英语人>词典>汉英 : 大商店 的英文翻译,例句
大商店 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
warehouse  ·  warehoused  ·  warehouses

更多网络例句与大商店相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The CUI is a one-stop shop for customizing.

CUI 是个定制的一站式大商店

She works in the stationery department of a big store.


If a fire breaks out in a big store, you should find the EXIT,and then quickly leave.


Goddard's half an hour ago - she had been afraid it would rain - she had been afraid it would pour down every moment - but she thought she might get to hartfield first - she had hurried on as fast as possible; but then, as she was passing by the house where a young woman was making up a gown for her, she thought she would just step in and see how it went on; and though she did not seem to stay half a moment there, soon after she came out it began to rain, and she did not know what to do; so she ran on directly, as fast as she could, and took shelter at ford's.


The one-square kilometre town has half-timbered Tudor-style buildings at its centre, a waterfront of Victorian red-brick warehouses, and an outlying area of gabled 20th-century buildings bordered by hedges, plush lawns and leafy roads.


This big shop is an outgrowth of my little shop I started three years ago.


There's a great shop round the corner.


You could see this Evil Seeing Eye in homes, in small stores, in big stores, at your hotel reception area, inside the public bus and of course in the market.


We shopped all the main shop s.


The new cereal box will show at stores early next month.


更多网络解释与大商店相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dime store:折扣商店

great sale --- 大甩卖, | dime store --- 折扣商店, | flea-market --- 跳蚤市场,

gyp joint:高价商店

gynoecium 雌蕊 | gyp joint 高价商店 | gyp 大学校工

mall rat:爱逛商店的年轻人 来源:考试大

joint-stock 参股来源:考试大 | mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人来源:考试大 | means of production 生产要素

Paddy Pallin:服裝和線上商店(澳大利亞)

Outdoor Research服裝,bivy bags,膠鞋和附件(美國) | Paddy Pallin服裝和線上商店(澳大利亞) | Patagonia服裝,背包(美國)

retail store:零售商店

而所谓的零售商(RETAILER)或零售商店(RETAIL STORE),指任何销售量主要来自零售的任何企业机构. 零售组织机构存在很大的差异,且新的零售方式屡出不穷. 有关零售商的分类方法颇多,在此我们将分别讨论下列类型的零售商:(1)商店零售商;


sleepwalker 梦游病者 | shopwalker 大商店的巡视员,顾客招待员 | streetwalker 妓女

The big stores are one of the sights of London:大商店是伦敦一景啊

[07:42.75]or just wander round a store and look at t... | [07:46.38]The big stores are one of the sights of London. ;大商店是伦敦一景啊! | [07:50.09]I went to the sales in January.That was one of the s...

souvenir shop:纪念品商店

舢板比相象中的要好很多,也满大,一圈下来感觉很超值,出香港仔公园搭38路去海洋公园,下车后穿过很长一段天桥到香港仔公园,坐缆车到大树湾玩了一圈在矿车(miner train)买了一张照片,在纪念品商店(souvenir shop)买了一个钥匙圈.

Mountain Designs:帳篷,背包,睡袋,服裝,線上商店(澳大利亞)

Moss Tents Now MSR帳篷(美國) | Mountain Designs帳篷,背包,睡袋,服裝,線上商店(澳大利亞) | Mountain Equipment背包,服裝,睡袋(英國)

shops and saloons, cept the faces were:商店和大廳, cept 臉是

doing their comings and goings about the / 做他們的來臨而且去關於那 | shops and saloons, cept the faces were / 商店和大廳, cept 臉是 | different....hardly no one smiled. / 不同的....被微笑的剛剛沒有....