英语人>词典>汉英 : 大傻瓜 的英文翻译,例句
大傻瓜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dunderpate  ·  damfool  ·  bullsucker

Il grande cocomero
更多网络例句与大傻瓜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I couldn't answer the question so i felt like an airhead.


However, I did feel for my colleague, Miss Yang, because her husband was a total airhead.


She's a total airhead .


He is an arrant fool .


From already the pass take out three greatest mouths in the house and Be take out and say:You the arrant fool of this pig brain, don't jilt you to jilt who ah?


I've tangled with a Balor, a pit fiend, dragons, dracoliches, liches, factols, and ultroloths, but if you think I'd tangle with the Lady, then you're a sodding barmy!


The teacher asked Beryl 8 questions, but she did not answer a single one;she is a B.F.


You are such a blockhead, I shall have to keep on at you for another hour .


She's a real bonehead.


Mike admitted that he was total bozo.


更多网络解释与大傻瓜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She's such a birdbrain:她是个大傻瓜

She's a real bean brain. 她真是个大笨蛋. | She's such a birdbrain! 她是个大傻瓜! | She's very brainy. 她很聪明.

She's a real bonehead:她真是个大傻瓜

This work is bone-breaking! 这项工作很辛苦! | She's a real bonehead. 她真是个大傻瓜. | Wake up, lazy bones! 醒醒吧,懒骨头!

Down here, you great buffoon:在这边,大傻瓜

Grawpy.|格洛普 | Down here, you great buffoon.|在这边,大傻瓜 | Grawpy.|格洛普

e.A confounded idiot:十足的大傻瓜

牐燿.Where is that confounded man? 那个该死的家伙在哪儿? | 牐爀.A confounded idiot 十足的大傻瓜 | 牐爁.I've been kept waiting a confounded long time. 鸣我傻等所时.


dunderhead 笨蛋 | dunderpate 大傻瓜 | dundrearies 颊旁长髯


dunderhead /笨蛋/ | dunderpate /大傻瓜/蠢材/ | dune /沙丘/

ass in grain:十足的大傻瓜

sell your ass [口]不要这样蠢 | till the ass ascends the ladder 决不可能; 绝对办不到; 等到驴年马月 | ass in grain 十足的大傻瓜

fool in grain:十足的大傻瓜

fool away 浪费, 虚掷(时间, 金钱等) | fool in grain 十足的大傻瓜 | fool on 干蠢事


phoney骗子 | looney疯子,大傻瓜 | attorney律师,代理人

The great big, greedy nincompoop:那个贪吃的大傻瓜

Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop|奥古塔斯格卢普 | The great big, greedy nincompoop|那个贪吃的大傻瓜 | Augustus Gloop, so big and vile So greedy, foul and infantile|奥古塔斯格卢普,又肥又皮 贪婪、可恶又幼...