英语人>词典>汉英 : 大口水罐 的英文翻译,例句
大口水罐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This white porcelain ewer, or pouring vessel, is considered to be the among the most remarkable of all Chinese ceramics.


Sharply incised and combed designs combined with stamped rings, as on the ewer, are typical features of Xicun wares, though generally of poorer quality than this.


It has only been reported in a small number of trees (e.g., Sperry et al. 1994, Ewers et al. 2001). Diurnal refilling via root pressure has been reported in some crop species (Tyree et al. 1986, Stiller et al. 2003), but it is unclear whether trees employ root pressure for daily recovery of hydraulic conductivity.

举例来说, Sperry 等人 1994,大口水罐等人 2001 每日的再将注满经由根压力已经被在一些农作物种(Tyree 等人 1986,较静止的等人 2003)方面报告,但是它是不易了解的是否树雇用为水力导电率的每日恢复植根pe from prison 压力。

One of my English reference sources states that: Mug was originally a term for all earthenware vessels including bowls, jugs, ewers and so on and those potters specializing in these were called mug-potters which continued into Georgian times..

翻译﹕Mug或许源自北欧的Mugg﹔1979 版的「新字典」(注﹕Houghton Mifflin Company所出版)-我的英文参考来源之一是这麼陈述的﹕&Mug原本是一个术语﹐泛指所有的陶瓦器皿﹐包括碗N大口有把手的水罐N脸盆等等﹐一直到乔治王朝(1714年起)﹐专做此类器皿的陶匠都叫马克陶匠&。

更多网络解释与大口水罐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ex cathedra:命令式的; 有权威的; 权威性的

ewer 大口水罐 (名) | ex cathedra 命令式的; 有权威的; 权威性的 | ex libris 藏书标签

Claret Cup:红酒杯

红酒杯(Claret Cup) 大玻璃水罐中加入适量方冰块 100mL柠檬汁 100mL糖浆 200mL鲜橙汁 50mL菠萝汁 50mL橙味利口酒 25mL白色樱桃甜酒 1瓶干红葡萄酒 1000mL冰镇苏打水 用吧匙搅动,红葡萄酒,12人份鸡尾酒.

ewe lamb:哺乳母羊

ewe hogg 断奶后到第一次剪毛的处女羊 | ewe lamb 哺乳母羊 | ewer 大口水壶;水罐


ewe 母羊 | ewer 大口水罐 | stutter 口吃, 结结巴巴


ewe lamb 哺乳母羊 | ewer 大口水壶;水罐 | exaltation 兴奋过度


disdain:蔑视,轻视: 低视他 | ewe,ewer:母羊背着大口水罐. | asthma:哮喘:(喘着气说)唉,什么?

stutter:口吃, 结结巴巴

ewer 大口水罐 | stutter 口吃, 结结巴巴 | stammer 口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地说

broche f:烤肉串签,胸针,门锁轴,[机]主轴 NULL pl.野猪獠牙

1006 broc m. 有柄水壶,大口水罐,一水壶(罐)量 NULL NULL | 1007 broche f. 烤肉串签,胸针,门锁轴,[机]主轴 NULL pl.野猪獠牙 | 1008 brochet m. 白斑狗鱼,梭鱼,竹签鱼 NULL NULL


ewe 母羊 | ewe-necked 颈部细长而塌陷了的 | ewer 大口水罐