英语人>词典>汉英 : 大喝特喝 的英文翻译,例句
大喝特喝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
swig  ·  swigged  ·  swigging  ·  swigs

更多网络例句与大喝特喝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some had expected a younger politician would take over the helm of the legislature, an important bully pulpit even if the body itself only rubber-stamps the president's decisions.


But if you think we drank it in the dressing room, you are horribly wrong.


"Emile is no mug, and he will not drink bard."


Then, maneuvering that iron stove through that doorway, with another mighty grunt Pete just heaved it forward and outward, and it smashed down against her little grassy-patched dirt back yard, the sounds of the crash and the iron cracking open sending her little spotted feist dog and her few any-breed chichens all yelping and squawking and flying.


Yesterday evening to a lot of friends, to a room of six friends, I just started It's sober, tried every respect and a cup, not King on the first half of the halo of a rest, King finished and gone. King finished a sigh of relief that gas not come out, came a block e, I know that today is finished, to be drunk but still With special drunk, they sit down to call a bottle of VSOP three, not ten minutes to drink a bottle, after a three-hour bottles became bottles, I start with a good good halo halo, also termed the three boxes began to drink beer. I want you in the end is a human or a whale ah, and they asked me to play Boson, and each of us playing 10, Ma ah, But this 11 individuals ah, in the role of alcohol under I agreed, liquor door open, one out of the past, I have drunk, how I do not know the home, who feels tired today Shuileyitian body not comfortable


My last night in New Jersey, a white friend from New York took me to the nearest big town, trenton, to go to the movies and have a few drinks


He is gorging on rich food…and on Monday he was gorging himself on chicken broth.


After which the mail was robbed in Peace; that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; prisoners in London gaols fought battles with their turnkeys, and the majesty of the law fired blunderbusses in among them, loaded with rounds of shot and ball; thieves snipped off diamond crosses from the necks of noble lords at Court drawing-rooms; musketeers went into St.


Daring burglaries by armed men, and highway robberies, took place in the capital itself every night; families were publicly cautioned not to go out of town without removing their furniture to upholsterers' warehouses for security; the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light, and, being recognised and challenged by his fellow-tradesman whom he stopped in his character of 'the Captain,'gallantly shot him through the head and rode away; the mail was waylaid by seven robbers, and the guard shot three dead, and then got shot dead himself by the other four, 'in consequence of the failure of his ammunition: after which the mail was robbed in Peace; that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; prisoners in London gaols fought battles with their turnkeys, and the majesty of the law fired blunderbusses in among them, loaded with rounds of shot and ball; thieves snipped off diamond crosses from the necks of noble lords at Court drawing-rooms; musketeers went into St.


Daring burglaries by armed men, highway robberies, took place in the capital itself every night; families were publicly cautioned not to go out of town without removing their furniture to upholsterers' warehouses for security; the highwayman in the dark was a City tradesman in the light, and, being recognised challenged by his fellow-tradesman whom he stopped in his character of 'the Captain,'gallantly shot him through the head rode away; the mail was waylaid by seven robbers, the guard shot three dead, then got shot dead himself by the other four, 'in consequence of the failure of his ammunition: after which the mail was robbed in Peace; that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; prisoners in London gaols fought battles with their turnkeys, the majesty of the law fired blunderbusses in among them, loaded with rounds of shot ball; thieves snipped off diamond crosses from the necks of noble lords at Court drawing-rooms; musketeers went into St.

武装歹徒胆大包天的破门抢劫和拦路翦径在京畿重地每天晚上出现 wWw.8tTt8.coM 。有公开的警告发表:各家各户,凡要离城外出,务须把家具什物存入家具店的仓库,以保安全。黑暗中的强盗却是大白天的城市商人。他若是被他以&老大&的身份抢劫的同行认了出来,遭到挑战,便潇洒地射穿对方的脑袋,然后8t t t8.com 扬长而去。七个强盗抢劫邮车,被押车卫士击毙了三个,卫士自己也不免&因为8 Tt t 8。 com 弹尽援绝&被那四个强盗杀死,然后8t t t8.com 邮件便被从从容容地弄走。伦敦市的市长大人,一个神气十足的大员,在特恩安森林被一个翦径的强徒喝住,只好乖乖地站住不动。那强盗竟当着众随员的面把那个显赫人物掳了个精光。伦敦监狱的囚犯跟监狱看守大打出手;法律的最高权威对着囚犯开枪,大口径短枪枪膛里填进了一排又一排的子弹和铁砂。小偷在法庭的客厅里扯下了贵族大人脖子上的钻石十字架。

更多网络解释与大喝特喝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


半夜(midnight)要出去,如果非要到吃东西的地方,那你就看,不要吃,不要被任何人影响,什么笑你把事情复杂化了,当耳边风;坚决不拿叉子,筷子,只吃水果. 如果有酒类非要你喝的话,那你可以吃点肉和蔬菜,保护胃,不要放开吃,大吃特吃再加上酒精,

About Schmidt:关于施密特

而在好莱坞常青树杰克-尼科尔森(Jack Nicholson)2002年的影片"关于施密特"(About Schmidt)中,老头在其退休派对上喝的也是"Gimlet". 这款鸡尾酒最大的特点是清爽顺口,口感单纯,富有成熟的韵味. 将琴酒和酸橙汁混合冰块后在摇杯中摇匀,


swig 满满一口喝下 | swig 大喝特喝 | swig 鲸饮


swig 大喝特喝 | swig 鲸饮 | swill 发激荡声

Shekhar Kapur:谢加.凯普尔

导读: 妮可-基德曼玉背显诱惑 基德曼大喝汽水 影后妮可-基德曼(Nicole Kidman)早前曾往印度乌代浦尔(Udaipur)拍摄某汽水饮料广告,广告由名导雷德利-斯科特(Ridley Scott)监制、<<伊丽莎白2:黄金时代>>谢加-凯普尔(Shekhar Kapur)执导,更请来<<贫


除了它是少量的,奢华的,结构好的,比预想的酒劲更大(在你喝下去后30秒笼罩在意识中的容光焕发的感觉)这个事实外,别无其他. 所以我提出自己的问题,到底什么是真理?答案非常简单,维特根斯坦先生,真理(veritas)就在葡萄酒(vino)里.