英语人>词典>汉英 : 大写字母的 的英文翻译,例句
大写字母的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
uppercase  ·  uppercased  ·  uppercases  ·  uppercasing

更多网络例句与大写字母的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many designs choose that the ascender line to be their cap line as well.


The size or style of the letter or character on a block of type .


A few of your use of the 100 words a number of "composite" word ("composite" of three or more syllables -- the capital letters are not the words).


Typewriter invented in Europe; first model sold in U.S. by Remington, wrote only capital letters.


A large letter, either capital or uncial, used in writing or printing.


He first word is lowercase, but all following words have an initial uppercase letter


Capitalizing a word indicates that you intend it to have a special meaning.


Some commonly agreed findings of legibility research include: text set in lower case is more legible than text set all in upper case, presumably because lower case letter structures and word shapes are more distinctive, having greater saliency with the presence of extenders (ascenders, descenders and other projecting parts); regular upright type is found to be more legible that italics, contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be important, with black on yellow/cream being most effective; positive images are easier to read than negative or reversed; the upper portions of letters play a stonger part than the lower portions in the recognition process; legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose.

在易读性研究方面达成的共识包括:小写字母的文本要比全大写字母的文本易读,大致是由于小写字母的结构和词语形状更容易区分,特征更明显——带有延展性的笔画(ascenders上伸笔画, descenders下伸笔画、以及其他的伸展性笔画部件);标准体字形的易读性要优于斜体;对比很重要——不要用那些耀眼的发光效果;在黄色/奶油色底上使用黑色文字最有效;阳文要比阴文易读;在识别过程中,字母的上部形状要比下部形状发挥更重要的作用;字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

Some commonly agreed findings of legibility research include: text set in lower case is more legible than text set all in upper case, presumably because lower case letter structures and word shapes are more distinctive, having greater saliency with the presence of extenders (ascenders, descenders and other projecting parts); regular upright type is found to be more legible that italics, contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be important, with black on yellow/cream being most effective; positive images are easier to read than negative or reversed; the upper portions of letters play a stonger part than the lower portions in the recognition process; legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose.

在易读性研究方面达成的共识包括:小写字母的文本要比全大写字母的文本易读,大致是由于小写字母的结构和词语形状更容易区分,特征更明显——带有延展性的笔画(ascenders上伸笔画, descenders下伸笔画、以及其他的伸展性笔画部件);标准体字形的易读性要优于斜体;对比很重要——不要有那些耀眼的发光效果;在黄色/奶油色底上使用黑色文字最有效;阳文要比阴文易读;在识别过程中,字母的上部形状要比下部形状发挥更重要的作用;字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

Having the form of an upper-case letter but the same height as lower-case letters.


更多网络解释与大写字母的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capital letter:大写字母

正确的拼字学习法则剖析如何正确地学习拼字;拼字法则是有关英文前缀(prefix)、后缀(suffix)、名词的复数形式(the plurals of nouns)、复合名词(compound words)的复数形式、省字号(')的辨别及如何使用大写字母(capital letter)的拼写研究.


Came across 遇到 | initials 姓名打头的大写字母 | family name 姓

Initials "C.M:两个大写字母

Looks like a cufflink.|好像是个衬衫袖的链扣 | Initials "C.M."|两个大写字母"C.m." | Turquoise and silver.|材质是绿松石 还有银

upper case:大写字母

●英文中的"大写字母"(upper case)的使用是由于印刷业当时把装大写字母铅字的箱子放在了小写字母箱子的上面.

upper case:[印]大写字母盘

go on the stage 上舞台 | upper case [印]大写字母盘 | boiled sweets 高温熬制的糖果, 硬糖

UC Upper Case:大写字母盘

UC Unrecognizable Code 不可识别的代码,乱码 | UC Upper Case 大写字母盘 | UC Upper Character 高位字符


Upper 升高,向上 | Uppercase 大写的,用大写字母排印 | UPS uniterruptable power output 不间断电源

caprylic:辛酸的; 羊脂酸的 (形)

capriole 跳跃 (名) | caprylic 辛酸的; 羊脂酸的 (形) | Caps Lock key 锁帽键, 允许不按 Shift 键而全打大写字母的键 (计算机用语)



upper-case letters:大写字母

unregistered owner identifier 未注册的所有者识别符 | upper-case letters 大写字母 | upper-case name characters 大写名称字元