promising string bass player whose musical training at the Juilliard School was cut short by schizophrenia, a brain disorder that blurs a person's ability to distinguish between reality and delusions.


更多网络解释与大有前途相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a time:一次

27.at length 最后;终于;具体地 | 28.at a time 一次 | 29.go far (人)大有前途;成功

bump up ph:此指大幅提昇

8. recipe n. 處方;食譜;訣竅(此指秘訣) | 9. bump up ph. 此指大幅提昇 | 10. promising a. 有希望的;有前途的;大有可為的(此指未來可行的)

comically:滑稽地; 诙谐地 (副)

comicality 滑稽性; 诙谐的事 (名) | comically 滑稽地; 诙谐地 (副) | coming 就要来的; 大有前途的; 将来的 (形)

That's a far-out design:那是个新颖的设计

5) He lives far out in the country. 他住在远离此地的乡下. | 6) That's a far-out design. 那是个新颖的设计. | 7) If you study hard, you could go far. 如果你好好学习,也许会大有前途.

go far:(人)大有前途;成功

28.at a time 一次 | 29.go far (人)大有前途;成功 | 30.come into being 形成

go places:大有前途

他防守(play defense)也很棒. 训练的时候他阻挡(block)了10次投篮(shot). 这个孩子真是大有前途(go places). ...


他防守(play defense)也很棒. 训练的时候他阻挡(block)了10次投篮(shot). 这个孩子真是大有前途(go places). ...


外人看来是简单的把弓在弦上拉来拉去,看不出有什麽玄妙,但大演奏家( virtuoso )与初学者的分别,只不过是门外汉看不出来的在弦上把弓拉一下. 女孩吴瑕前途无限. 她左手的指法灵活自然,继续下去,达师级指法当无疑问. 右手拉弓还年轻,

I told you, bro. This Linda Moon--she's a belter:我说过,这个琳达.慕...大有前途

Mugambo, my brother, you check out the Chicks?|穆甘布,兄弟,你知道国际鸡雏吗... | I told you, bro. This Linda Moon--she's a belter.|我说过,这个琳达.慕...大有前途 | Mugambo, I gotta jump.|穆甘布,我得挂了

ellagic acid:糅花酸

阿魏酸还具有抗炎和保护胶原蛋白的功效,对美白抗老有很好的增益效果,是个当红不让且大有前途的成分,阿魏酸有很多衍生物均具有极好的抗氧化效果;糅花酸(Ellagic Acid)、杜鹃花酸(Azelaic Acid)、传明酸(Transxamic Aicd)都是可抑制酪胺酸酵素活性,